Repaso Chapter 10.3 Flashcards
is the ability of a trait to be passed down from one
generation to the next.
In this process, humans make use of the genetic variation in plants and animals by acting as the selective agent.
Artificial selection
is a mechanism by which individuals that have inherited beneficial adaptations produce more offspring on average than do other individuals.
Natural selection
is all the individuals of a species that live in an area
The heritable differences, or variations, that exist in every population are the basis for natural selection.
While having many offspring raises the chance that some will survive, it also results in competition between offspring for resources.
Sometimes a certain variation allows an individual to survive better than other individuals it competes against in its environment.
Over time, natural selection will result in
species with adaptations that are well suited for survival and reproduction in an environment.
Descent with modification
is a measure of the ability to survive and produce more offspring relative to other members of the population in a given environment.
proposed that adaptations arose over many generations