Acid-Base balance Flashcards
what is normal range for pH
what is normal range for CO2
what is normal range for bicarbonate
what is the systematic way to determine acid-base balance?
1) assess pH
2) evaluate pCO2
3) evaluate bicarbonate
4) determine compensation (partial/complete)
how does one compensate for metabolic acidosis?
hyperventilation (to get rid of CO2)
what is the anion gap
cations - anions
= (Na + K) - (HCO3 + Cl-)
=(sodium + potassium) - (bicarb + chloride)
= concentration of unmeasured anions in blood (almost entirely contributed by albumin)
what is the normal range for anion gap
14-18 mmol/L
high anion gap metabolic acidosis causes?
G= glycols (ethylene glycol = antifreeze, propyly glycol)
O = oxoproline (chornic paracetamol use)
L = L-lactate (sepsis)
D = D-lactate (short bowel syndrome)
M = methanol
A = aspirin overdose (initially causes respiratory alkalosis due to hyperventilation but in severe/moderate metabolic acidosis)
R= renal failure (uraemia)
K = ketoacidosis (DKA, alcoholic, starvation)
what are causes of a normal anion gap metabolic acidosis?
here bicarbonate is lost and replaced with chloride leading to normal anion gap
A = addisons disease
B = bicarbonate loss (diarrhoea, laxative abuse, renal tubular acidosis)
C = chloride gain (sodium chloride 0.9% infusion)
D = drugs (acetazolamide)
why during metabolic alkalosis with hypokalameia in bulimia nervosa is the urine paradoxically acidic?
-shift of H+ out of cells to buffer the increase blood pH
-to maintain electrical neutrality, K+ moves into cells, so low extracellular potassium (hypokalemia)
-in DCT, there is exchange of K+ for H+ - where H+ is secreted into urine. since high K+ in cells, this causes more H+ to be released into urine, causing acidic urine
when can lactate be falsely elevated
when using Hartmanns solution (contains lactate)
what are causes of a metabolic alkalosis?
(loss of H+, loss of K+, ingestion of bicarboante)
-vomiting (H+ loss)
-loop diuretics (K+ loss)
-Conns syndrome (K+ loss)
-milk-alkali syndrome (excess intake of alkali)
what are causes of respiratory acidosis?
-type 2 resp failure
-acute/chronic lung disease (COPD)
-neuromuscular weakness
(normal/high PaCO2 is worrying)
what are causes of respiratory alkalosis?
-stroke, SAH, meningitis, asthma, anxiety, PE, pregnnacy, altitude (hypoxaemia), salicylates (early brainstem rxn)
(think of brain things stimulating resp centers in brainstem & pregnancy (with associated PE)