Renaissance Medicine: other factors improving medical knowledge Flashcards
How did Renaissance artists improve medical knowledge?
They could produce detailed drawings of the human body
What was the scientific method, which became popular during the Renaissance?
Carrying out an experiment, collecting observations, then coming to a conclusion
Why did battlefield doctors have to deal with new wounds?
New weapons (like gunpowder) led to soldiers getting new injuries
What was the aim of the Royal Society?
To explain the world in secular (non-religious) terms
What happened to the Royal Society in 1662?
It received a Royal Charter from King Charles II, providing it with more credibility
What was the name of the Royal Society’s journal, where ideas were shared?
Philosophical Transactions
Why did the Royal Society encourage their members to write in English?
So a larger audience could access their findings
What was the Royal Society’s motto?
Nullius in Verba (take no-one’s word for it)
How did Robert Hooke benefit from the Royal Society?
He read about Antoni van Leeuwenhoek’s work with microscopes to investigate the structure of muscles and plants, and used his own microscopes to replicate his findings
Who published their “95 Theses” in 1517, challenging the ideas of the Catholic Church?
Martin Luther
What did Martin Luther say about paying the Church to forgive their sins?
It was wrong - only God could forgive sins
How did ideas about Protestant reform of the Church influence Henry VIII in England?
In 1534 he set up a Church of England to grant his own divorce (the Pope had refused)
How did changes in the Church affect medical knowledge?
Before Martin Luther, the Catholic Church completely controlled education and the spread of medical knowledge - but now challenging the Catholic Church became more common (e.g. Vesalius published his book in 1543)
In what decade was the first British printing press set up?
The 1470s
Why did the printing press speed up the spread of medical knowledge?
Books no longer needed to be written by hand - they could be copied more easily - so students in universities could have their own textbooks for the first time
Who lost power as a result of the printing press and why?
The Church - books could now be created by more people