Republic Acts related to Education Flashcards
A parallel learning system that provides practical/ viable alternative to the existing formal education instruction.
Alternative Learning System Act of 2020 (RA 11510)
ALS Teachers are called
Mobile Teachers
ALS classrooms are called
Community Learning Centers
Is there an age limit in ALS?
It is a free educational program implemented by DepEd.
Alternative Learning System (ALS)
This is a test in ALS that determines what grade level the student belongs.
Accreditation and Equivalency Program (A&E Program)
Legal basis for Alternative Learning System (ALS)
RA 11510
Legal basis for Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (K-12 program)
RA 10533
How many years for Basic Education?
13 years (1 kinder, 6 elementary, 4 junior high, 2 senior high)
When was K-12 offered to incoming Grade 1 and Grade 7?
Legal basis for Kindergarten Education Act of 2012
RA 10157
Is kindergarten compulsory as a prerequisite for Grade 1? for how many years? what age?
Yes; 1 year; 5 years old
When was the Institutionalization of Kindergarten Education implemented?
Medium of Instruction for Kindergarten
Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE)
MTB-MLE: Instruction
Kindergarten to Grade 3
MTB-MLE: Subject
Grade 1 to Grade 3
Exceptions for MTB-MLE
- Students have different mother tongue.
- Teacher does not speak the mother tongue of the students.
- Resources are not yet available.
- Teachers are not yet trained to use the MTB-MLE program
Legal basis for Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016
RA 10912
CPD: Units/Points
45 - 15 units to renew the license every three years
PRC issued the new Implementing Regards and Regulations (IRR) of the CPD Law called what and on what day?
Resolution No. 2019-1146: February 7
Legal basis for “The Magna Carta for Public School Teacher”
RA 4670
Declaration of Policy of RA 4670
To improve the social and economic status of public-school teachers
Magna Carta Act shall apply to all public school teachers except those in what?
Professorial staff of state colleges and universities
What situation could be the reason why 2 teachers can be employed in the same locality as per authorities?
Married Teachers
Academic Freedom for Basic Education Public Teachers
Teaching and classroom methods
Regular School Hours
8 hrs
Regular Class Hours
6 hrs
Faculty: Paperworks
2 hrs
If 2 hrs are used for teaching, what percentage should be added on the compensation?
25% of his/her basic pay
Regular increments are granted every after how many years?
3 years
Area: Hazardous - what percentage?
25% of their monthly salary
Not less than once a year (Medical Examination and treatment) - free or not?
Free of charge - paid by the government
Compensation For Injuries; during work
Free of charge
You can incur Study Leave once you served for how many years?
7 years
Study Leave should not exceed for how many years? And if so, what happens?
1 year; no compensation
How much would be the compensation for Study Leave?
60% of the monthly salary
This shall be granted to teachers when the nature of illness demands a long treatment that will exceed on year at the least.
Indefinite Leave; exhaust leave credits - if none, no compensation
Salary Increase upon Retirement
One range salary raise upon retirement
They are the one who possess the minimum qualifications but lack the appropriate civil service eligibility.
Provisional Teachers
Legal basis for Decree Professionalizing Teaching
PD 1006
Who are considered teachers?
Elementary Teachers
High School Teachers
Guidance Counselors
School Librarians
Industrial Arts or Vocational Teachers
School Head/ Principal
PD 1006 was signed by
President Ferdinand Marcos
Who creates and conducts the exam under PD 1006?
National Board for Teachers
What is the written examination called under PD 1006?
Professional Board Examination for Teachers (PBET)
How to pass the exam under PD 1006?
General Average = 70%
No rating below = 50% in any subject
Under PD 1006, what can you get after passing the exam?
Professional Teacher Certificate
Who are exempted in taking the exam under PD 1006?
- Teachers who passed Civil Service Commission (CSC) and Department of Education Culture (DEC)
- Teachers with permanent positions under RA 4670 (3 years)
Legal basis for Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994
R.A No. 7836
What are the objectives of R.A No. 7836?
Professionalization of teachers
Licensure examination
Teaching refers to the profession concerned primarily with what?
- Classroom instruction
- Elementary and Secondary Levels
- Part-time and Full-time
- Private or Public Schools
Who are considered teachers under R.A 7836?
- Elementary Teachers
- High School Teachers
- Industrial Arts or Vocational Teachers
- School Head/ Principal
What refers to the department for teachers that creates questions for the board exam?
Board for Professional Teachers (BPT)
What refers to the department that has the authority to declare that you are a licensed professional already?
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)
What is the written examination called under R.A 7836?
