religious funeral stuff Flashcards
the portion of the church surrounding the altar, usually enclosing the clergy; area behind the altar or communion rail
the entry way into a church, funeral establishment or other public building; entrance hall
the seating or auditorium section of a church
in liturgical churches, stated directions in a prayer book or liturgical manual regarding the order of service as approved by the denomination
part of the church surrounding the altar, inside the chancel
wings of the main part of the church which may serve as small chapels for baptism, weddings, and even small funeral services (makes a cross/the T)
ritual garments worn by the clergy
in the roman catholic faith, head of an archdiocese
leader of multiple churches in a particular denomination; in the roman catholic faith, the head of a diocese; in the Mormons, they are a leader of a single congregation
in the roman catholic faith, bishops who have the right to participate in a papal election
person who is designs and officiates a personalized ceremony or rite; the officiant who celebrates the mass in the roman catholic church
christian burial certificate
a letter or form form a priest stating the eligibility of the deceased for burial in a roman catholic cemetery
christian wake *
the prayer service for the christian wake is a service now used instead of the rosary or funeral mass. it may be held in a location other than the church
christian symbol without the corpus
a cross with a figure or image representing the body of christ (corpus)
crucifer (crossbearer)
one who carries the crucifix/cross during an ecclesiastical procession
in the roman catholic faith, a geographical grouping of parishes under the jurisdiction of a bishop
the consecrated elements of holy communion
final commendation (libera)
in the roman catholic faith, the ending portion of the funeral mass
funeral mass
name of the funeral service in the roman catholic church; formerly called the mass of christian burial
the act of bending the right knee as an indication of reverence or as an act of humility
the first three greek letters of the word for jesus
an abbreviated latin term meaning “jesus of nazareth, king of jews”
mass card
of the written request for a mass for a specific intention
an honorary title conferred upon a roman catholic priest
a symbolic cloth placed over the casket
paschal candle
in the roman catholic faith, a candle placed near the casket during the funeral mass that signifies the everlasting light of christ
the head of the roman catholic faith and bishop of rome
a title conferred to clergy upon ordination in various religions
prie dieu
a small bench placed in front of the casket or urn to allow a person to kneel for prayer
requiem candles *
the three candles which are placed on each side of the casket. the paschal candle should replace these; however, in some areas they are still being used
ritual of anointing (sacrament of sick)
in the roman catholic faith, a sacrament given to those seriously ill or in danger of death to prepare their souls for eternity
rosary beads
a chain of adjoining beads and a crucifix used as an aid in the recitation of prayers
rosary prayers
a series of prayers in the roman catholic faith
rosary service
a service at which rosary prayers are recited
in the roman catholic faith, a piece of cloth or a medal having religious significance usually worn around the neck
superior *
a position held by the woman in charge of the convent or order of nuns
historically, a watch kept over the deceased; an all night vigil
wake service (vigil)
a prayer or scripture service usually held at the funeral establishment the evening before the funeral
hebrew meaning container; a casket made entirely of wood with no metal parts
a religious singer who assists the clergy; one who assists the rabbi in the jewish faith; also in the eastern orthodox faith
Chevrah Kadisha
hebrew meaning “holy society”; a group of men or women who take care for the dead; they may be referred to by laymen as “washers”
a eulogy or true evaluation of the deceased’s life that is part of a jewish funeral
kever *
the grave (jewish)
hebrew term meaning rending or tearing; a symbol of grief; a tear in the upper corner of the garments or a tear on a symbolic ribbon which is worn by the survivors
in the jewish faith, a candelabrum with a central stem bearing 7 candles; the oldest symbol in judaism
mogen david (star of david)
in the jewish faith, a hexagram formed by the combination of 2 triangles
a teacher or ordained leader in the jewish faith
the jewish sabbath; begins at sundown Friday and ends at sundown Saturday
in the jewish faith, a 7 day mourning period
meaning 30 in the jewish faith; 30 day mourning period
a hand sewn white linen shroud in which the deceased members of the jewish faith are dressed
