Renal physiology Flashcards
Arterial supply to kidney, subdivisions
Percentage of cardiac output at rest
Renal arteries, each dividing into 2 upper branches (supplying anterior and posterior upper poles) and lower branch (supplying lower pole). Then divide into interlobar, arcuate arteries interlobular arteries then afferent arterioles
Take 20% of resting Co
Blood vessels in kidneys distal to afferent arterioles
Glomerular capillaries
Efferent arterioles
Peritubular capillaries
Interlobular veins
Arcuate veins
Interlobar veins
Renal veins
Nervous supply to kidney
Autonomic T10-L1- travel with renal vessels
Some parasympathetic from vagus nerve
Nociceptive afferents T10-11
Layers of kidney external to internal
Anatomy of a nephron
Knot of capiliaries from the afferent arteriole - glomerulus
Blind end of tubular system enveloping it - bowman’s capsule
Proximal tubule
Loop of Henle
Distal tubule
Collecting duct
Where in the kidney are nephrons found
Cortex with slight loop into medulla
25% have loop of henle that runs deep into medulla
Overall function of glomerulus
Produce an ultrafiltrate of plasma
What composes the glomerular filtration barrier
Fenestrated capillary endothelium
Glomerular basement membrane
Visceral epithelial cells of bowman’s capsule (podocytes)
Size of fenestrations in glomerular endothelium, function
Prevention of blood cells from contacting main filter
Main part of the glomerular filter?
Physiology and function
Basement membrane
Collagen and glycoproteins with strong negative charge
Allows passage of molecules according to size shape and charge
Anatomy and function of podocytes at bowman’s capsule
Encircling trabeculae with small processes (pedicels)
Pores between pedicels
Maintains basement membrane integrity and filtration selectivity
What is the composition of ultrafiltrate in the kidneys
What sizes of molecules included / excluded
Similar to plasma
Free of cells
Free of particles >70000 daltons
Reduced concentration of particles 7000-70000 daltons based on size and negative charge.
Particles <7000 pass through freely.
Term for nephrons that just pass into medulla
Term for nephrons that run deep into medulla
Cortical nephron
Juxtamedullary nephron
Where do collecting ducts drain
Renal papilla and calyces in medulla
Then into renal pelvis and on into ureter
Definition of stage 1 AKI
Cr increase of 26.4 micromol/L or by 150-200%
Urine output <0.5ml/kg/hr for >6hrs
Definition of stage 2 aki
Cr increase by 200-300%
Urine output <0.5ml/kg/hr for >12hrs
Definition of stage 3 AKI
Cr increase by 354.4 micro moles/L or by >300%
Urine output <0.3ml/kg/hr for >24hrs or anuric for 12hrs
GFR associated with each stage of CKD
1 >90
2 60-89
3 30-59
4 15-30
5 <15
Usual Glomerular filtration rate per day and per minute in L
180 L per day
Around 125 ml/min
What determins glomerular filtration
Size of molecules
Charge of basement membrane
Hydrostatic pressure gradient
Renal plasma flow
Colloid osmotic pressure gradient
Glomerular capillary coefficient
Blood pressure
Molecular weight of albumin
69000 daltons
What is the glomerular capillary coefficient
Measure of resistance to flow of ultrafiltrate across the total glomerular surface
What is the glomerular colloid osmotic pressure gradient
Glomerular capillary osmotic pressure - bowman’s capsule osmotic pressure
32 - 0
What determins colloid osmotic pressure in the glomerular capillaries
Colloid osmotic pressure in afferent arteriole
Filtration fraction
Renal plasma flow
Because as more fluid is filtered osmotic pressure will rise relatively
What is renal blood flow on average per min
Renal plasma flow on average per min
Glomerular filtration rate on average per min
125ml/min (thus 20% of renal plasma flow is filtered)
How is filtration fraction calculated
GFR/renal plasma flow
120/600 = 0.2
What is the impact on filtration fraction and GFR of increased renal plasma flow
Higher renal plasma flow results in decreased filtration fraction. Because less is filtered glomerular oncotic pressure is lower so GFR increases.
What is the glomerular hydrostatic pressure gradient
Rough values in normal function
Glomerular hydrostatic pressure - bowman’s hydrostatic pressure
60-18 = 42mmHg
What determines glomerular hydrostatic pressure
Afferent and efferent arteriolar resistance
What is the effect of a decrease in glomerular hydrostatic pressure on gfr
Reduces as gradient lessens
What afferent arteriolar change result in decreased glomerular hydrostatic pressure? What drives this?