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)
Under R.A 7836, what are required before any person is allowed to practice as a professional teacher?
- Certificate of Registration
- Valid Professional License
Scope of Examination for BEED
- General Education (40%)
- Professional Education (60%)
Scope of Examination for BSED
- General Education (20%)
- Professional Education (40%)
- Specialization (40%)
Qualification Requirements of Applicants
- A citizen of the Philippines or an alien whose country has reciprocity
- 18 years old
- In good health with high moral values
- Has not been convicted by final judgment by a court
- A graduate of a school recognized by the government and possesses the minimum educational qualifications
What are the minimum educational qualifications under RA 7836?
- Preschool: BECED
- K and Elementary: BEED
- Secondary: BSED
- Arts and Science graduate: 10 units in PROF ED
- Vocational and Technical Courses: 18 units in PROF ED (Bachelor’s Degree in the field of specialization)
Report of the Results of the Examination
The Board shall report the ratings to PRC within 120 days for approval and appropriate action
Issuance of Certificate of Registration and Professional License
The registration commences from the date his name is enrolled in the roster of professional teachers
Is it required to take his professional oath before practicing as a professional teacher?
Is it required to become a member of the integrated national organization (Philippine Association for Teachers and Educators)?
NO, but it is encouraged.
Are there possibilities that the Board can revoke the certificate of registration, suspension from the practice, and cancellation of permit?
YES - study those causes (Section 23 (RA 7836)
No person shall engage in teaching unless he is a duly registered professional teacher. Are there any exception? In what condition?
- Holder of Civil Service Commission (CSC) and Department of Education Culture and Sports (DECS)
- Holder of Professional Teacher Certificate (PTC) under DECS and P.D 1006
- Elementary or Secondary teacher for 5 yrs in good standing and a holder of Bachelor of Science in Education
- Elementary or Secondary teacher for 3 yrs in good standing and a holder Master’s Degree in Education
NOTE: They shall be given 2 years by the Board for Professional Teachers to register and be included in the roster of professional teachers.
Furthermore, teachers who are currently employed but do not meet the qualifications to register without taking an exam under this Act, or those who are qualified but were unable to register within the specified two-year period, will be granted a temporary or special permit. This permit will be valid for five years, starting from the time the Board is established, and these teachers will be listed in the official registry of professional teachers.
In what section and Republic Act does this belong: Hiring of Graduates of Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering, and Other Specialists in Subjects With a Shortage of Qualified Applicants, Technical-Vocational Courses and Higher Education Institution Faculty
R.A 10533 Section 8; DepEd and private education institutions shall hire, as may be relevant to the particular subject:
- Graduates of science, mathematics, statistics, engineering, and other degree courses are short of qualified LET applicants who can teach their specialized subjects in elementary and secondary school. - Provided that they pass the LET within 5 years after their date of hire; provided that if it is on a part-time basis, provisions of LET shall no longer be required
- Graduates of Technical-Vocational courses; possess certification issued by TESDA; appropriate in-service training to be administered by the DepEd or higher education institutions (HEIs)
- Faculty of HEIs be allowed to teach in general education or subject specialties in the secondary; provided that he is a holder of a relevant Bachelor’s degree; served full-time HEI faculty
- Practitioners with expertise; teach on a part-time basis only
Penal Provisions
not less than 5,000 nor more than 20,000; imprisonment of not less than 6 months nor more than 5 years
- practices teaching without a certificate
- using a certificate of another person
- false evidence
- impersonates any registrant of the same or different name
used revoked or suspended certificate of registration
- advertises that he is a teacher without a valid certificate
It is an act amending certain sections of RA 7836 (Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994)
RA 9293
Under RA 9293, how many units should be taken by Arts and Science graduate in professional education?
18 units
Those who have failed the licensure examination with a rating of not lower than 5% from the passing general average shall be eligible of a two-year special permit (renewable for a non-extendible period of 2 years). Who are they?
Where can para-teachers be assigned?
Areas where there is a shortage or absence of a professional teacher, as identified/provided by DepEd and ARMM Education Department.
A special permit may also be issued by the Board to a person who has excelled and gained ___ recognition. These people are widely acknowledged as ___ in their respective field of specialization.
international; expert
If Lea Salonga be given a special permit, what specific field can she teach?
If Manny Pacquiao be given a special permit, what specific field can she teach?
If Liza Macuja be given a special permit, what specific field can she teach?
Teaching is a profession, thus it requires:
- Long years of initial professional education
- Degree
- Licensure Examination
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- Code of Ethics