a prayer shawl worn by jewish men during the morning prayer service
in the jewish faith, the ceremonial washing of the deceased before the burial; a ritual purification or cleansing of the body by Chevra Kaddisha
in the jewish faith, prayers said before the funeral by a group of friends and the shomer. these prayers come from the book of psalms
in the jewish faith, the anniversary of the death
yamaka (kippah, yarmulke)
in the jewish faith; the skull cap worn by males at temple and funeral services
prayer cards
a card with the name of the decedent and a prayer or verse, which may or may not include the dates of birth and death
sign of the cross
a symbolic sign of the cross, made with the right hand
vigil lights
in the roman catholic faith, set of 2 candles that may be placed, one at the head and one at the foot of the casket, during the visitation period
holy water
water blessed by a priest
casket bearers
one who actively bears or carries the casket during the funeral service and at the committal service
a place of religious worship in the jewish faith; may also be referred to as a temple or shul
a building dedicated to be the house of the lord; a sacred structure on earth used for instruction by mormans
book of law, instruction, and learning
in the jewish faith, a watcher; one who sits with the deceased reading psalms until burial
in the jewish faith, the funeral procession
in the jewish faith, a prayer recited for the deceased by the direct mourners for the first time at the conclusion of the interment service
in the jewish faith, a memorial service recited four times a year
a territorial grouping of the Mormons made up of at least ten wards
group of Mormons sharing familial, linguistic, or cultural characteristics
temple ordinances
ceremonial instruction of the Mormons, given only within a temple to worthy members of the sect
temple clothing
garments worn by endowed members of the Mormons at the temple and for burial
relief society
a women’s group of the Mormons
society room
a room designated for the ladies of the relief society to meet. form a funeral stand point, often the room where the casket is placed prior to the service
in the eastern orthodox faith, a holy picture; usually mosaic or painted on wood
in the eastern orthodox church, the open area before the alter
in the eastern orthodox faith, three short services or blessings that are part of the funeral rite
parastas (parastasis)
the watch or all night vigil over the deceased in the eastern orthodox community
a subordinate officer in a christian church
a rubric for the eastern orthodox funeral service
wax candle lit in narthex, signifying prayers and petitions to god
the title of a buddhist priest
book of dates
term used in the buddhist faith to describe a calendar that is used to determine an accurate time for casketing the deceased, services, and disposition
the first two and last two verses of a buddhist hymn sung at the funeral service
traditionally, in the buddhist faith, a bedside prayer which may be performed by the bonze just before the funeral arrangements are made
the buddhist idea of heavenly peace or pure land
the buddhist place of worship
service of encasketing
in the buddhist faith, a service performed as part of casketing the deceased
words of appreciation
a brief expression of gratitude to the congregation for their presence at the buddhist service
one having spiritual care over a number of people
title used to address member of the clergy
an alter attendant
an elevated place or structure on which sacrifices are offered or at which religious rites are performed
kingdom hall
the worship hall for the Jehovah’s witnesses
governign officer of a church, often having pastoral or teaching functions; specific duties dependent upon various denominations
mother church
oldest original church for which other like minded congregations have sprung
reader or practitioner
in the church of christ, scientists, one authorized to read the lessons and scriptures
muslim (moslem)
the name given to a member of the islamic faith
mohammed (muhammad)
a prophet of the islamic religion born in 571 CE; considered by muslims to be gods messenger but he is not worshipped or considered divine
in the islam faith, the name for god
koran (quran)
the holy book of the islamic faith as revealed to mohammed by the angel Gabriel
in the islam faith, the leader of the local congregation
in the islam faith the funeral or funeral prayer
al-ghusl (ghusl)
practical and ceremonial washing of a deceased muslim
burial garments utilized by muslims
the holiest city in the islamic faith; muslims are buried facing this city
mosque (masjid)
local islamic religious facility containing no icons, statues, symbols, pews, chairs, or musical instruments