Removal of crowns Flashcards
How to avoid adjustments
Ideally none necessary if accurate imps and interocclusal records
Check on model and check occlusion in all excursions before cementation
Check pt happy
Minimal adjustments
Before cementation (can re-polish in lab)
-using diamond burs for ceramic
-using TC burs for metal
Use calipers to measure crown - must not cut too thin or make a hole
Check prep - enough space? Do you need to re-prepare, imp and re-make?
Occlusal indicator wax - 0.5mm
Polish - rubber points, greenies and brownies, special kits
Causes of crown failure
Biological causes of crown failure
Endo treatment or re-treatment
Mechanical causes of crown failure
Cementation failure
Defective margins
Factors to consider with crown failure
Caries status Periodontal status Endodontic status Occlusion Restorability - status of core What type of crown - materials Cement type Access
Methods of crown removal
Sectioning with burs
Crown removers (‘sliding hammer’ type)
Many devices on market - wamkey; crown tractor
Need to be as conservative as possible
Warning - resin luting agents bond to tooth structure
Sectioning crowns
Protect airway
Vertical groove made mid-point of buccal surface just through to cement
-diamond bur for ceramic
-TC ‘jet’ bur for metal
Cut just through to cement
Tooth coloured cements - may cut too far through causing iatrogenic damage
Place instrument in groove and gently twist - do not want to damage core
May need to cut through lingual/ palatal surface just through to cement
May need to section into smaller pieces just through to cement
Avoid trauma to gingiva and soft tissues
Temporary crown removal
Temporary luting agent
Gently loose cement at margin with straight excavator/ Mitchell’s trimmer
Care not to cause trauma to gingiva or soft tissues
Aim to keep intact so can reuse if definitive restoration needs to be returned to lab for re-make or adjustment
May need to section or use crown remover if cannot loosen by hand
Clear all temp cement away