Religious pluralism and society Flashcards
What is the ‘Scriptural Reasoning movement’?
People of different religions get together and read each other’s holy books, discussing meanings and interpretations.
What is the goal of Scriptural Reasoning?
The goal is just to promote understanding and friendship across faith divides.
What is not allowed in Scriptural Reasoning?
Trying to convert others or criticize other religions is not allowed.
Pros of the ‘Scriptural Reasoning movement’
It promotes peace and understanding of one another’s religion.
It discourages violence between religions.
People can understand their own faiths better upon reflection.
Cons of the ‘Scriptural Reasoning movement’
The focus on interpretation of scripture rather than faith means that in circumstances their may be no way to reach valid conclusions.
Scriptural Reasoning may relativize religious belief - participants will ‘agree to disagree’ rather than think the truth is relative.
Christian communities SHOULD seek to convert people of no faith or other faith
(Main points)
Exclusivists argue that Christianity is the only route to salvation.
Redemtoris Missio emphasizes that the Christian mission is to convert others - supported by the Catholic Church.
Christian communities SHOULD NOT seek to convert people of no faith or other faith
(Main points)
A pluralist view is more accepting as it prevents violence and tension between other religion.
The SRM shows how the Christian message can be understood without conversion.
Inter-faith dialogue advocates mutual understanding without conversion.
Christian communities SHOULD seek to convert people of no faith or other faith:
Exclusivists argue that Christianity is the only route to salvation.
Saint Cyprian of Carthage - ‘outside the church there is no salvation - explains early missionary work of church.
Supported by Dr Andy Bannister in the modern day who claims Christianity is the only true religion as it is centered around Jesus who offers salvation.
Jesus himself states ‘go and make disciples of all nations…’ - possibly showing the importance of conversion.
BUT - Views are very traditional and rely on the story of Jesus, not always accepted.
Christian communities SHOULD seek to convert people of no faith or other faith:
Redemtoris Missio emphasizes that the Christian mission is to convert others - supported by the Catholic Church.
Influenced Bible verses such as Corinthians which states ‘I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach to gospel’.
James Hudson Taylor was a Christian missionary who went to China to convert people.
BUT - The Catholic church as a whole is outdated as it heavily relies on tradition.
Christians should seek to preach their faith in a modern context - seen in Bonhoeffer’s actions/ ‘No Rusty Swords’/Niebuhr’s Christian realism.
Christian communities SHOULD NOT seek to convert people of no faith or other faith:
A pluralist view is more accepting as it prevents violence and tension between other religion.
Example of 9/11 - caused mass suffering as a result of conflict in religious views.
View adopted by John Hick who question ed how Christianity could be the only way to salvation.
John Hick: ‘Are we then to say that one is true and the other’s false?’
‘There are many paths to God’
Hick supports a theocentric view and rejects anything Christocentric.
Hick emphasizes universalism which claims salvation should be open to anyone - shown in the parable of the sheep and goats as they are not explicitly Christian people, therefore no need to convert.
Christian communities SHOULD NOT seek to convert people of no faith or other faith:
Interfaith dialogue advocates mutual understanding without the need for Christians to convert others.
‘Sharing the gospel of salvation’ identifies four strands of inter faith dialogue, showing how religions can be cohesive and not need to convert.
- ‘Dialogue of daily life’/’Dialogue of mutual understanding’
‘Sharing the gospel of salvation’ is more compassionate to Redemtoris Missio as it emphasis the idea for Christians to ‘love your neighbor’ and be more sensitive towards other religions.
Scriptural reasoning movement also shows how conversion is not necessary where people can still maintain their Christian faiths.
It is not limiting - allows for social cohesion to take place.
Aligns with Pinker’s view of the humanitarian principle.
BUT - Maybe it is too pluralist and can relativize faiths.
Why would Hick suggest we can know God better through globalization?
He would suggest that it means that religions could get together to get a better sense of God.
What is the humanitarian principle?
The idea that we would work better as a society if we took into account the interest of others.
Roughly how many people have attended a Church of England school?
15 million people.
Why does a multi-faith UK pose challenges for the Church of England?
The schooling system shows how the church has ultimate control over the control which would not be possible if other faiths are accepted.
What did Prince Charles say about faith?
He proclaimed that when he becomes king, he will no longer be the ‘defender of the faith’, reflecting a more multi-cultural society.
What four strands of inter-faith dialogue does the ‘sharing the gospel of salvation’ recognise?
Dialogue of daily life - informal conversations.
Dialogue of the common good - working for good of community.
Dialogue of mutual understanding - formal debates.
Dialogue of spiritual life - meet for prayer and worship.
Which biblical passage implies all could receive salvation without accepting Jesus as the savior?
The parable of the sheep and goats
There is no mentions of the ‘sheep and goats’ being solely Christians.
Who is James Hudson Taylor?
A missionary who brought Christianity to China.
What does the Catholic church say about inter-faith dialogue in Redemtoris Missio?
The Christian mission to non-Christians remains essential - their primary job is to bring people to salvation.
What quotes back the sole ideas of Redemtoris Missio?
‘Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel’ - Corinthians
‘Salvation is found in no one else’ - (Reference to importance of Jesus)
How does the Church of England recommend how people should share their faith in everyday life?
By living for the good of others rather than just telling them what to believe - they should work as Jesus did and not be afraid of their religion.
‘Love thy neighbor’ - encourages Christians to be sensitive of others.