Christian moral principles Flashcards
Theonomous Christian ethics
The bible contains all a person needs to live a good life.
God should be placed at the centre.
Heteronomous christian ethics
The bible is important but it should be used alongside the church and reason.
Autonomous christian ethics
Authority is placed on the individual - love as the guiding force for ethics.
How does the story of David and Goliath create issues for the bible?
David kills Goliath by cutting off his head and God rewards him fro this violence.
The 10 commandments state that you should not murder.
This makes the bible inconsistent.
What bible verse on sexual relations becomes incoherent and why?
‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable’.
Needs to be considered in the context in which it was in.
Why are Psalms challenging to follow?
They are poems and can therefore be interpreted in more than one way.
This means it cannot be a good moral guide.
What does sola scriptura mean?
The bible is the only supreme authority that matters.
What are the advantages of taking the bible literally?
It gives guidance on how to organise family and religious life with ethical guidance.
Why does Richard Mouw believe that the bible should be taken from a sola scriptura stance?
He argues that just because there is a command on love, it does not mean we should rule out the possibility of other biblical commands.
The bible should not be read as a list of commands, much of the bible is not a command.
Criticisms of sola scriptura?
We are likely to make our own interpretations of the bible and read it subjectively.
If God dictated the whole bible then why is it written in so many different writing styles? E.g. the letters of Paul to different churches.
The bible contains many contradictions (David and Goliath)
Catholic model for making ethical choices
They take an absolutist stance and view tradition as being the most important.
They believe that the bible grew out of the church and that tradition came before the bible.
Protestant model for making ethical choices
The bible is the principle source of authority.
They believe that reason is the process of making sense of the bible and church reason.
Anglican model for making ethical choices
They believe in prima scriptura (bible is important but not the only source).
Tradition is not fixed but allows for healthy debate with current affairs.
What do protestants believe about church authority?
The church has interpreted the bible for over 2000 years and this should guide people’s moral lives.
What do roman Catholics believe about the authority of the church?
They argue that the authority of the church was given to Peter and the Apostles which existed before the bible was put together.