Religion Peace And Conflict Flashcards
What is a Muslim quote for helping those in need
‘Whoever saved a life, it would be as if they saved all of man kind’
What is the parable about treating those suffering
The parable of the sheep and goats
Teaching for the treatment of the injured
The Good Samaritan
Quote for helping those in need
‘Love thy neighbour as if yourself’
Quote for an example of holy war
‘Kill all men, women, children and babies’
*old testament telling the Jews to take land
Reasons for nuclear weapons
Deterrent, promotes peace, give nations power to be heard, creates jobs and boosts the economy
Reasons against nuclear weapons
Unspeakable damage, fear and mistrust, environmental damage, dictators
Detention of Weapon of mass destruction
Weapons that can can kill large anoint of people and/or great damage
What is a chemical weapon
Weapons that use chemicals to poison, burn or paradise and destroy the environment
What are nuclear weapons
Weapons that work by nuclear reaction; they devastate large numbers of people and areas of of land
What is a biological weapon
Weapons that have live or infective materials that can lead to deseise or death
What is a quote against self defence
‘Do not repay evil for evil’
What’s an Islamic quote for greed
‘God does not like arrogant boastful people, who are miserly….hiding the bounty of god’
What is a Christian quote about greed
‘For the love of money is the root kinds of all evil’
What are 3 Christian quotes for peace
‘Blessed are the peacemakers ‘
- for pacifism aswell
- sermon on the mount-bible
‘He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many people’
‘Thou shall not kill’-genesis
What is just post bell
Criteria after war
- promote justice
- prosecute war crimes
- repair infrastructure
- secure peace
What is jus in bello
Criteria in war
- protect innocence
- legal weapons
- protect prisoners of war
What is jus ad bellum
Criteria before war
- diplomacy
- last resort
- declares by a governing body
- rightful cause
Christian quote for forgiveness
‘Forgive those who trespass against us’
Lord’s Prayer
‘Forgive not 7 times but 77’
Muslim quote for peace
‘The servants of the lord of mercy are those who walk humbly on earth, and who, when aggressive people address them, reply with words of peace’
Quote for retalliation
‘Fair retribution saves lives’
Quote against retalliation
‘Turn the cheek’
Result of holy war
Christians get eternal life
Christian quote agreeing with war and violence
‘Eye for an eye’
2 X quotes against war and violence
‘Anyone who is angry with his brother will be the subject to judgement’
‘Those who live by the sword die by the sword’
Jesus teachings
What are two Christian charities
- Caritas-food And shelter
- Christian aid- protection of the most vaunrable
Muslim quote for peace
‘If they incline towards peace, you must also incline towards it’