Reproduction Flashcards
organs that produce sperm and sex hormones
pouch of skin containing testes. It hangs outside the body to keep the sperm cooler than normal body temperature.
vas deferens
The tube through which sperm cells travel from the testes to the penis
prostate gland
Secretes some of the liquid that is added to sperm cells to form semen. The fluid secreted by the prostate gland is alkaline and contains many chemicals including enzymes. It plays an important role in keeping sperm cells alive once they enter the female reproductive system.
seminal vesicle
Also contributes some of the liquid that makes up semen. The fluid produced by the seminal vesicle contains proteins, enzymes, sugar, vitamin C and other substances. The sugar provides a source of energy for sperm cells.
The tube inside the penis through which semen leaves the male’s body
The penis swells during sexual arousal. Semen containing sperm cells is ejaculated (released) from the penis into the vagina.
sacs containing egg cells
fallopian tubes
tiny tubes joining the ovaries to the uterus. Fertilisation occurs in one of these tubes
penetration of the ovum by a sperm
life stage when the sex glands become active and bodily changes occur to enable reproduction
chemical substances produced by glands and circulated in the blood. Hormones have specific effects in the body.
the first menstrual period
menstrual cycle
beginning of one period to the beginning of the next period
sexual reproduction
joining together of male and female reproductive cells
reproductive cells (sperm or ova) containing half the genetic information of normal cells
male reproductive cell. It consists of a head, a middle section and a tail used to swim towards the egg.
female gametes or sex cells. Singular = ovum.
cell formed by the fusion of two gametes; fertilised ovum before it starts to divide into more cells
internal fertillisation
reproduction where the egg remains in the female and is fertilised by sperm inserted into the female
the act of inserting sperm into the female; also called sexual intercourse or mating
sexual intercoarse
act of inserting sperm into the female; also called copulation or mating
a new branch of science that involves studying the effect of our experiences on the expression of our genetic information
nuclear DNA
genetic material passed on from both parents, from the nucleus of both the sperm and the ovum
genetic material from the mitochondria, passed on only from the mother
release of sperm
combination of fluid and sperm
fraternal twins
twins developed from different fertilised eggs
group of cells formed from the zygote and developing into different body organs
the process whereby the embryo becomes embedded in the wall of the uterus
the unborn young of an animal that has developed a distinct head, arms and legs
an organ formed in the mother’s womb through which the baby receives food and oxygen from the mother’s blood and the baby’s wastes are removed
gestation period
time spent by offspring developing in the uterus
describes a baby born less than 37 weeks after conception
child birth
describes a birth in which the baby is born feet first
operation to remove a baby by cutting the mother’s abdomen
a hormone
embedding of a fertilised egg in the uterus wall
prevention of fertilisation of an egg or prevention of a fertilised egg becoming embedded in the uterus wall
devices or substances that prevent fertilisation of an egg or prevent a fertilised egg becoming embedded in the uterus wall
transdermal pathes
skin applications containing hormones that are absorbed through the skin
vaginal pills
soluble capsules containing spermicides that are placed in the vagina to prevent conception
filshie clip
type of fallopian tube clamp
hormone injections that reduce sperm production
anti-fertility vaccines
injections to control sperm and testosterone levels
sperm duct plug
injection of a liquid plastic to block the sperm duct
chemical sterilisation
oral medication that results in male infertility
a non-hormonal substance that occurs naturally in unrefined cottonseed oil. When taken orally, it reduces sperm count.
the inability to have children
describes a person unable to produce reproductive cells
donor eggs
ova from another woman
test tube babies
babies resulting from fertilisation of eggs by sperm in the laboratory
pregnancy that occurs when the fertilised egg is placed in the uterus of another woman who did not produce the egg
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
a procedure to diagnose and exclude genetic abnormalities in embryos before implantation into the mother’s body
sound with frequencies too high for humans to hear
removal and testing of fluid from the amniotic sac surrounding the fetus
corionis villus samling
removal and testing of fluid from the amniotic sac surrounding the fetus
the reproductive part of angiosperms containing petals, stamens and carpels. They are often colourful to attract pollinating insects.
the coloured parts of a flower that attract insects
parts of a flower, at the base of the petals, that secrete nectar
fine powder containing the pollen grains (the male sex cells of a plant)
the female part of a flower, at the top of the carpel, that catches the pollen during pollination