Repro 3: Puberty And Abnormalities Of Mensturation Flashcards
What is thelarche?
Development of breast
What is puberache?
Development of axillary and pubic hair
What is menarche?
First menstrual period
What is adrenarche?
Onset of an increase in the secretion of androgens
When do girls and boys experience puberty on average?
Girls 8-13yrs
Boys 9-14 yrs
(Girls begin earlier than boys)
What is the ‘critical weight’ for menarche to begin?
How can pubertal development be staged?
Classified via the Tanner standard
What is precocious puberty?
Puberty before 8 years in girls, or before 9 years in boys.
What are different causes of precious puberty?
Gonadotropin dependent: tumour, CNS trauma, hydrocephalus
Gonadotropin independent: gonad matures without GnRH stimulation, testosterone and oestrogen elevated by LH and FSH low (negative feedback) could be due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia, gonad neoplasms, exogenous steroid exposure, testotoxicosis
What is testotoxicosis?
Autosomal dominant conditions causing precious puberty in males, rapid growth and sexually aggressive behaviour seen in first 2-3 years of life
What is Turner’s syndrome?
Females with 45XO karyotype (or 46XX with defect) Either only one normal X chromosome present Short stature Grandad dysgenesis Dysmorphic face Cardiac and kidney malformation * no mental defect! * Thereby is growth hormones
When would a child’s puberty be classed as delayed?
If there were no initial physical changes of puberty present by 13 years in females and 14 years in boys (or not primary amenorrhoea at 15.5-16 in girls)
What is an example of hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism that can cause delayed puberty?
Gonadal failure eg Turners syndrome, post chemotherapy/ radiotherapy
What could cause hypogoandotrophic hypogonadism?
Gonadal deficiency eg if mutation inactivated FSH and LH receptors, or hypothalamus or pituitary lesions eg tumours or post-radiotherapy
What do the Tanner’s stages looks at?
Girls: breast size, pubic hair, Axillary hair, menarche
Boys: testicular volume, spermarche, pubic hair, penis enlargement
Looks at 5 stages for each
What is the menopause?
Cessation of the menstrual cycle when all of the follicles in the ovaries have been depleted, occurs at around 50 years
How does the menopause affect levels of gonadal hormones?
Oestrogen and progesterone fall (high FSH and LH due to lack of -ve feedback, high FSH:LH ratio due to lack of inhibin)
What changes can result due to menopause?
Low gonadal hormone levels can lead to:
- osteoporosis
- regression of endometrium
- involuted not of breast tissue
- vascular changes ie hot flushes
- loss of pelvic tone in bladder (leads to urinary incontinence)