Cardiac Physiology Flashcards
Is cardiac muscle striated muscle? How does its cells microscopic structure compare to skeletal muscle?
Myofibrils identical to skeletal muscle with same banding and mechanism
Same sarcolemma with t tubules at the z lines, sarcoplasmic reticulum surrounds in similar manner.
Differences between cardiac and skeletal muscle cellular layout
What is the functional implication
Individual cells are tightly coupled mechanically and electrically by branching and interdigitation of the cells and intercalated discs forming membrane junctions.
Functionally means cardiac contraction is all or nothing
What is the term for a single cell containing several nucli
Is cardiac muscle true one
No - though cells all interconnected each cell has a single nucleus and is surrounded by the sarcolemma
AP function of cardiac muscle and difference to skeletal
Allows rapid low resistance conduction of AP along length of cells
Easy transmission between cells through intercalated discs
What are intercalated discs
Gap junctions - open channels connecting cytoplasm of adjacent cells
How does cardiac muscle mitochondria and capillary supply compare with skeletal muscle?
Higher in both
Events in cardiac muscle post initiation of action potential?
Calcium ingress through voltage sensitive Ca channels
Raising calcium causes release of Ca from sarcoplasmic reticulum
Ca binds to trop C and results in movement of tropomyosin exposing binding sites on actin
Myosin heads attach and move
Atp binds causing release of head then is hydrolysed to adp and pi resetting the system.
Calcium released and returned to sarcoplasmic reticulum by calcium magnesium ATPase
Types of action potential in cardiac muscle? Tissues associated.
Fast response - contractile myocardial cells and conduction system cells
Slow response - SA and AV nodal cells
What is the term for the spontaneous depolarisation of cardiac pacemaker cells
Phases of a fast response cardiac action potential (overview )
0 - rapid depolarisation
1 - early rapid repolarisation
2 - prolonged plateau
3 - final rapid repolarisation
4 - resting membrane potential
Resting membrane potential of fast response cardiac muscle cells
How is the cardiac cell fast response negative membrane potential maintained?
Retention of anions (such as proteins, sulphites, phosphates) in cell but facilitation of cations to leave (permeable to K which diffuses down concentration gradient to leave cell until equilibrium reached between the concentration gradient and electrostatic attraction then Na/KATPase pumps return K and exchange Na out).
What is the Nernst equation?
E = (RT/FZ) x log10 ([Ke]/[Ki])
Membrane potential = (gas constant x absolute temp)/(fariday constant x valency) x log10 (external concentration/internal concentration)
Can be dervived to
E = 62/z x log10 ([Ke]/[Ki])
Given internal concentration of K is 150 and external is 5 what is the membrane potential it exerts over the membrane of a cardiac muscle cell
E = 62/1 x log10 (5/150)
= -94
Why is k the main determinant of cardiac muscle cell resting potential?
Permiable to k
Not to Na so leakage of this is small making little difference to the potential (around 4mV move +ve)
How is phase 0 initiated in cardiac fast response action potential
Resting membrane potential increased by electrical stimulus (less negative)
Reaches threshold potential
Fast sodium channels open and potassium channels close
Rapid influx of Na down concentration gradient and towards electrostatic attraction of intracellular anions
Cell interior reaches membrane potential of +20 and sodium channels close
Mechanism of phase 1 of cardiac fast cell action potential
Brief fall in membrane potential from +20 towards 0
Caused by potassium flow out of cell down electrical and chemical gradients
Opening of slow L-type ca channels providing prolonged influx of Ca ions maintaining +ve intracellular charge. Chloride also follows Na back into cell.
Mechanism of stage 2 of cardiac fast action potential
Continued influx of Ca through slow l-type ca channels balancing the efflux of potassium, membrane potential maintained around zero or slightly positive.
Mechanism of stage 3 of fast action cardiac action potential
Rapid increase in potassium permeability
Transmembrane potential restored to -90
Though potential is back to baseline the ionic gradients are not yet reestablished.
Mechanism of stage 4 of fast cardiac action potential
ATPase ion pumps exchange na and k restoring ionic gradients back to resting membrane potential.
How do atrial myocytes differ from ventricular myocytes in their fast action potentials
Shorter plateau phase (phase 2) due to much greater early repolarisation current
What controls excitability of cardiac cells?
