Exam 4.1 Myo Flashcards
is a lower-energy molecule that can be converted into ATP by the addition of a phosphate group.conteaon two phosphate
What molecules have more calories ?
The lipid
is a process by which some organisms use chemical energy instead of light energy to make energy-storing carbon-based molecules.
is a process that captures energy from sunlight to make sugars that store chemical energy
is a molecule in chloroplasts, shown in Figure 2.1, that absorbs some of the energy in visible light
are stacks of coin-shaped, membrane- enclosed compartments called
capture energy from sunlight. These reactions take place within and across the membrane of the thylakoids.
light-dependent reactions
What is the formula of photosynthesis
use energy from the light-dependent
reactions to make sugars.
light-independent reactions
The stroma what make?
The geranium produces?
Granum needs?
Which organism produces the opposite ?
splits glucose into two three-carbon molecules and makes two molecules of ATP.
releases chemical energy from sugars and other carbon- based molecules to make ATP when oxygen is present
Cellular respiration
it needs oxygen to take place.
process because it does not need oxygen to take place. However, glycolysis is necessary for cellular respiration.
occurs in which most stem cells become committed to develop into only one type of cell
is the process by which committed cells acquire the structures and functions of highly specialized cells.
Groupsofsimilarcellsthatworktogethertoperformaspecialized function are known as .
Different types of tissue that function together form an
Two or more organs working in a coordinated way form an
organ system
Tel me the five levels of organization?
Epithelial lung cell Epithelial long tissue Lungs Respiratory system Human
is one of several organ systems that work together to keep the human body functioning properly
respiratory system
This system includes the lungs, trachea, larynx, pharynx, sinuses, and nose. The nose and sinuses filter, moisten, and warm the air before it enters the lungs
Respiratory system
are composed of four types of tissue. are the site where gases are exchanged.
Cells with cilia are packed together in the lung’s inner lining. They
act like a conveyor belt to
move foreign particles
and pathogens out of the lungs.
Ephitelial lung tissue
These cells have tiny hairlike structures (cilia) at the top.
Epithelial lung cell
is a physically connected network of cells, tissues, and organs that controls thoughts, movements, and simpler life processes such as swallowing
Nervous system
is a collection of physically disconnected organs that helps to control growth, development, and responses to your environment, such as body temperature.
Endocrine system
is defined most broadly as something that causes a response.
includes the brain and spinal cord. The CNS interprets messages from other nerves in the body and stores some of these messages for later use.
central nervous system (CNS
is a network of nerves that transmits messages to the CNS and from the CNS to other organs in the body
peripheral nervous system (PNS)
is a specialized cell that stores information and carries messages within the nervous system and between other body systems.
is a molecule that transfers energy from the breakdown of food molecules to cell processes. It contain tree phosphate
Who need chemical energy?
What is the percent energy in your body?
about who many atp from a triglyceride
146 ATP