Reproduction In Plants Flashcards
Whats vegetative propagation?
Type of asexual reproduction in which new plants develop from vegetative part of plant.
Concept of tissue culture was given by
Whats tissue culture?
Growth of explant in vitro conditions.
Growth of cells, tissues, organs in lab conditions.
Whats explant?
Cells, tissue or organs that is used to start culture technique.
Loading of explant over nutrient medium is called
Closed chamber used to conduct tissue culture is c/d
Bio-reactor or innoculation chamber.
Nutrient medium should have
Sucrose (c12h22o11)(glu-glu)
Phytohormones esp. auxin and cytokinins
Most commonly used nutrient medium is
MS medium.
Whats liquid medium?
Prepared by dissolving all contents with water.
Aka suspension medium.
Whats solid/gel medium?
Prepared by adding 1-2% agar-agar in liquid medium.
Sterilisation is done by
Boiling or treatment with alcohol.
Surface sterilisation is done by
Adding anti-microbials like chlorax.
UV sterilisation is done by
Passing uv radiations in a bio-reactor.
Whats continuous culture?
When older medium is replaced by new fresh medium.
Whats batch culture?
When cells are shifted to new medium.
Nucellus culture is done so as to
Produce disease free plants.
Give 2 significance of embryo culture?
To overcome problem of seed dormancy.
To perform embryo rescue (to prevent embryo from forming non-viable seeds).
Production of virus free plants is obtained by ______ culture.
Meristem culture.
Whats androgenic haploid?
Haploid plants developed from anther cells(male).
Which type of tissue culture results in production of androgenic haploids?
Anther culture.
Whats cybrid?
Cybrid / somatic hybrid =organism produced by crossing two genetically organisms asexually.
Whats micropropagation /somo-clonal propagation?
Type of tissue culture in which a new plant is produced from small group of cells.
Production of cybrid is a significance of _________ culture.
Protoplast culture (fused protoplast is used as explant).
Virus used in protoplast culture for fusion of protoplast of 2 cells is ______ .
Sendai virus (used in viral fusion of protoplast).
PEG stands for _______ used in _______fusion of protoplast.
Poly ethylene glycol used in chemo-fusion of protoplasts of 2 cells during protoplast culture.
Whats artificial seed?
Embryoids (aka somatic embryo, is a embryo like structure produced during tissue culture) wrapped in gelatin or agar agar represent artificial seeds.
Whats cutting?conditions for cutting?
Formation of new plant from ‘detached part of plant’ under suitable conditions.
1. Presence of at-least one bud.
2.abundance of meristematic tissue.
3. Suitable conditions; phytohormones like auxin, ethylene.
Examples of root cutting?
Sweet potato
Examples of leaf cutting?
Examples of stem cutting?
Whats layering?
Formation of new plant from ‘attached part of plant’ under suitable conditions.
Layering examples ?
Walnut (Air layering)
Whats Grafting ?
Union of 2 plant parts to form a composite plant.
Union of scion and stock to form composite plant.
Define scion & stock?
Plant part used along with root system = stock
Branch shifted over stock = scion
Grafting is not possible in monocots due to absence of vascular cambium.
Naturally vegetative propagation by roots is seen in
Sweet potato
Naturally vegetative propagation by leaf is seen in
Sansveria (snake plant)
Naturally vegetative propagation by buds either bulbils or turions is seen in
Bulbils: Agave, lily, ananas,oxalis.
Turions: utricularia.
Naturally vegetative propagation by aerial stem is observed in
Cactus (opuntia) = flat phylloclade
Euphorbia = cylindrical phylloclade
Which organism can participate in vegetative propagation?
Marchantia , a liverwort(belonging to bryophyta) possess green multicellular asexual buds c/d gemma which develops inside gemma cups.
Vegetative propagation in lawn grass occurs by
Runner =a sub-aerial stem
Jasmine & peppermint perform vegetative propagation by
Stolon = a sub-aerial stem
Water hyacinth(eichorrnia) & water lettuce show vegetative propagation by
Offset =sub-aerial stem
Sucker (sub-aerial stem) is involved in vegetative propagation in
Potato shows vegetative propagation by
Tuber = underground stem
Onion 🧅 & garlic 🧄 show vegetative propagation by
Bulb (underground stem)
Rhizome (underground stem) is involved in vegetative propagation of
Turmeric , ginger = branched rhizome
Ferns = unbranched rhizome
Corm (an underground stem) is involved in vegetative propagation of
Saffron (crocos sativus)
What is sporulation?
Formation of mitospores (spores formed by mitosis).
Process of Formation of spores.
How does sporulation occur in K.monera K.protista K.fungi K.plantae Give examples for each.
K.Monera (bacteria) = during unfavourable conditions by endospore formation.
K.protista (amoeba) = during unfav. conditions by encystation.
K.Fungi = by zoospores,aplanospores,conidia etc. Most common spore is conidia (for example penicillium, asparagus).
K.Plantae (algae)= zoospores, aplanospores. Most common soore is zoospore.
Most common spore of K.Fungi is
Most common spore of K.Plantae is
Define conidia.
Spores produced in bead like manner over conidiophores. • mitospore • non-motile • non-flagellate • Exogenous spore
Define zoospore.
Motile spores produced inside zoosporangia. • Mitospore • Motile • Flagellate • Endogenous spores
Zoospores of brown algae like fucus, ectocarpus has
2 flagella, arising laterally, in heterokont condition (diff. sized)
Zoospores of green algae like volvox, chlamydomonas has
2-8 flagella, arising apically, in isokont condition (same sized).
Examples of annuals.
•complete there life cycle in one year only ; Oats Maize Wheat Paddy
Examples of biennial.