How can it be influenced?
The difference between resting membrane potential and threshold potential (bigger difference means less excitable)
Influenced by various factors including catecholamines, beta blockers, local anaesthetics, electrolyte levels.
What is the refractory period of a fast response cardiac action potential
Absolute refractory period - The cell cannot be depolarised again during phase 0,1,2 and early stage 3 regardless of stimulus strength as the sodium and ca channels are inactivated
Relative refractory period - during latter part of stage 3 and early stage 4 a stronger than normal impulse can trigger an early AP
Term for combined absolute and relative refractory period
Effective refractory period
What can trigger depolarisation/automaticity outside of the normal pacemaker system
Injury can trigger spontaneous depolarisation of normal myocytes
Where are pacemaker cells found in the heart?
SA, AV, his-purkinje system,
Latent pacemaker cells in other parts of conduction system that can take over if AV blocked.
Phases of cardiac slow response action potential
4 - restoration of ionic gradients
0 - rapid depolarisation
3 - repolarisaiton
During phase 4 of a slow response cardiac action potential what occurs
No resting potential!
Depolarise spontaneously because of increased membrane permeability to cations allowing Na and Ca to leak into cell counteracting and overcoming slow loss of K
Membrane potential gradually increases from maximum diastolic potential of -60mV to threshold potential of -40mV
Mechanism of phase 0 of slow response cardiac action potentials
How does it compare to phase 0 of rapid response cardiac cells
Rapid depolarisation on reaching threshold potential due to opening of t-type calcium (t for transient) channels and influx of calcium
Slower influx than the rapid sodium influx in rapid response cells so slope of phase 0 less steep, and less overall change due to less negative starting membrane potential.
Mechanism of phase 3 cardiac slow response action potential.
Equivalent to phase 3 in rapid response - influx of K causing repolarisation
The phase 1 is absent and phase 2 is very brief so no plateau
Differences between pacemaker and myocardial cell AP
Less negative phase 4 membrane potential
Less negative threshold potential
Spontaneous depolarisation of phase 4
Less steep slope in phase 0
Absence of phase 1/2 plateau
What ion channels and current are responsible for the pacemaker potential
What can influence this
Leaking sodium channels that open when membrane hyperpolarised
Cause an inward current (If) causing depolarisation
Influenced by autonomic nervous system and various drugs
How can pacemaker discharge rate be altered in myocytes
Altering slope of phase 4 (increased slope discharges faster)
Altering threshold potential
Altering hyperpolarisation potential - if membrane reaches more negative value then will take longer to reach threshold
What drugs cause less negative threshold potential in cardiac pacemaker cells
What effect does high acetylcholine levels have on cardiac slow response pacemaker discharge rate
Hyperpolarisation thus slower to reach threshold potential
Rate of sinoatrial node pacemaker resting rate
Location of SA node
Blood supply
RA posterior wall close to entry of SVC (just below and lateral)
Branch of RCA
What pathways connect SA to AV node
Bachmann, Wenckebach, Thorel (anterior, middle, posterior).
Location of AV node
Blood supply
posterior right atrium near interatrial septum near coronary sinus opening
Usually rca
Length of delay at AV node
Allows atrial activation prior to ventricular activation
Where do the bundle branches run? What does the left bundle divide into?
subendocardially down the septum
Anterior and posterior fascicles
How does action potential and contraction spread through the heart wall
What about repolarisation
From the endocardium spreading outwards and apex to base
Repolarisation spreads from outside in.
Factors influencing QRS amplitude
Myocardial mass
Cardiac axis
Anatomical orientation of heart
Distance from heart to sensing electrode
Typical QT interval
Bazett’s formula to calculate QTc
QTc = QT/square root R-R
When does ventricular contraction end on an ECG
End of T wave (end of repolarisation)
What is the u wave on the ecg?
Uncertain but maybe slow repolarisation of papillary muscles
What is the cardiac axis of the heart?
