Renal Flashcards
What gives rise to the glomerulus-> DCT?
CD-> pelvis?
Metanephric mesenchyme = glomerulus
Ureteric bud= CD-> pelvis
Horseshoe kidney is associated with?
Turners syndrome
Total body water: ICF vs ECF? How do you measure ECV & plasma volume?
ECF: Plasma vs Interstitial volumes?
ICF= 2/3 ECF= 1/3 --> INULIN Plasma = 1/3 of ECF --> Albumin Interstitial = 2/3 ECF
If you give a pt 9L of Hypotonic saline how many enter the plasma? 9L of isotonic saline?
Hypotonic= 3 L into ECF --> 1 L into plasma Isotonic = 9L into ECF --> 3 L into Plasma
What is the glomerular basement membrane gives it a negative charge?
Heparan Sulfate
Renal Clearance equation?
Cl < GFR vs Cl > GFR?
C= UV/P = Urine [a] x urinve flow rate / plasma [a] < = Absorbed > = Secreted
What is used to calculate GFR?
GFR equation?
Inulin Clearance / Creatinine (slightly secreted)
GFR= U x V / P = Cl of Inulin
What is used to calculate RPF?
RBF calculation?
PAH clearance
RBF = RPF / (1-Hct)
Calculate FF? normal FF?
FF = GFR / RPF = 20%
Filtered load = GFR x plasma [a]
How do NSAIDs affect RPF + GFR + FF?
NSAIDs block PGs = Constriction of Afferent
dec GFR/ dec RPF = FF SAME
How does ACEi affect RPF + GFR + FF ?
AngII constricts Efferent = Dilation of Efferent w/ ACEi
dec GFR/ inc RPF = Dec FF
Constriction of Efferent arteriole (FF= GFR/ RPF)?
FF= Inc GFR = inc RPF = dec
Increase in plasma protein concentration (FF=GFR/RPF)?
FF = dec
GFR = dec (High oncotic pressure)
**low protein = Inc FF= Inc GFR/ RPF NC
Constriction of ureter affect on FF= GFR/RPF?
FF = dec GFR = dec RPF = NC
Filtered load calculation? Excretion rate?
FL = GFR x P Ex= V x U
Hartnup’s disease?
Na dependent AA transporter def in PT
**def in Trp = Niacin def = Pellagra
What part of the tubule does ang II act on?
PT = activates Na/ H+ exchanger
** Causes Contraction Alkalosis
The concentration of what substances increase along the PT? highest –> lowest
PAH-> Cr–> Inulin -> Urea -> Cl –> K -> Na
- *Note only PAH & Cr are secreted/ not absorbed W
- *inulin is Not secreted or absorbed
- *Na/K/urea/Cl are ALL absorbed But less than H2O so Concentrations Increase
Concentration of what substances dec along PT? Lowest –> highest
Glucose (ALL absorbed)
AAs (all absorbed but slower than Glucose)
**the Concentration of these substances Dec because they are Reabsorbed Faster than H2O
What stimulates Renin release?
B1 agonist
dec Na @ MD
dec BP
Function of ANP?
Relax vascular smooth muscle (cGMP)
increase GFR
dec Renin
In response to Hypoxia what releases Epo in the kidney?
Interstitial cells in peritubular capillaries
What are some causes of HYPERkalemia?
Digitalis Acidosis B-antagonists Cell lysis Hyperosmolarity
Causes of HYPOkalemia?
Beta agonists (inc Na/K ATPase activity)
U waves and flattened T waves on ECG, arrhythmias, and weakness?
dec DTR, lethargy, bradycardia, hypotension, Cardiac arrest?
Hyper Mg+
Wide QRS and peaked T waves on ECG, weakness and arrhythmias?
Peaked T = High K
What things can cause Peaked T waves and Wide QRS?
What things can cause flattened T waves and U wave?
What is the calculation for the predicted respiratory response to metabolic acidosis?
Winters formula = Pco2 = 1.5 (HCO3) + 8
**HCO3 12 –> Pco2 should= 26
What are the causes of anion gap metabolic acidosis?
Methanol Uremia DKA Propylene glycol (anti-freeze) Iron or INH Lactic acidosis Ethylene glycol (oxalic acid) Salicylates
Defect in Distal (CD) tubule H excretion
Hypokalemia + urine pH > 5.5
Ca/PO4 stones?
