renal calculi Flashcards
initial presentation of renal calculi/urolithiasis is in what decades of life?
third and fifth decade
name some of the predisposing factors for renal calculi
high humidity
elevated temperatures
sedentary lifestyle, hypertension, carotid calcification, CV disease
High protein
salt intake
inadequate hydration
Signs and SX of renal calculi/urolithiasis
sudden pain
localized to flank (w N/V)
constantly moving to find comfortable position
stone size does not corelate with severity of sx
Findings on UA for renal calculi?
90% of cases have hematuria (absence of blood does NOT exclude)
pH valuable in determining cause
RAD for renal calculi?
KUB radiograph
Renal ultrasound
treatment of renal calculi?
(force IV fluid will NOT push stone down
forced diuresis exacerbates pain
stones less than 5-6 mm pass spontaneously)
Alpha Blockers (tamsulosin)
w/ or w/o corticosteroid (prednisone)
when is surgery indicated with renal calculi
showing signs of infection of obstruction
ways to prevent renal calculi/urolithiasis
fluid intake is of greatest importance
reduced sodium intake
animal protein limited to 1g/k a day
when should you refer renal calculi to urology?
sx of infection
> 4 weeks w/o passing stone
persistent N/V
intolerable pain