Physiology Of Pregnancy Flashcards
Effect of pregnancy on cardiac output
Effect during labour
Rises to 150% of normal by end of second trimester - increased HR, SV and reduced SVR
Transient rises in cardiac output of further 45-60% during contractions
Transient rise in cardiac output of further 80% immediate post delivery phase as a result of uteroplacenal transfusion of 300-500ml.
Effect of pregnancy on hr and sv
Hr increases 15% by end of first trimester and 25% by end of second
Sv increased 20% by end of first trimester and 30% by end of second
Both increase further in labour and on delivery.
How would the lithotomy position effect pregnant cardiac output vs supine?
What about left lateral
Lithotomy decreases by 17% vs supine
Left lateral increases by 13.5% vs supine
However note left lateral still causes some decrease overall vs non pregnant person
SVR in pregnancy and in non pregnancy
Pregnancy - 980
Non pregnancy 1150
Why does SVR decrease in pregnancy
Development of low resistance vascular bed and vasodilation from oestrogens, prostacyclin and progesterone
What is uterine blood flow at term
Pattern of systolic blood pressure during pregnancy
Effect of lying flat
Decreases during early / mid gestation retuning to non pregnant level at term
70% of mothers drop Bp by 10% lying flat
10% drop by 50%
What factors influence aortocaval compression in pregnancy
Systolic Bp
Presence of sympathetic block
How does blood bypass the aortocaval obstruction when lying supine
Vertebral venous plexuses emptying into azygos vein.
Why might aortocaval compression lead to fetal compromise
Vena cava compression reducing venous return lowering Bp and thus placenta perfusion
Aortic compression reducing aortic blood flow to placenta
ECG changes in pregnancy
Sinus tachycardia
Short pr and qt
Left axis deviation
St depression
T wave flattening
Echo changes in pregnancy
Left ventricular hypertrophy
50% increase lv mass at term
Increased tricuspid, pulmonary and mitral valve diameter
Tricuspid and pulmonary regurgitation
27% mitral regurgitation
Pericardial effusion
How do heart sounds change in pregnancy
Loud and sometimes spilt first heart sound
Third heart sound common
16% have fourth heart sound
Common mid systolic murmur
What factors can increase CVP in labour
Contractions - about 5cmH2O
Expulsion effort of the second stage - about 50cmH20
I’ve ergometrine - about 8cmH20
Change in plasma volume and cellular composition in pregnancy
Change in total blood volume over three trimesters
Plasma volume increases 50%
Red cell volume increases 18% following an initial dip
Results in 15% drop in Hb and HCT
Total blood volume increases 10-30-45% over each trimester
What happens to plasma volume post delivery
Sharp rise by 1 litre in 24hrs post delivery
Important in those with cardiac disease such as fixed cardiac output
Effect of pregnancy on immune system?
WBC rise (mainly neutrophils)
Overall however depressed immunity due to decreased reduced leukocyte function and increased adherence of neutrophils.
Effect of pregnancy on platelets
Enhanced platelet turnover
Thrombocytopenia in 1%
Platelet function normal
Effect of pregnancy on coagulation factors
All increase except XI and XIII which drop and II and V which stay the same
Especially high increase in I, VII, VIII, IX
What happens to plasma proteins during pregnancy
Decrease in albumin concentration
Overall decrease in colloid osmotic pressure, increased ECF volume and oedema
Drug binding altered
Plasma cholinesterase concentration decrease 25%
Effect of pregnancy on bleeding pt and APTT
Decreases 20%
Anatomical changes to the respiratory system in pregnancy
Capillary engorgement of the mucosa in the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx
Increased thoracic cage circumference due to flaring of ribs.
Upward displacement of diaphragm
Changes to lung mechanics during pregnancy
Decreased movement of chest wall, increased dependence on diaphragmatic movement
Bronchial smooth muscle relaxation reducing resistance
Changes to lung volumes during pregnancy
Tidal volume increases 45%
FRC decreases 20-30% due to decreased ERV and RV
Dead space increases
Closing capacity increases to near FRC increasing v/q mismatch
IRV increases
Change in minute ventilation in pregnancy
What drives this
Increases by 50% due to tidal volumes, rr remains same
Increased progesterone and co2 production
Effect of pregnancy on DLCO (diffusing capacity of lungs for carbon monoxide)
Increases first trimester then decreases then normal
Effect of pregnancy on blood gases
Co2 decreases
Bicarb excretion increases to maintain pH dropping BE
Slight elevation of pH as compensation not complete
Slight increase in PaO2
What causes dysponea in pregnancy?
Likely due to low co2