renal lecture 1 anatomy, basics of urine formation Flashcards
What are the 4 functions of the kidney?
- regulation of water, inorganic ion balance, and acid base balance
2.removal of metabolic waste products from the blood and their excretion in the urine - removal of foreign chemicals from the blood and thei excretion in the urine
4.production of hormones/enzymes
What are the 3 main components of hormones/enzymes made by the kidney?
c.1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D
What does erythropoietin, renin, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D make?
1.Erythropoietin: hormone that controls erythrocyte production
2.Renin: enzyme that controls the formation of
angiotensin and influences blood pressure
and sodium balance
3.1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D: active vitamin that
influences calcium balance
How much do kidneys weigh?
Where are they located in the body (behind what and on either side of what?
What does renal mean?
Kidneys are paired organs: ~150 grams each
Behind the peritoneum on either side of the vertebral column against the posterior abdominal wall (close to your back)
Renal = pertaining to the kidneys
What is the bladder and urethra?
bladder=where urine is retained
urethra=where the urine goes to be excreted from body, longer in men
what gender has a shorter urethra and what does this cause more of?
women have shorter urethra causing them to have higher risk of UTI
what part of the kidneys make urine?
where does the renal artery come from/go to?
What about the renal vein?
renal cortex and renal medulla
-renal artery goes into kidney and is a branch of the descending aorta
-renal vein goes out of the kidney back to the inferior vena cav
What does the afferent arteriole feed into?
What does the arcuate artery go around, what type of branching does it have?
-afferent arteriole feeds into glomerulus
-arcuate artery=going around cortex+medulla and has perpendicular branching towards surface
What type of brancing is interlobar artery have, where does it feed into?
waht direction does venous system run relative to the arterial system?
-seconday branching that gives rise to small branch that feeds into glomerulus
-runs side by side in opp, direction
How many nephrons are in kidney?
What does eac nephron consist of?
* Each kidney contains ~1 million subunits called
* Each nephron consists of:
1.Renal corpuscle –>Glomerulus (capillary loops)
—>Bowman’s capsule
What is the glomerulus?
What is the renal corpuscle composed of?
-it is entangled capillaries
-Bowman’s capsule (parietal layer)
-Bowman’s space
-Bowman’s capsule (visceral layer: podocytes)
Where does renin secretion occur?
Where are the podocytes, and what are they?
-in the juxtaglomerular apparatus
-podocytes are in the visceral layer of bowman’ capsule
-it ha many foot/finger like projections
What are the layers of the glomerular capillary wall?
What can the fenestrations do?
-visceral glomerular epithelial cells (podocytes)
-glomerular Basement membrane
-fenetrated endothelial cells
-ions can freely filter due to the small size, so cells cannot filter like blood, albumin, and immunoglobin (should not show in urine)
What are the components of the renal corpuscle and proximal tubules?
Renal corpuscle: Glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule in the cortex
Proximal tubule: Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) in cortex, Proximal straight tubule (PST) (in cortex/medulla)
What are the components of Henle’s loop and the distal convoluted tubules?
Where is each part located in the kidney
Henle’s loop: Descending thin limb, Ascending thin limb (in medulla), Thick ascending limb (in meduall/cortex), (macular densa at the end, in the cortex)
Distal convoluted tubule: Distal convoluted tubule (DCT) (in cortex)
What are the component of the collecting duct?
Collecting duct: Cortical collecting duct (CCD) (in cortex)
Medullary collecting duct (MCD) (in medulla)
Where does blood leave through from the glomerulus?
What do venules carry?
What do the peritubular capillaries serve ?
-afferent arteriole
-waste product/Co2
-they serve tubular like epithelial cells
What are the 3 processes of urine filtration?
What process is crucial or else urine isnt made?
1.Glomerular filtration (without this urine isnt made)
2. Tubular secretion
3. Tubular reabsorption
How does urine formation first start in glomerular filtration, what is first to get filtered and from where?
begins with the filtration of plasma from the glomerular capillaries into Bowman’s space (glomerular filtration).
Where is glomerular filtrate, and what is it free of and contain?
What is its concentration similar to
Glomerular filtrate (fluid in Bowman’s space) is cell-free and doesnt have proteins,
-contains all the substances in plasma in virtually the same concentrations as in plasma besides for the proteins
What alters the composition of glomerular filtration?
As the glomerular filtrate passes through the tubules, its composition is altered by movements of substances
What is the definition of tubules and peritubular capillaries (secretion/absorption?
Where do peritubular capillaries eventually go to?
Tubules (tubular lumen)–> Peritubular capillaries (Reabsorption)
Peritubular capillaries (go into)–> Tubules (Secretion)
-peritbular capillaries eventually goes back into systemic circulation
What is the formula for amount excreted in urine formation?
Amount excreted = amt filtered + amt secreted - amt reabsorbed
What is an example of 100% ecretion?
What is an emaple of some secretion and some reabsorption?
What is an example of a substance that is 100% reabsorbed?
-Example para-amino-hippurate (PAH)
-example sodium, water
-example, glucose or small amino acids
What rates are subject to physiological control?
What happens to excretion/reabsorption if someone drinks too much water?
The rate of filtration, reabsorption, or secretion is subject
to physiological control.
If a normal person drinks a lot of water, reabsorption
of water is decreased and excess water will be excreted in
the urine