Reproductive Flashcards
Maxillary process --> Maxilla, zygoMatic bone Mandibular process--> Meckel cartilage --> Mandible Malleus and incus, sphenoMandibular ligament
1st arch
Muscles of Mastication (temporalis, Masseter, lateral and Medial pterygoids), Mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini
1st arch
Reichert cartilage: Stapes, Styloid process, lesser horn of hyoid, Stylohyoid ligament
2nd arch
Muscles of facial expression,
Stapedius, Stylohyoid,
platySma, posterior belly
of digastric
2nd arch
CN V2 and V3
1st arch
glossoptosis, cleft
palate, airway
Pierre Robin sequence—
—neural crest dysfunction
–> mandibular hypoplasia, facial
Treacher Collins
CN VII (facial
2nd arch
Greater horn of hyoid
3rd arch
Stylopharyngeus (think
of stylopharyngeus
innervated by
glossopharyngeal nerve)
3rd arch
CN IX (stylopharyngeus) swallow stylishly
3rd arch
Arytenoids, Cricoid, Corniculate, Cuneiform, Thyroid (used to sing and ACCCT)
4-6 arches
most pharyngeal
constrictors; cricothyroid,
levator veli palatini
all intrinsic
muscles of larynx except
6th arch
form posterior 1⁄3 of tongue;
Arches 3 and 4
maxillary artery
1st aortic arch
cca and proximal ica
3rd aortic arch
stapedial and hyoid artery
2nd aortic arch
left (aortic arch) and right is the proximal right subclavian artery
4th aortic arch
right recurrent laryngeal nerve wraps around
right subclavian artery
ductus arteriosus
6th aortic arch
left recurrent laryngeal nerve wraps around
aortic arch
external auditory meatus
1st branchial cleft
temporal cervical sinuses ; obliterated by 2nd arch mesenchyme
2nd-4th branchial cleft
persistent cervical sinus
branchial cleft cyst within lateral neck that doesn’t move with swallowing
Middle ear cavity, eustachian
tube, mastoid air cells.
1st pouch
Epithelial lining of palatine
2nd pouch
Dorsal wings inferior
Ventral wings thymus.
3rd pouch
Dorsal wings superior parathyroids. Ventral wings ultimobranchial body parafollicular (C) cells of thyroid.
4th pouch
Chromosome 22q11 deletion. Aberrant development of 3rd and 4th pouches–> T-cell deficiency (thymic aplasia) and hypocalcemia (failure of parathyroid development). Associated with cardiac
defects (conotruncal anomalies).
Digeorge syndrome
failure of fusion of the maxillary and
medial nasal processes (formation of 1° palate).
cleft lip
failure of fusion of the two lateral
palatine shelves or failure of fusion of lateral
palatine shelves with the nasal septum and/or
median palatine shelf (formation of 2° palate).
cleft palate
paramesonephric duct aka
mullerian duct
mesonephric duct aka
wolffian duct
genital tubercle gives rise to:
glans penis, corpus cavernosum, spongiosum, vestibular bulbs, and glans clitorris
glans penis =
glans clitorris
corpus cavernosum and spongiosum=
vestibular bulbs
urogenital sinus gives rise to
bulbourthral glands of Cowper, prostate gland, greater vestibular glands of bartholin and urethral/paraurethral glands of skene
bulbourethral glands =
greater vestibular glands of bartholin
prostate gland=
urethral/paraurethral glands of skene
ventral shaft of the penis=
labia minoria
labia majora=
labioscrotal swelling gives rise to
the labia major and scrotum
urogenital folds give rise to
labia minora and ventral shaft of the penis
lymph drainage:
Body of uterus/cervix/superior bladder
external iliac nodes.
Lymph drainage:
para-aortic lymph nodes.
Lymph drainage:
Prostate/cervix/corpus cavernosum/proximal
internal iliac nodes.
Lymph drainage:
Distal vagina/vulva/scrotum/distal anus
superficial inguinal nodes.
Lymph drainage:
Glans penis
deep inguinal nodes.