murdock - func
- universal nuclear family
- 4 functions (sexual, ecenomic, reproduction, socialisation)
talcott parsons - func
- secondary socialidation
- stabalisation of adult personalitites
- sexual division of labour
functionalism critscisms
- out of date
- ignores exploitation of women
althusser - marx
ISA - insures obedience abd conformity amongst w/c
patents socialise their children into acceptable behaviours created by r/c
which is policed through institiutions such as education
engles - marx
family has evolved due to private ownership of property
the need for heirs to pass down property is needed to control the development of monogomous relationship
patrilineal ingeritance - in order to ensure a childs father, monogomous relationships are formed to protect claims of their property
zartskey - marx
aregued that family life gave proletarian men something they could control and a space where they could be the boss (warm bath theory)
‘they are only able to torelate the powerlesseness and frustration of being exploited at work becasue they could take out their stress and frustration at home
critiscisms of marxism
- assuems the passive acceptance of capitalsim
- ignores the positive aspects of the family
liberal femenists
focus on striving for legal equality between the sexes
argue that most of the inequalities in families have been battled
radical fementists
dont belive tht changing law will ever be enough on its own
they argue mwn will always oppress women snd family is a vehicle of oppression
marxist femenists
argue family help to preserve bothe capitlism and patriarchy
they point out that capitalism system gets the benefit of unpaid female labour as their work force ie. the next generation are looked after and fed to ensure they keep working.