What is the rough normal direction
The maximum vector of electrical activity produced during ventricular depolarisation
Down and left
How do ECG leads detect a potential difference
Either between 2 electrodes or 1 electrode and a common point
What are the groupings of ecg leads (views)
Frontal plane leads:
Standard I, II, III
Unipolar limb leads avR, avL, avF
Horizontal plane leads
How are the standard limb leads set up and how do they work
Record between 2 active electrodes
Record around the sides of Einthovens triangle
Lead I negative right arm, positive left arm
Lead II negative right arm positive left foot
Lead III negative left arm, positive left foot
Characteristics of normal standard limb lead ecg trace
Very similar - all positive p, qrs and t waves
Characteristics of the unipolar limb leads
Record difference in potential between single limb lead and an indifferent (zero potential) electrode centre of einhovens triangle
Low amplitude signals so need amplification
aVR - upper right unipolar arm electrode to indifferent electrode - usually negative waves
aVL - upper left unipolar arm electrode to indifferent electrode
aVF - left leg unipolar electrode to indifferent electrode
How does the ecg calculate the indifferent electrode for analysis of the unipolar limb leads
Combining the activity of the 2 electrodes that are not active (e.g. for aVF left foot as active and combining left and right arm to make indifferent
Locations of the chest electrodes on ecg
V1 fourth ics right of sternum
V2 fourth ics left of sternum
V3 halfway between v2 and v4
V4 fifth ics midclavicular line
V5 fifth ics anterior axillary line
V6 fifth ics mid axillary line
Normal anatomical orientation of heart
Atria posterior
Ventricles anterior/basal with right ventricle anteriolateral to left
What muscle masses predominate on ecg trace
Interventricular septum and left ventricle free wall
Method to calculate heart rate from ECG
Interval in seconds between r waves and dividing 60 by that number
Number of r waves in a 6 second trace and x10
Usual paper speed and square sizes on ecg
Usually 2.5cm/sec
Thus each large square (5mm) represents 200ms and each small square (1mm) 40ms
Normal range for cardiac axis
0 to 90o
Calculation of cardiac axis from ecg (mathematical and why)
Lead one reads directly left to right (0o)
Lead aVF reads directly top to bottom (90o)
Determine amplitude of qrs in both (subtract hight of s wave from hint of r wave)
Tan(angle ) = amplitude aVF/amplitude I
Angle = tan-1 amplitude aVF/amplitude I
At what angles do leads I, II, III and aVF run at?
What are left and right axis deviation
Left axis <0o
Right axis >90o
What leads are typically used interop for ecg monitoring?
sII and V5
II best for p waves
V5 best for monitoring ST changes
In a healthy young person what happens to heart rate with inspiration and expiration
Increases on inspiration
Decreases on expiration
Breath in stretch lungs, vagaries stimulation, inhibits cardio inhibitory centre in medulla stimulating SA node
Causes of sinus Bradycardia
Young and fit
Beta blockers, anaesthetics, digitalis, limiting calcium channel blockers
Increases icp
Causes of sinus tachycardia
Cardiac failure
At what heart rate is ventricular filling impaired?
Effect of high and low k on ecg (pathology and signs)
Hyperkalaemia - less negative resting potential closer to threshold - initially more excitable with risk of vt and vf but then reduction in rapid depolarsiation and loss of plateau giving poor contraction. When rmp comes close to tp heart stops in ventricular diastole.
Short qt, narrow peaked ts, widened qrs, pr prolongation then loss of p waves, then sine wave.
Hypokalaemia - more negative rmp, less excitable heart but increased automaticity
Prolonged pr, flat t wave, u wave, qt prolonged, progressing to twi and st depression
Effect of high and low calcium on ecg
Low calcium - flat prolonged st segment and qt interval, risk of pvcs and vt
High calcium - makes tp less negative, decreases conduction velocity and shortens refractory period. In very high concentrations can cause calcium rigor . Produces prolonged pr, wide qrs, short qt, broad t.
Effects of hypomagnesaemia on ecg
Promotes cell membrane depolarisation and tachyarrhythmias
Low voltage p waves and qrs complexes, prominent u waves peaked t waves
Effects of hypermagnesaemia on ecg
Delayed av conduction, prolonged pr and wide qrs and t wave elevation
Effects of hyponatraemia on ecg
Low voltage ecg complexes
How will acidosis and alkalosis effect ecg
Produce same ecg changes as hyperkalaemia and hypokalaemia respectively.