Religion Human Rights And Social Justice Flashcards
What should Christians do with the use of wealth
The old Testament says to thank God people Should pay a 10th of the annual income to the Poor or the church
“Do you set aside a 10th “
The old Testament
What a Christian views on wealth
Wealth is the danger associated with greed and selfishness as wealth might become the centre of someone’s life rather than it being God
What’s a quotes for the negative side of wealth
“for the love of money is the root of all evil “
“It’s easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle and a rich man to go to heaven “
Parable for wealth
The parable of Lazarus and the rich man
“You shall not covet your neighbours house”
What does this teach about wealth
To be content with what you have got
What are attitudes towards wealth in Islam
It is a blessing and should benefit everybody
What do Muslims do with their wealth
- Zakat – 2.5% of their earnings to charity
- Khums 20% tax for Shi’a Muslims
- Money shouldn’t be wasted on gambling or alcohol
- “Beware of greed”
- A mans duty is to provide for his family
Why can wealth be seen as bad in Islam
Wealth is a distraction from their duty to worship God
2 X quotes for gender equality
“We are all made in the image of God “
“There is no dude nor Gentile, slave nor free, nor is the male nor female, for your all one in Christ”
Christ revealed himself to women after he came back from dead
Quote for women are inferior
In the old Testament
“it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in church “
“Christ is the head of the church so men that are the head of women”
Quotes against homosexuality
“Be fruitful and multiply “
“A man shall not live with another man as he lives with another woman “
Quotes for gender a quality in the old Testament
Where in Saint Paul said women must remain covered he talked in the social context where uncovered women were hookers
Quotes for homosexuality
We’re all in the image of God
Muslim quote against people trafficking
“Liberate those in bondage “
Do Christians and Muslims think about interest on loans
Christians believe that interest loans are Acceptable but can’t be charged an access
Muslims do not agree with interest loans as they believe it’s haram
How do Christians and Muslims promote socialJustice
Christians follow the parable of the sheep and goats
Muslims give to Zakha
What is positive discrimination
Helping groups that have previously been discriminated against to gain equal access to opportunities
Why religious people shouldn’t give to the poor
Everybody has talents and abilities to help themselves out of poverty Given to them by God
old testiment Paul : “If a man will not work he shall not eat “this reflects the harshness of the time
Real life examples of justice in the world
– Fair trade
This enables Christians and Muslims to carry out She Stewardship
What is racism
Showing prejudice against someone because of their ethnic group or nationality
What’s the Christian quote against racism
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor there is male And female for you are all one in Christ Jesus“
Muslim belief against racism
“A white person is not better than a black person, nor is a black person better than a white person “
Christian quote for religious freedom
“Live at peace with everyone “
Muslim belief about religious freedom
“Let those who wish to believe in it do so and let those who wish to reject it do so”
Should the pool help themselves
So am on able to work e.g. disabled
Everyone has talents and skills they can use to earn money
The bible teaches The parable of the sheep and goats/Love Thy Neighbor
What is the parable of the talents
Jesus taught about the importance of using our God-given skills