Representations of gender Flashcards
What is a global village
refers to the way that the media and electronic communications now operate on a global scale.
- Shrinks barriers of space and time so the world has become like one village/ community
What is globalisation
refers to growing interconnectedness of societies across the world
- the spread of the same culture, consumer goods, and economic intersts across the globe
Explain popular culture
refers to the cultural products liked and enjoyed by the mass of ordinary people
what is mass culture
involves cultural products produced as entertainment for sale to the mass of ordinary people
explain low culture
it is used to suggest popular/ mass culture is of inferior quality compared to the high culture of the elite
explain high culture
cultural aspects considered superior and typically associated with and consumed by the elites of society
symbolic anhilitaion [underrepresents women in the media/ certain groups].
women = sexualised - male gaze - women are objectified for men to admire
media has created a cult of feminity - media constructs what is is to me a female e.g should focus on the family & stick to the traditional female roles
women are presented as standerdised objects - skinny, long legs and if you don’t you would be considered unattractive
music media projects women as decoration
media embraces form of femanism - ‘girl power’ = popular female empowerment
- women are encouraged to be assertive ,confident and suppportive of each other through magazines and the media.
media representation of women has evolved - the increased percentage of women in media e.g. sports - but women are still in less powerful roles e.g. ownership of media which is still largely male dominated
in what way have the roles allocated to sexes across a range of media involving - advertising, TV and film been limited
- women allocated limited number of roles
- women less visible in the media than men
- women presented as ideals
- women are selected to appeal to men
- men are seen as aggressors, women are seen as victims.
how does the media such as newspapers or music portray women
- shows women as seeking fulfillment in the home as wives, mothers consumers of as sexual objects for men to look at
- young women are often seen as sexual objects and viewed in terms of their physical attributes rather than their intellect.
how are women represented role whise in the media
- represented in a range of social roles whereas men perform a range of social & occupational roles in the media
- found in domestic settings - busy housewives, contended mothers & eager consumers
What does Tuchman argue?
women are rarely shown in high-status jobs such as doctors and lawyers.
-if they are they are shown to have problems e.g. portrayed as unattractive/ unstable or having problems with their relationships
- if they have children they are shown as irresponsible
why are female groups marginalized by the media?
most papers have women’s pages which focus on women as a specialized group with special, emotional needs.
What does Duncan & Messer argue?
Agree with the views of the Newbold
- argues that different types of ‘discourse’ is used when talking about women in sport.
- men are described as gusty and aggressive
- women are referred to ad vulnerable and fatigued. women athletes are viewed through the male gaze.
What did Ferguson find in her content analysis of womens magazines.
- concluded that most of her agazines where like ‘apprentice manuals’ = to teach women domestic skills.
- noted that such magazines are organized around ‘a cult of femininity = which promotes an ideal
- modern female magazines are moving away from these stereotypes.
what does it mean by cult of feminity?
- Ferguson
- women are encouraged to judge themselves in terms of being good wives, mothers and how they look for men.
what did McRobbie argue?
- studied female magazines
- she went through magazines like ‘Jackie’ which encouraged girls to romance marriage as a primary goal
-and to value themselves in terms of how they are valued by boys.
Marxist feminist
- women are portrayed as the sexual aggressors rather than sexual objects.
Ballister 1991
- on one hand women are encouraged to behave radically in terms of sexuality and careers but are encouraged to conform to traditional feminine ideals concerning appearance.
- women therefore suffer contradictory messages.
- they are encouraged to have careers & independance bt society wany them to see marriage & children as their ultimate goal.
sex appeal
women are presente as sexual objects to be enjoyed by men
Mulvey argues that film-makers employ the male gaze where by the camera lens essentially ‘eyes up’ the female characters providing erotic pleasure form men.
What did Guy Cumberbatch find in his study?
- found that youth and beauty where the main features of women in commercials and that women occupy a decorative role.
- also found that men where more that twice likley to be shown in paid employment , whereas women where more than twice as likley to be shown in doing things like washing and cleaning.
what does Hakim mean by erotic capital?
what is the feminist critique?
Venker - men are the but of the jokes - commercials & TV shows
men are constantly being emasculated
the feminist movement affects women =, men and children in a negative way.