adrenals Flashcards
what are the layers of the adrenals and what do they produce + mnemonic
SALT SUGAR SEX (deeper u go sweeter it gets)
-Zona glomerulosa - aldosterone
-Zona fasciculata - cortisol
-zona reticularis - sex hormones
-medulla - catecholamines (cos it gives u a rush)
describe RAAS when BP falls
BP falls
-renin released
-converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I
-ACE converted angiogensin I to II
-angiotensin II increases aldosterone & induces vasoconstriction (BP rises)
-aldosterone helps kidneys retain sodium (water follows) so BP rises
What are the causes of addisons disease?
-iatrogenic (steroid withdrawal or adrenalectomy)
-adrenal haemorrhage (waterhouse friedrischen due to meningococcus)
what is the most common cause of addisons in developed world
what is the most common cause of addisons in developing world
what would you expect serum electrolytes to look like in addisons
low sodium
high potassium
low glucose
what are symptoms of addisons disease
postural hypotension (no aldosterone)
skin pigemntation
weight loss
why skin pigmentation in addisons?
POMC (promelanocortin) is precursor to ACTH & γ-MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone)
-less cortisol, more ACTH –> more production of MSH = more pigmentation
what is the best test to diagnose Addisons disease
Short synacthen test
what is the short synacthen test and what would you expect to see in addisons
-given ACTH
-cortisol readings taken at 30 minute intervals
-in primary addisons it will fail to increase cortisol (not an ACTH problem, an adrenal problem)
-in secondary cortisol will rise
what can you do in primary care if you cant do a synacthen test for addisons to exclude it?
9am cortisol
> 350 excludes addisons
<100 definitely abnormal
treatment for addisons?
hydrocortisone +/- fludrocortisone (for aldosterone)
what should you advise people to do when on steroids for addisons
sick day rules: if sick, double the dose of hydrocortisone
what should you do if someone is vomiting and cant take their oral hydrocortisone in addisons
admit and give IV hydrocortisone
how do you treat addisonian crisis
IV hydrocortisone
what. are the causes of cushings syndrome
ACTH dependent (high ACTH)
-pituitary adenoma (cushings disease)
-ectopic ACTH (small cell lung cancer)
ACTH independent (low ACTH)
-adrenal tumour
-iatrogenic (steroids)
what is cushings disease
cushings syndrome due to pituitary adenoma