Increased SNS stimulation
Circulating hormones - adrenaline, NA, endothelin
What artieriol changes result in increased glomerular hydrostatic pressure? What drives this?
Dilation of afferent arteriole:
Prostaglandins, NO
Constriction of efferent arteriole:
Angiotensin II
What is glomerular net filtration pressure?
Normal values
Hydrostatic pressure gradient - colloid osmotic pressure gradient
How would a renal stone or other obstruction impact on GFR via the glomerular pressure gradietn
Increase the hydrostatic pressure in bowman’s capsule
What is the impact of BP on GFR
Very little in normal range due to auto regulation
What mediates renal auto regulation to Bp
Myogenic response of blood vessels - constriction as a result of stretching and relaxation as bP falls
Juxtaglomerular complex provides tuboglomerular feedback resisting changes in filtration rate on falling BP
What is the juxtaglomerular complex
Juxtaglomerular cells in the walls of the afferent and efferent arterioles and adjacent macula densa (epithelial cells around distal tubule)
How does the Juxtaglomerular complex respond to a drop in BP to maintain GFR
Low BP decreases GFR
Increased absorption of Na + Cl in loop of Henle
Less Na + Cl reaching macula densa
Renin released stimulating angiotensin I to II
Angiotensin II drives vasoconstriction of efferent arteriole increasing hydrostatic pressure and thus GFR
Macula densa also causes reduction in afferent arteriole resistance also increasing GFR
Why do high levels of angiotensin II not always result in maintained GFR
Overall reduction in glomerular blood flow thus increased colloid osmotic pressure due to increased filtration fraction
What else can activate the tubuloglomerular feed back mechanism
Filtration of Na or glucose - needs cotransport with Na for reabsorption thus less Na to macula densa
What is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule of the kidney?
100% amino acids and glucose
65% of other ions
20% phosphate
65% water
What happens to filtrate osmolarity in the proximal tubule
Stays roughly the same as plasma - 65% of ions and 65% water reabsorbed
What is secreted in the proximal tubule?
Organic acids, bases and drugs
How are amino acids and glucose reabsorbed in the proximal tubule
Na exchanged into blood on capillary membrane by NaKATPase
Cotransport of AA and glucose alongside sodium on luminal membrane
How is calcium reabsorbed in the PCT
Exchanged for Na at the capillary side then pulled into cells on the luminal side.
How is urea reabsorbed in the nephrons
How much in PCT
How does it continue all the way down?
Passive diffusion rate dependant on concentration gradient and permeability of membrane
As water is reabsorbed concentration of urea increases relatively thus diffusion can continue
What is the tonicity of fluid in the loop of Henle with respect to plasma?
Isotonic on entering
Hypotonic on leaving
Given tubular fluid is hypotonic with respect to plasma at the end of loop of Henle how does the loh contribute to concentration of urine?
Manufacture of the countercurrent multiplier gradient
Segments of the loop of Henle
Thin decending
Thin ascending
Thick ascending
What occurs in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle
What osmotic difference does it generate in the medullary interstitium
Active reabsorption of NaCl and K via NaKCl2 synporters driven by NaKATPase on the basolasteral membrane.
What is the difference between the thin decending and thin ascending limbs of the loop of henle? What exchanges occur over whole loop.
Thin decending is permeable to water and ions. Thin ascending permeable to ions only.
Fluid in descending limb looses water becoming hyperosmolar to around 1200mosm/l due to the active extrusion of sodium by thick ascending limb. On ascending limb reabsorption of NaCl from tubule becoming more hypoosmolar eventually becoming slightly hypotonic, whilst increasing osmolarity of interstitium. Water cannot follow as impermeable. Overall hyperosmalar interstitium.
What percentages of ions are reabsorbed in the thick ascending limb of loh.
25% Na Cl K and bicarb
65% Mg
Characteristics of collecting duct
Relatively impermeable to water, urea and NaCl but water permeability can be increased by ADH leading to urine concentration
How is water reabsorbed in the nephron
Always following solute - never active
What routes can substances take from nephron lumen to blood?
Transcellular (across luminal cells, into intersitital space then into capillary)
Paracellular (between luminal cells into interstitial space then into capillary)