•complete their life cycle in 2 years ( develop vegetative parts in 1st yr & reproductive parts in 2nd yr). Carrot Radish Turnip Spinach Cabbage
Examples of perennials.
Survive for many years.
🥭 Mango
🍎 Apple
🍁 Chinar
Monocarpic plants are
Plants that flower only once in their life cycle =monocarpic.
All annuals & biennials.
Polycarpic plants are
Plants which flower repeatedly in their life cycle.
Majority of perennials.
Examples of Monocarpic perennials.
#Agave (century plant)= grows vegetatively for 100yrs then flowers once & dies. #Some species of bamboo=grows vegetatively for 50-100yrs then flowers once & dies. #Strobilanthus (Neelakuranji)flowers after 12yrs then dies.(flowered in sep-oct 2006.
Inter flowering period belongs to
a) Pre-reproductive phase
b) Reproductive phase
c) Post-reproductive phase
Reproductive phase.
Aka recovery phase as plant prepares itself for next flowering.
Male sex organ of algae (chara) is called
Its round in shape; covering has 8 shield shells; produces male gametes c/d antherozoids/sperms (spirally coiled & biflagellate).
Female sex organ of algae (chara) is
Elongated; body covered with 5 spirally arranged cells c/d tube cells; apex contains 5 elongated cells c/d coronary cells; contains single egg cell.
Algae (chara) is mostly
A) Monoecious
B) Dioecious
Monoecious except Chara wallichi which is dioecious
Protoandry means
Male matures first.
Protoandry is seen in chara, an algae.
Male sex organ of bryophytes (marchantia) is called ______ & female sex organ is called ______.
In marchantia antherozoids are biflagellate / multi flagellate / non-flagellate.
Produced by cube shaped cells c/d androcytes, of antheridium.
__________ are first embryophytes.
In ferns (pteridophyte), sperms are biflagellate/multiflagellate/non-flagellate.
__________ are called cone-bearing plants.
Define male cone?
Small sized cones formed by aggregation of microsporophylls.
Define female cone.
Large sized cones formed by aggregation of megasporophylls.
Pollination in gymnosperms occurs by
Whats zooidogammy?
When male gametes are motile & water is required for fertilization.
Whats siphinogammy.
When male gametes are non-motile & pollen tube is involved for gamete transfer.
Whats siphino-zooidogammy?
Male gamets are motile, still pollen tube is formed for transport of gamete.
for example cycas, ginkgo.
Zooidogammy Ginkgo
Siphinogammy Bryophytes
Siphino-zooidogammy Cycas
, Gymnosperms
Zooidogammy = algae, bryophytes & pteridophytes Siphinogammy = gymnosperms Siphino-zooidogammy = cycas & ginkgo.
Angiosperms are k/a
Flowering plants
Study of flowers
Smallest flower is produced in
Largest flower is produced in
Staminode is
Term used for sterile stamens.
Pistillode is
Term used for sterile pistils.
Condition when both calyx & corolla is present
Monochlamydous condition is
When either calyx or corolla is present.
Condition if both calyx & corolla is absent
Stribilanthus kunthiana flowers after every _____ yrs
12 yrs.
Found in kerala,tamil nadu,karnataka.
Example of perennial plant that flowers throughout the year.
China rose (shoe flower)
Examples of organisms having isogametes.
Algae= cladophora, chlamydomonas debaryana, ulothrix. Fungi= synchytrium, rhizopus.
Examples of organisms with hetrogametes
Algae= fucus,volvox,chara.
All bryophytes,pteridophyte, gymnosperms,angiosperms.
Chromosome number in meiocyte of Onion Maize Rice Apple Potato Ophioglossum (an adder’s tongue fern) Is?
Onion = 16 Maize = 20 Rice = 24 Apple = 34 Potato = 48 Ophioglossum =1260
Chromosome number in meiocyte of Fruitfly Housefly Cat Rat Dog Butterfly
Fruitfly = 8 Housefly = 12 Cat = 38 Rat = 42 Dog = 78 Butterfly = 380
Name a homothallic organism.
Fungi (Mucor mucedo).
Homaothallic condition = if gametes belong to same parent
Define heterothallic condition.
If gametes belong to different parents.
Examples of bisexual flower.
China rose 🥀
Sweet potato 🍠
Examples of monoecious plant
Coconut 🥥
Examples of dioecious plant
Date palm
In algae, bryophytes & pteridophytes ____ is the medium for gamete transfer.
In few fungi and algae both types of gametes are motile.
Example of bisexual, self-fertilising plant is
Here transfer of pollen grains is comparatively easy.
_____ is the 1st cell of new generation in all sexually reproducing organisms.
Its the vital link b/w 2 successive generations.
Body of all multicellular organisms develop from single celled ___.
Thick walled zygote is called
In many algae & fungi, zygote secretes a thick wall that is resistant to desiccation & damage.
Embryogenesis involves
Cell division through mitosis
Cell differentiation to form different tissues
Morphogenesis i.e dev. Of diff. internal & external str.s
Embryo formation is present in all plant groups except
In flowering plants, zygote develops into _____ & food for embryo development comes from _____.
Endosperm, a special tissue.
_______ is the progenitor of next generation,found in mature seed.
Ripened ovary with pericarp/fruit wall and seed is called
As fruit develops sepals persist in ____.
Though generally sepals,petals,stamens,style & stigma shed as the fruit develops.
In majority of plants like bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms, angiosperms & few algae like spirogyra; egg is formed inside _____ organism where syngammy occurs.
Female organism.
Majority of aquatic orgs like most of the algae, fishes, amphibians show ______fertilisation.
external fertilisation.