Renal physiology Flashcards
what are normal urea levels (need to know for exam)
what is normal GFR and what happens to it with age
decline of 1ml/hr/yr with age
what is clearance?
the volume of plasma that can be completely cleared of a marker substance in a unit of time
when does GFR = clearance
when a marker is:
1) no bound to serum proteins
2) freely filtered by the glomerulus
3) not secreted/reabsorbed by tubular cells
what is the gold standard measure of GFR & its limitation?
-requires steady state infusion & is difficult to assay
what is used in clinical practice to measure renal function? limitation
-very variable for individual so best to monitor trend and change over time
-by product of muscle turnover. more muscular = more creatinine
how to estimate GFR with creatinine
various equations /algorithms related to age, sex, weight, ethnicity
eg. Cockcroft-Gault & MDRD
what can you get from a single urine sample?
-dipstick test
-microscopic examination
-proteinuria (protein: creatinine ratio PCR)
what can you get from a 24 hr urine collection?
-proteinuria quanitification
-creatinine clearance estimation
-electrolyte estimation
-stone forming elements
what can crystals in urine indicate
what can RBC in urine indicate
stones, UTI
what can WBC in urine indicate
UTI, glomerulonephritis
what can casts in urine indicate
how is AKI defined?
- rise in serum creatinine >26 within 48hrs
-50% or greater rise in serum creatinine within 7 days
-fall in urine output to less than 0.5ml/kg/hr for more than 6 hours
most common cause of AKI?
acute tubular necrosis (ATN)
AKI staging?
stage 1 =
-serum creatinine >26 within 48hrs or increase >1.5-2 fold from baseline
-urine output <0.5ml/kg/hr for 6 hrs
stage 2=
-sCr >2-3 fold from baseline
-UO <0.5ml/kg/hr for 12 hrs
stage 3=
-sCr >3 fold from baseline or increase of >354
-iniaited on RRT (irrespective of stage)
-UO <0.3 for 24hrs or anuria fro 12hrs
what happens in pre-renal AKI?
-reduced renal perfusion without structural abnormalities to kidney
-can progress to kidney injury if leads to ischamia/necrosis - ATN