Kaplan Embryo Flashcards
Pharyngeal arch 3 gives rise to the aortic arch that contributes to the ___artery and ____artery
Common carotid, and internal carotid arteries bilaterally
Pharyngeal arch 4 gives rise to the aortic arch that contributes to the ____ on the left side and ___ on the right side
arch of the aorta on the left, and right subclavian artery on the right
internal carotid arteries branch into the what two cerebral arteries that form the anterior circulation of the brain?
middle and anterior cerebral arteries
subclavian arteries give rise to the ___ arteries that join to form the vertebrobasilar or posterior circulation of the brain?
vertebral arteries
Arch 6 gives rise to the aortic arch that contributes to the __ artery and the ____ on the left and the ___ on the right
pulmonary artery and ductus arteriosus on the left and the pulmonary artery on the right
The ductus arteriosus connects the ____ to the _____
left pulmonary artery to the aortic arch.
Neural Crest Ectoderm
Adrenal medulla, all ganglia, neurons, melanocytes, Schwann cells, meninges (Pia and arachnoid), pharyngeal arch cartilage, odontoblasts, parafollicular c cells, aorticopulmonary septum (spiral septum), endocardial cushions
cleft lip occurs when?
lateral maxillary prominences fail to fuse with medial nasal prominences
cleft palate occurs when?
palatine shelves (maxillary prominences) fail to fuse with each other or the primary palate (fused medial nasal prominences)
urachus obliterates and forms what?
mediaN umbilical ligament
leaking of urine through the neonate’s umbilicus?
due to the failure of the urachus to close resulting in a urachal fistula (patent urachus)
what is the adult remnant of the distal portion of the umbilical artery?
mediaL umbilical ligament
Presentation: coughing, gagging, vomiting with feedings, may result in aspiration causing pneumonitis and wheezing?
tracheoesophageal fistula
Presentation: poor air entry on the left, with a shift of cardiac sounds to the right. There is a space occupying mass in the thorax, and that causes the ipsilateral lung to be hypo-plastic to varying degrees
congenital diaphragmatic hernia
failure of the left maxillary prominence to unite with the left medial nasal prominences
cleft lift
Monozygotic twins or identical twins develop from a single fertilized egg that subsequently splits during either ____ or ___ stage
morula or blastocyst stages
blastocyst stage splitting ; cleavage day 4-8 would result in
monochorionic diamniotic ( 1 placenta with 2 amniotic cavities
morula stage splitting; cleavage day 1-3 would result in
diachrorionic diamniotic
primum type atrial septal defect
failure of the septum primum to fuse completely with the endocardial cushions leaving a persistent ostium primum
the thyroid gland develops from the thyroid diverticulum which forms in the midline near the
foramen cecum
occurs when a remnant of the vitelline duct persists, forming a blind pouch located in the distal ileum within 30 inches of the ileocecal valve
meckel diverticulum
presentation: massive painless rectal bleeding
meckel’s diverticulitis that has become inflamed because it contained ectopic pancreatic or gastric mucosa which may produce ulceration
sarcoccygeal teratomas are thought to arise from where?
primitive streak; because all germ layers are present.
embryoligcal origin of external auditory meatus and canal?
1st pharyngeal cleft
result from the incomplete obliteration of the second (or third or fourth) pharyngeal cleft
brachial cleft cyst
hematopoiesis sequence embryologically
yolk sac (3 weeks) liver (1 month) spleen and lymphatic organs (2-4 months) and bone marrow after 4 months
Presentation: severe headaches, tachycardia, palpitations, diaphoresis, anxiety and hypertensive episodes. DX? Embryological tumor origin?
pheochromocytoma ; neural crest cells (adrenal medulla specifically)
oocytes arrested at what stage until puberty?
prophase meiosis 1
oocytes arrested at which stage prior to ovulation?
metaphase meiosis 2
presentation: projectile bilious vomiting
annular pancreas
malroation of the dental pancreatic bud that rotates around both the right and left sides of the second part of the duodenum causing duodenal stenosis
annular pancreas
what gives rise to neurological cells including astrocytes and oligodendrocytes
neuroectoderm cells
the paired umbilical arteries arise from the ____; they carry fetal _____ blood from the fetal circulation to the placenta
internal iliac arteries ; deoxygenated
teacher collins syndrome (mandibulofacial dystosis) is characterized by:
abnormally formed mandible, ears, facial bones and palate and is due to abnormal development of the first and second pharyngeal arch, cleft, and pouch.
rostral is _____ and caudal is ______
rostral opens at the cranial end (top) ; caudal is the bottom end
hypospadias is associated with an increased frequency of what 2 things?
UTI and sterility (INFERTILITY)