Repro Flashcards
Body organ tht produces the cells necessary for reproducton
When stimulated, this part of the beain synthesized and releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone
This gland release FSH and LH
Anterior Pituitary
Anterior pituitary gland release hormone/s called?
FSH and LH
Which hormone influences the enlargement of labia majora, clitoris, and the formation of axilla/pubic hair?
Term for beggining of breast development
A rugated, skin-covered, muscular pouch suspended from the perineum.
-support the testes
-regulates temperature of the sperm
Episodic uterine bleeding in response to cylic hormonal changes
Menstrual cycle
Purpose of menstrual cycle
bring an ovium to maturity
renew uterine tissue bed
Average length of menstrual cycle
28 days
term for menstrual flow
It is released from the hyphothalamus that stimulates the menstrual cycle
4 organs involved in the physiology of mentrsual cycle
hyphothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries, and uterus.
part of anterior pituitary gland that produces two hormones
Hormone that is active in early in the cycle and is responsible for the maturation of ovum.
-Most active at the middle of the cycle
-Responsible for the ovulation
-Release of the mature egg cells from the ovary
-Stimulates the growth of uterine lining during
the second half of menstrual cycle
Luteinizing Hormone
Small ovum (size of a period) surrounded with follicular membrane and fluid
Grafiaan Follicle
remnants of ovarian follicle / ruptured grafiaan follicle
corpus luteum
average amount of menstrual flow
30-80 mL
It happens when the ovum is set free from the surface of the ovary
T or F
basal body temp drops slightly by 0.5 to 1F before the day of ovulation because of extreme level of progesterone
“yellow body”
corpus luteum
“white body”
corpus albicans
Uterine Phases
-immediately after a menstrual flow (during
first 5 or 4 days of a cycle) the endometrium, or
lining of the uterus is very thin
-the ovary begins to produce estrogen (causes endometrium to grow rapidly as much as eightfold)
Uterine Phases
-After Ovulation: endometrium become
corkscrew or twisted in appearance and dilated
with quantities of glycogen and protein.
-Appears as rich, spongy velvet
Uterine Phases
-If fertilization does not occur the corpus
luteum in the ovary begins to regress after 8-10
-endometrium of the uterus begins to
degenerate; capillaries rupture with minute
hemorrhages and endometrium sloughs off
Uterine Phases
- is actualy the end of of an arbitrarily defined
menstrual cycle.
test to determine that ovulation is about to happen by stretching a cervical mucus between thumb and finger
pattern fern test shows
aborization / ferning
the study of the male
reproductive organs.
-Is a rugated, skin-covered, muscular pouch
suspended from the perineum.
-Function: to support the testes and help
regulate the temperature of sperm. TESTES
-Are two ovoid glands, 2 to 3 cm wide that rest
in the scrotum.
-Each is encased by a protective white
fibrous and is composed of number lobules.
-Each lobule contains interstitial cells (Leydig
cells) that produce testosterone and a
seminiferous tubule that produces spermatozoa.
-Is composed of three cylindrical masses of erectile tissue in the penis shaft. -The urethra passes through these layers of
tissue, allowing the penis to serve as both the
outlet for the urinary and reproductive tracts in
a condition in which one or both of the testes fail to descend from the abdomen into the scrotum.
In males, this hormone is responsible for the release of Androgen binding protein
In males, this hormone is responsible for the release of testosterone from the testes
normal sperm count
100 million
cells that lies in the spaces between the functional cells
interstitial cells
-Tightly coiled tube (over 20 ft long)
-It is responsible for conducting sperm from the
tubule to the vas deferens.
-Some sperm are stored in here
passageway of sperm
ejaculatory duct
how many days does sperm maturation takes?
65 to 75 days
it is the absence of sperm
fewer than 20 million sperm fer mL
-Reffered to as the spermatic cord
-Sperm complete maturation as they pass
through this. They are still not
mobile at this point, however, probably because of the fairly acidic medium of semen.
VAS DEFERENS (Ductus Deferens)
-These glands secrete a viscous alkaline liquid
with a high sugar, protein and prostaglandin
-Sperm become increasingly motile because
this added fluid sorrounds them with a more
favorable pH environment.
