19th Century Medicine: Pasteur, Koch and causes Flashcards
What theory about the causes of disease was Louis Pasteur looking to disprove?
Spontaneous generation
Describe Louis Pasteur’s experiment to disprove spontaneous generation
- Pasteur placed nutrient broth into two swan-neck flasks, then boiled the broth to kill any existing microbes
- Pasteur broke off the swan neck from one flask, exposing the broth to air
What was the result of Louis Pasteur’s experiment to disprove spontaneous generation?
The liquid in the broken flask became cloudy, but the liquid in the swan-neck flask remained clear - so disease was not created spontaneously
What was the key limitation of Louis Pasteur’s Germ Theory?
He could not identify the specific bacteria causing individual diseases
In what year did Louis Pasteur publish his results disproving spontaneous generation?
Give two reasons why Louis Pasteur’s ideas about the causes of disease were initially ignored in Britain
Any two from:
- He was not a doctor
- His work focused on food, not the human body
- Well-respected doctors like Dr Henry Bastian continued to promote spontaneous generation
Who read about Germ Theory and linked it to infection problems in surgery?
Joseph Lister
What bacterium was isolated by Robert Koch and his research team in 1876?
Which bacteria did Robert Koch successfully isolate in:
1882: tuberculosis
1883: cholera
How did Robert Koch make it easier to study bacteria under a microscope?
He grew bacteria in agar jelly in a petri dish, and stained them with industrial dyes to make them easier to see
How did Robert Koch’s work affect the treatment of disease?
Before Koch, doctors studied and treated symptoms - now they could treat the disease itself by attacking the microbe
In 1879, Louis Pasteur successfully created a vaccine against what disease?
Chicken cholera
Other than chicken cholera, give one example of a disease that Louis Pasteur created a vaccine against
Anthrax, rabies
What was the limitation of the vaccines developed by Pasteur and Koch in the 19th century?
They could not create enough vaccine for large-scale use with the public
What was the British government’s attitude to Germ Theory?
They initially rejected it and ignored Robert Koch’s work showing cholera was caused by microbes in drinking water
What FOUR factors allowed ideas about the cause of disease to change in the 19th century?
Individual genius
The British government
Attitudes in society
Science and technology