Religion In Society Flashcards
When something is able to be proved wrong
Why is science an open belief system?
Scientists set out to try to falsify existing theories, deliberately seeking evidence that would disprove them
If the evidence from an experiment or observation contradicts a theory and shows it to be false then the theory is discarded
Why is science a closed belief system?
Polanyl argues that all belief systems reject fundamental challenges to their knowledge claims, science is no different
Reasons why religions is a closed belief system
Religion claims to have a special, perfect knowledge of the absolute truth
Its knowledge us sacred and religious organisations claim to hold it on Gods divine authority so cannot be challenged
Reasons why religion is an open belief system
People have translated and edited the bible so it is not a fixed text
What is Durkheim’s sacred and profane?
Sacred things are things that are set apart, special and evoke awe, fear or wonder, often surrounded by rules and rituals
The profane are ordinary, everyday things that have no special significance or deeper meaning
What does Parsons believe about the function of religion?
Religion provides moral guidelines that help maintain social order
Argued that religious teachings are key to socialising individuals into a shared moral framework which influences legal systems and societal norms
What does Bellah believe about the function of religion?
Introduced the concept of ‘civil religion’ where nationalistic belief systems take in religious qualities, uniting society under shared values. E.g. USA and ‘Americanism’
What does Malinowski believe about the function of religion?
Religion functions to relieve the anxieties caused by life crises like death, birth, or marriage
Religious rituals like funerals help people cope with uncertainty and stress, thus maintaining social stability
What is Weber’s view on Marx?
Rejected Marx’s theory that religion was a tool of capitalism
Instead he believed that religion was a force for social change
Religion is more than just an ideological tool or a response to deprivation. Religion is a social force
What does religion do in the eyes Weber?
It explains good and bad fortune as divine reward or punishment. It enables people to cope with uncontrollable situations
Economic restructionism
Refers to the idea that everything can be educed to economic relationships
Movement away from the magical explanations of the world, to the logical ones
What do Calvinist’s believe?
Grid had already chosen if your going to heaven or hell
According to Weber, what did Calvinists start?
Capitalism because they made the conditions for capitalism to grow
Individualistic religion. Encourage private prayer and worship. Allowed for people to interpret religion for themselves and this was more open to social change
Criticisms of Weber
Not all Calvinist countries were capitalist
Other factors were more influential- Marxists argue that slavery, colonialism, and piracy were more important features that lead to the rise of capitalism
Views that support Weber
Religious ideas fuel economic and social change- Berger and Redding agree as they say we can still see this happening in societies today
Mormons are the modern day calvinists- Aldridge saw similar patterns in the Mormon community which had similar work ethic to calvinists. They promote hard work and a strain from many pleasures
Five characteristics of Pentecostalism
Strong belief in biblical authority
Strong emphasis in personal ‘born again’ conversion experiences
Focus on the importance if prayer
Engagement in missionary activity
Conservative morals
What are the conflicts between faith and feminism?
Perception if patriarchy
Religious justification for gender inequality
Historical resistance
Secular VS religious ideals
What are the reasons why faith and feminism can coexist?
Shared commitment to justice
Historical collaboration
Faith inspired feminism
Alternative views on liberation
Religion is fixed and sacred
Religion is impacted by culture and therefore open to change