Type 1 RTA (distal)
Hypoaldosteroneism or No CD response
Hyperkalemia and xammoniagenesis
Dec urine pH due to Dec buffers?
Type 4 RTA (Hyperkalemic)
Defect in PT HCO3 reabsorption
urine pH<5.5 + hypokalemia
Hypophosphatemic rickets?
Type 2 RTA (proximal)
Waxy casts vs WBC vs RBC casts?
Waxy= CRF WBC = pyelonephritis or Transplant rejection RBC= nephritis, ischemia, malignant HTN
Features of nephrotic syndrome?
Fatty casts
ATIII loss = Hypercoagulable state
Diffuse GBM thickening due to granular IC deposits (“Spike and dome”) associated with HBV, SLE nephrotic?
Child with recent infection (days ago) and not has puffy eyes. What is seen on biopsy? Rx?
Minimal change=
EM = Podocyte effacement
Subendothelial IC deposits leading to “tram tracks” due to Mesangial ingrowth?
Type 1 MPGN
What is associated with Continuous C3 activation and Very LOW C3 in serum?
Type 2 MPGN (dense deposits dz)
**C3 nephritic factor
Associated with HCV?
Intramembranous dense deposits?
dense deposits = T2 MPGN
IC deposits:
Subepi = Membranous Intramem = T2 MPGN Subendo = T1 MPGN
Nephritic syndromes?
PSGN RPGN DPGN bergers dz Alports
What is in the “lumpy bumpy” subepithelial deposits?
PSGN = IgM + IgG + C3
What is in Crescentic formation?
plasma proteins
parietal cells, macs
MCC of death in SLE pts?
DPGN= wire loop subendothelial deposits
Pt with recent hx of GI/URT infection and now has hematuria and red palpable lesions on buttocks?
Bergers disease = IgA nephropathy
- *Henoch-schonlein purpura
- *IgA in Mesangium
pt with GN, deafness, and visual issues have a defect in?
Type IV collagen (BM) = Alports
Pt with recurrent Calcium stones. Rx?
What stones form due to High pH by Proteus infection?
Ammonium Mg phosphate = Struvite
What is the only stone visible on CT and not X-ray?
Uric acid stone = radiolUcent
Form in CD due to dec pH and causes Hexagonal crystal formation in children?
Cysteine stones
Renal cell carcinoma descriptions?
PT origination
Lipid/ carb accumulation
Invades Renal vein–> Lung/bone mets
Pt with a mass containing Embryonic glomerular structures, no iris, mental retardation?
WAGR (Wilms, Aniridia, GU malformations, Retardation)
What are associated with cancers of renal calyces, pelvis, and bladder?
Transitional cell = Smoking, Aniline dyes, Phenacetin, Cyclophosphamide
Pt with fever, CVA tenderness, vomiting, and WBC casts. What part of kidney is affected?
Acute pyelonephritis == CORTEX
What is seen with Chronic Pyelonephritis?
Corticomedullary scarring
Blunted calyx
Eosinophilic casts (Thyroidization of kidney)
Thyroidization and Blunted calyces?
Chronic Pyelonephritis
Pt with fever, rash, hematuria, CVA tenderness, and eosinophils in urine?
Drug induced Interstitial nephritis
Kidneys with “Cirrhosis like” fine cortical granulations due to fibrosis and sclerosis?
HTN nephrosclerosis
Pt with DM/SCD/ pyelonephritis/ chronic Phenacetin use with Gross hematuria?
Renal papillary necrosis
MCC of acute pyelonephritis and Rx?
MCC = VUR + ascending infection Rx = CIPROFLOXACIN
What are consequences of Renal failure?
Anemia (low Retic count) Fibrinous pericarditis (uremia) Encephalopathy Platelet dysfunction Osteodystrophy Dyslipidemia (high TGs)
What is seen with renal osteodystrophy?
Subperiosteal thinning of bones
ADPKD associations?
Benign hepatic cysts
Associations with ARPKD?
Congenital Hepatic Fibrosis
HTN + Portal HTN
Pottter’s syndrome if In utero failure
Two causes of Shrunken kidneys on US?
Adults = CRF Child = medullary cystic disease