Christian moral action Flashcards
What was happening to the church in Germany under Hitler?
The Nazis began to infiltrate the catholic church with Nazi propaganda.
Pastors of the confessional church were sent to concentration camps.
German children were indoctrinated and sent to Nazi schools.
What was the Reich church?
A church under Nazi leadership that at6tempted to ban the use of the Old Testament.
What was the confessing church?
A church which Bonhoeffer joined which rejected the way in which the German Christian church accepted Nazi ideologies.
It promoted an ethic of responsibly for others.
What does Bonhoeffer believe about discipleship?
He believes that discipleship is to obey the leadership of Jesus and the will of God.
It encourages joining a life of risk and moving away from security.
It should be placed above the law and human responsibility.
What is Bonhoeffer’s philosophy on following man made laws?
Discipleship means that all other legal ties should be burnt.
This is controversial as it means it is placed above laws.
What does Bonhoeffer mean when he says that he will follow God’s will?
We cannot take God’s will and fit it around our lives.
A complete change in life and existence must take place to follow Jesus exclusively.
What does Bonhoeffer mean by ‘single-minded obedience’?
When we are called by Jesus we should respond with obedience that is independent from reason - this is where faith is possible as we are able to step away from the attachments of life.
What is a quote for Bonhoeffer’s rejection of man-made laws?
‘We do not walk under out self-made laws and burdens, but under the yoke of him…’
What is cheap grace?
Grace that is offered freely, it is ultimately false as it does not save.
What is costly grace?
Grace followed by obedience to God’s commands and discipleship.
What does the ‘Cost of Discipleship’ teach?
Each individual has a responsibility to follows Christ’s example and to live a life oriented around living lie Christ would.
What quote from ‘Cost of Discipleship’ shows that belief and obedience are interchangable?
‘Only he who believes is obedient, and only he who is obedient believes’
What quotes from ‘Cost of Discipleship’ show people must move away from security?
‘life of absolute insecurity’
‘the call to abandon the attachments of the world’
‘suffering must be endured’
What does Bonhoeffer call cheap grace?
‘the deadly enemy of the church’
What did the Barmen declaration state?
Jesus is the only true leader.
Christians must not follow any other revelation that does not come from Jesus.
Other ideologies do not have authority over a person’s life.
Why did Bonhoeffer eventually reject the Barmen Declaration?
He felt as though it focused too much on belief rather than action.
What was spiritual discipline for Bonhoeffer?
Prayer centered
Bible based
Action based
What did the Finkenwalde community allow bonhoeffer to do and what was it?
An illegal seminary as only Aryan people could train at the institution.
Bonhoeffer was able to reflect on what it meant to be a Christian community.
What are Niebuhr’s views on sin and human nature?
Sin is an inescapable aspect of life.
Humans have tendencies towards self-interest, pride and power.
What are Niebuhr’s views on moral ambiguity?
He recognises the complexity of moral decision making.
Moral decisions choose the lesser evil than the absolute good.
What are Niebuhr’s views on pragmatism?
Actions can often prevent greater evils.
Achieving justice requires engagement with political realities.
What are Niebuhr’s views on hope and humility?
Humans naturally have a tendency to do wrong yet this should not mask this ability to do good.
Why did Bonhoeffer relate to Niebuhr?
Both Niebuhr and Bonhoeffer take pragmatic approaches and understand that actions are the choice of a lesser evil.
How does Bonhoeffer’s justification of civil disobedience reject Luther?
Luther believed that God was who put the government in place whereas Bonhoeffer believed that Christians should challenge the state in order to fulfil God’s duty.
How did Bonhoeffer express the suffering of Jesus?
In his experiences against Nazism, in his imprisonment and eventual execution.
What does solidarity mean for Bonhoeffer?
The church must be ‘for others’.
It must be expressed for all people - the oppressed, other nations and beliefs.
This is expressed through Jesus who interacted with political authorities ‘for others’.
How did Bonhoeffer show solidarity?
When he chose to return to Germany to be alongside others and work with them.
Bonhoeffer places too much emphasis on suffering.
He lived in extreme circumstances most need to live their lives in ‘everyday’ circumstances.
It may be unhealthy to seek out situations that result in suffering.
He encourages extreme behaviour.
Costly grace is unrealistic - God’s grace is mentioned to be freely given.
Bonhoeffer does not place too much emphasis on suffering.
Suffering is part of life for everyone.
Jesus told people to take up their own crosses an follow him.
He is interested with Christians engaging with Jesus on many levels rather than just suffering.
Being the person who does not act at all is the starting point for Bonhoeffer’s theology.
What is an institutional form of Christianity?
Too much focus on power and authority rather than being genuinely spiritual.
What is a cultural form of Christianity?
Too concerned on preserving and maintaining pre-existing practices rather than living with faith today.
What is a quote for St Teresa of Avila?
‘Christ has no body now but yours’
Humans stand in solidarity with Jesus.
What quotes represent solidarity?
‘Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ’ - Bible verse
‘If one part suffers, every part suffers with it’ - Paul
What does ‘No Rusty Swords’ mean?
The outworn ethical attitudes which the church has used and have no use today.
How does ‘No Rusty Swords’ link to Niebuhr?
Niebuhr took a realistic perspective in terms of social ethics that looks at how humans have the inevitability to sin/ will have to choose the lesser of two evils.
‘No Rusty Swords’ would look at the current challenges and complexities of modern life in order to take a pluralistic approach.
Bonhoeffer’s theology is still relevant today
Costly discipleship calls Christians to live their lives authentically and fully.
He highlights the importance of standing up against injustice and oppression.
He advocates for the marginalized and standing up against systemic wrongs.
There is still suffering in the world meaning his message of solidarity is still relevant.