- secretes thick, mucuslike
++ it produces many of the constituent ingredients of semen. They ultimately provide around 70% of the total volume of semen.
seminal vesicles (also known as the vesicular or seminal glands)
-Is a chesnut-sized gland
-Purpose: to secrete a thin alkaline fluid
-thin milky secretions
prostate gland
-They supply one more source of alkaline fluid
to help ensure the safe passage of spermatozoa.
-main source of the pre-ejaculate fluid
-Is a hollow tube leading from the base of the
bladder (8 inches or 18-20 cm long).
study of female reproductive organs
-is a pod of adipose tissue located over the
symphisis pubis, the pubic bone joint.
-covered by a triangle of course, curly hairs, the
purpose is to protect the junction of the pubic
bone from trauma.
-posterior to the mons veneris spread two
hairless folds of connective tissue,
-pink in color
-the area is abundant with sebaceous glands, so
localized sebaceous cysts may occur here.
-are two folds of tissue
-compose of loose connective tissue covered by
epithelium and pubic hair
-serve as the protection for the external
-is the flattened, smooth surface inside the labia
-the openings of the bladder and the uterus
(vagina) both arise from this space.
-is a small (approximately 1-2 cm), rounded
organ of erectile issue at the forward junction of the labia minora
-Covered by prepuce
-Sensitive to touch and temperature
-Center for sexual arousal and orgasm
-(paraurethral glands)
- secrete lubrication at the opening of the urethra
Skene glands
-vulvovaginal glands
- secretions lubricate external genetalia during
Bartholin glands
-is the ridge of tissue formed by the posterior
joining of the labia minora and labia majora.
-this is the structure that sometimes tears
cutting of fourchette during childbirth to enlarge the vaginal opening.
-Tough but elastic semicircle of tissue that
covers the opening of the vagina during
condition where hymen is so complete that it does not allow for the passage of menstrual blood from vagina
-size and shape of almonds (approximately 3
cm long, 2 cm in diameter, 1.5 cm thick)
-they are grayish white and appear pitted, w/
minute indentations on the surface.
-to produce, mature or dicharge ova (egg cells)
-To produce estrogen and progesterone and
initiate and regulate menstrual cycle
-are held suspended and in close contact with
the ends of the fallopian tubes by three strong
ligaments that attached both to the uterus and
pelvic wall.
-arise from each upper corner of the uterine body and extend outward and backward until each opens at its distal end, next to an ovary.
-convey the ovum from the ovaries to the uterus
-provide place for fertilization of the ovum by
-is a hollow muscular, pear shaped organ
located in the lower pelvis, posterior to the
bladder and anterior to the rectum
-receive the ovum from the fallopian tube; -provide place for implantation and
-furnish protection to growing fetus and at
maturity of the fetus, expel it from a woman’s
-enlarges greatly to aid in accomodating the
growing fetus during pregnancy. -portion where the incision is made when a
fetus is born by a Cesarean birth
Isthmus of uterus
-act as the organ of intercourse and to convey
sperm to the cervix
-during childbirth, it expands to serve as the
birth canal
skin surrounding the nipple, darkly
pigmented, about 4 cm
cells thar produces milk
Acinar Cells:
serves as the reservoir for milk before
-menstruation occuring with intervals of more
than 35 days
-a condition in which you have infrequent
menstrual period
-occurs in women of childbearing age
the area appears rough
on the surface: contains sebaceous glands:
produce sebum, lubricates nipple and areaola
during breastfeeding
Montgomery tubercle
-menstruation occuring with intervals of lesss
than 21 days (normal menstrual cycle is
between 24 and 38 days long)
-prolonged menstrual flow
-also known as short or scanty periods
-is extremely light menstrual blood flow
-regular menstrual cycles with excessive flow
(more than 80 ml of volum) or menstruation
lasting more than 7 days.
definitive characteristics that diff. the male and female
human sexuality
any physical / sexual stimulation preceeding
finding pleasure by stimulation of one sexual organ
release of semen and sperm
oneself’s image as male/female
sexual orientation
appropriate behavior according to the sex of an indiv.
gender role
describes the pre-dominant gender preference of an indiv.
sexual orientation