Research Flashcards
What is research
Figuring things out, analyzing it and drawing conclusions
an organised, systematic, data based, critical, objective investigation in to a specific program with the purpose of finding solutions
Steps of academic cycle (solve generic problems)
- problem analysis
- research design
- data collection
- data analysis
- reporting
Designed based research cycle (solve problem for a business)
- problem definition
- analysis and diagnosis
- solution design
- intervention
- learning and evaluation
Basic (fundamental) research
Create a body of knowledge by trying to comprehend how certain problems that occur in an organization can be solved
applied research (solve problems)
Solves a current problem faced by a manager in the work setting, demanding a timely solution
Problem analysis 5 questions
- what is the cause?
- what is the problem?
- what is the aim of the study?
- what is the research question?
- what are the hypotheses
Descriptive research
presenting known information
Exploratory research
trying to find new information
Examinatory research
checking if the hypotheses are true
quantitative research
outcome in numbers, it consists of calculations and an output in graphs and diagrams
qualitative research
any type of study that isnt numerical, tend to use observatory designs, case study or interview techniques
selecting the right number of individuals as representatives for the entire population
research method
what will your research look like and where? tool, instruments, procedure
is your sample sufficiently representative of this population
systematic error introduced into sampling by selecting or encouraging one outcome or answer over others
to what extend does the measurement corresponds to what you want to measure
the degree to which multiple measurements come up with the same result
best way to improve biases
sample randomly
(re)test reliability
Repeat test for example two weeks later. same result?
inter-rater reliabilty
two different researchers. do the results agree to each other?
internal consistency
how separate items on a test relate to each other