Reproductive System Flashcards
- primary FOLLICLE develops into mature Graafian follicle
- The follicle secretes oestrogen (secondary sexual characteristics and endometrium development)
-*NB!! Oestrogen levels also stimulate the release of LH which in turn stimulates ovulation
- Rupture of Graafian follicle releasing the immature ovum due to the secretion of LH.
- Mature follicle bulges from the surface of the ovary and more fluid accumulates in it until it ruptures
- LH promotes the development of a mass of yellow cells called the corpus luteum from the ruptured follicle
- This secretes progesterone that maintains the endometrium for implantation (which inhibits LH and FSH which allows only one follicle to be ovulated at a time)
- If fertilisation does not occur, this tissue degenerates, forming a white scar and LH and FSH is secreted again.
- ovulation takes place
- endometrium thickens
- developing follicle is not fertilized and menstruation occurs
- endometrium very thick
- endometrium destroyed and discarded
- ovulation takes place and new endometrium starts to form
Zygote to Blastocyst
The zygote undergoes mitosis to form a ball of cells called the morula.
The morula undergoes more mitosis to form a hollow ball of cells called the blastocyst.
The blastocyst has an outer layer of cells called trophoblast which forms chorionic villi that grows into the endometrium.
This is called implantation
Umbilical Artery (RED - away from heart)
- High in O2 (nutrients)
- Low in CO2 (waste)
Umbilical Vein (BLUE - toward heart)
- Low in O2 (nutrients)
- High in CO2 (waste)
- Provides Nutrition of the embryo ensures maternal and fetal blood are in close contact (diffusion occurs across a thin membrane)
- Excretion
- Allows for Gaseous exchange
- A micro-filter preventing pathogen entry, and allowing antigens resulting in passive immunity for the baby
- Endocrine gland: after 12 weeks it secretes oestrogen and progesterone to maintain pregnancy
Umbilical cord
Has 2 Functions:
- carry deoxygenated blood to the from foetus to placenta (artery)
- carry oxygenated blood away from placenta to foetus (vein)
- tough, extra-embryonic membrane lining the chorion surrounding the foetus
- encloses the amniotic cavity
Chorionic villi
finger-like projections that develop around the blastocyst during implantation
Outermost extra-embryonic membrane surrounding the embryo
Amniotic Fluid
- provides the watery medium in which the foetus can move freely and develop
- protects foetus from shocks, dehydration and temperature changes.
produce sperm cells and the hormone testosterone
It protects thetestes and holds them “outside” at 2 degrees lower than body temperature.
tubule outside the testes but still in the scrotum.
It temporarily store spermatids until they mature into sperm cells
it transports urine and semen out of the body
Vas Deferens
A muscular tupe passing from epididymis to the urethra.
It transports sperm from the epididymis to the urethra.
Seminal Vesicles
it produces an alkaline fluid to neutralize vaginal acids which would kill sperm
Prostate gland
produces nutrient rich fluid that provides energy for the sperm cells and also protects sperm cells from acidic environment of the vagina
Cowper’s Gland
They produce mucus for lubrication and sperm motility