Muslim beliefs Flashcards
What are the six articles of faith in Sunni Islam
One – belief in God to To – belief in angels Three – believe on the day of judgement Four – believe in the divine books Five – belief in the profits Six – belief that everything is ordered by à la
What is tawid
Belief in one God
What is the quote for tawid
“He is Allah, the one, Allah is eternal absolute. No one is born of him, he is on born, there is no one like him”
What are the holy books
The Torah of Moses, The gospels, the scrolls of Abraham, The palms of David, the Koran
What are the five roots of usul ad-din
Tawid, prophethood, adalat, Imamate,resurrection
Muslim reasons for gods omnipotent’s
“He is that all knowing, more powerful, able to do anything “
– Allah created the universe, nothing happens unless Allah allows it to happen (inShalla)
– He also is going to judge everybody
I might omnipotent not to be the west best way of describing allah
Because he has 99 names which are all needed to help understand what is like – he’s also merciful which is important because they are then forgiven
– Mackeys inconsistent triad
What characteristics do Muslims believe God has
Merciful, omnipotent, benevolent, just, eminent, transcendent,
What are the nature and roles of angels
– Pure and Cynlas
– spiritual beings created by God from life
– constantly serve and praise God
– have no free will exam – I able to take Human form and give messages to people
What are two angels
Jibril and Mika’il
What is the first part of the shahada
Declaration that I like this one
What is the quote for Allah as imminent
“We are closer to him than his jugular vein “
To quote for gods transcendence
“No vision Can grasp him…He is above all comprehension “
“Nothing there is like him “
What is the quote for allah Being just
“We have made you a moderate nation “
The five pillars are provided to help Muslims in life
Why is Adam important in Islam
– He was the father of all mankind
– he taught that life on earth is temporary and external life is in the next life
– he built the Kaaba Is the first place of worship, with the help of angels after he was first sent to earth
–He also taught the work of iblis how to protect themselves from jinn
-Adam disobeyed àllah however he repented for in sins and therefore found salvation
What is Risalah
Why is Ibrahim important
– He refused to worship idols and instead preach that there is only one God
– he rebuilt the kaaba When they were damaged in the great flood (following gods command Ibrahim rebuilt it)
– he was willing to sacrifice his only son to God
– that shows his dedication to god
Why is Muhammad important
–Angel Jibril revealed the Koran to Muhammad in the night of power over the course of 22 years
– Mohammed also started to challenge people in Mecca to follow gods teachings
– Mohammed also agreed with God that Muslims should pray 5 times a day
What is predestination
The idea that God has already determined everything that willhappen in the universe
– Sunni—Muslims believe that God has written down everything that will happen in the “book of decrees “
– because God created people they must Abbe to his will
Shia Muslims believe that God knows everything that’s going to happen however does not decide what is going to happen and therefore they have free will
Quote for predestination
“Only what God has decreed will happen to us “
What is al-Qadr
The idea that everything will happen as a result of à la is well and nothing is random all that reason
– it means predestination is the will of God and God is in charge of everything in life
Quote for the day of judgement
“We will call forth every people with their record “
What happens on the day of judgement
À la will charge everybody – not only Muslims
– the dead will be resurrected join those still living and everyone will receive a record of the good and bad deeds on which they will be charged
– the idea of judgement is important as it encourages Muslims to live their lives in a good way and can be comforting to think that people will be punished
– other Muslims think that its best to concentrate on this life as I think people should