Problems with fetal position, presentation, and size Flashcards
why do birthing parent experience pressure and pain in the lower back?
because the fetal head rotates against the sacrum and causes sacral nerve compression
Is lunging while elevating the left foot on a chair helpful during the labor?
No, it is not effective and it is tiring for the birthing parent
technique to open the pelvis and reduce total labor time
placing peanut ball between the legs
posterior position tends to occur in what type of pelvis?
android, anthropoid, or contracted
why is anterior position better than posterior?
posterior does not fit the cervix snugly and it increases the risk for umbilical cord prolapse
how to ease pain and pressure on back?
back rub
effective method to assist rotating the fetus?
rebozo method of jiggling and massagng the uterus
if the contractions are not effective, the fetus is big or not in good flexion, what will happen?
rotation thru 135 degree may not be possible and result to cesarean birth. worst scenario: use of forceps to help them rotate. be observant for hemorrhage and lacerations
why do pt need to void q2 during long labor?
full bladder impede descent of the fetus
during breech birth, always monitor FHR and contractions to detect fetal distress from a complication of prolapsed cord or arrest of descent.
during breech birth, always monitor FHR and contractions to detect fetal distress from a complication of prolapsed cord or arrest of descent.
by week 38, what should be the fetal presentation?
why does meconium staining occurs in breech presentation?
because of the cervical pressure on the sacrum and buttocks
where is fetal heart sounds heard best in a breech presentation?
high portion of the abdomen
dangers in breech vaginal birth
- birth of the head is the most hazardous part.
the pressure of pelvic brim causes compression on the loop of cord
- if the birthing procedure is gradual to prevent intracranial injury, it can result to HYPOXIA
if the birth procedure is fast to reduce cord compression, it can lead to intracranial hemorrhage
fetal head presenting at a different angle than expected is called?
frank breech = legs extended at at the level of the face for 2-3 days
footling breech = legs flexed in footling position for first few days
frank breech = legs extended at at the level of the face for 2-3 days
footling breech = legs flexed in footling position for first few days
what is arrest of descent?
the head of the fetus is in the same place in the birth canal during the first and second examinations, which your doctor performs one hour apart. This signifies that the baby hasn’t moved farther down the birth canal within the last hour
what does it suggest if the head feels more prominent than normal, head and back are both felt on the same side of the uterus with L. maneuver, and with no engagement apparent on leopold’s maneuver?
face presentation
a posterior fetus: extension or flexion, which one causes face presentation?
posterior fetuses extend the head
rarest birth presentation that occurs in a birthing parent with relaxed abdominal muscle or a multipara
brow presntation
which face presentation of chin indicates cesarean birth to prevent difficulties?
macromosial vaginal birth increases the risk of:
cervical nerve palsy
diaphragmatic nerve injury
fractured clavicle
happens uring 2nd stage of labor when fetal head is born but the shoulder is too broad to be born
shoulder dystocia
two main procedures to complete the onset of shoulder dytocia
McRoberts maneuver and suprapubic compression
how long does trial birth lasts until cesarean birth proceeds
6 to 12 hrs
it is the turning of the a fetus from breech to cephalic presentation before birth
external cephalic version
how many weeks should external cephalic version should be done?
as early as 34-35 weeks, nut usally 37-38 weeks
4 disadvantages of vacuum extraction
- risk for more perineal lacerations
- it causes marked caput
- tentorial tears
- not recommended for preterm because of the softness of skull
risk in using obstetric forceps
rectal sphincter tears that can lead to dyspareunia, anal incontinence
500 g, 15-20 cm in diameter, 1.5-3.0 cm thick
500 g, 15-20 cm in diameter, 1.5-3.0 cm thick
placenta that has one or more accessory lobes conneced to the main placenta by blood vessels
placenta succenturiata
fetal side of placenta is covered with chorion
placenta circumvallata
cord is inserted marginally instead of centrally
battledore placenta
a situation wherein the cord not directly connects to the placenta but instead connects to the small vessels.
velamentous instertion of the cord
what should be avoided in velamentous insertion ofthe cord?
cord traction bcs it can tear and cause hemorrhage
occurs when umbilical vessels of velamentous cord isertion cross the cervical os and deliver before the fetus
vasa previa
deep attachment of placenta to the myometrium that makes difficult to deliver the placenta
placenta accreta
long cord result to
twist or knot, nuchal cord
what intervention to do in placenta accreta?
methotraxate or hysterectomy
short umbilical cord leads to __
premature sepration of the placenta