Families And Households Flashcards
Murdock’s four functions if the family
Parsons two functions of the family
Primary socialisation of children
Stabilisation of adult personalities
What is the warm bath theory?
Women are the foundation of the family and the family provide an environment in which the stresses of everyday working life are relived
What is Engles view in how the family reinforces the capitalist ideology?
Monogamy became essential because if the inheritance of private property- men had to be certain if the paternity if their children in order to insure that their legitimate heirs inherited from them
Women were seen as a mere instrument for the production of children
What is Zaretsky view in how the family reinforces the capitalist ideology?
Family performs an ideological function by offering a haven from the harsh and exploitative world of capitalism outside
What is Althusser view in how the family reinforces the capitalist ideology?
The family , as part of the superstructure of capitalist society, socialises children into norms and values that are useful to the capitalist ruling class
What does radical feminism believe?
All society = patriarchy
Gender inequality is key
Men are the enemy and a source of exploitation
Family and marriage help to maintain inequality and the patriarchy
What does Marxists feminism believe?
Capitalism is the cause of gender inequality
What does liberal feminism believe?
Concerned on ending gender discrimination
What are examples of relationships that are beyond blood and marriage?
Relationships with friends
Fictive kin- close friends who are treated as relatives
Gay and lesbian chosen families
Relationships with dead relatives
Relationships with pets
Family diversity
The differences between families including the roles, organisations and structures
What do functionalists believe about family diversity?
It’s bad
Nuclear families are best suited to the capitalist working structure
Other family types are dysfunctional as they are less able to support the necessary socialisation of chimdren
What do the new right believe about family diversity?
It is bad
Patriarchal nuclear family is the only natural family type
Biological differences between men and women means that they are more suited for the role of breadwinner or career
Marriage is necessary and cohabiting is a negative trend
Family diversity leads to children being more vulnerable as they may not be socialised correctly
What do feminists believe about family diversity?
Nuclear family enforces gender roles and the oppression of women
Cohabitation is a form of commitment
Oakley found that there is no evidence for biological differences between men
What does Chester (functionalist) believe about family diversity?
The movement away from gender roles and to more equal partnerships in domestic labour and wage earning is still the nuclear family it is just organised differently
Majority of families are nuclear families
Rapports five types of family diversity
Organisational = differences in the way the family is organised
Cultural = social differences
Social class = w/c vs m/c
Life course = what stage of life people are at
Cohort = differences in expectations of the family for different generations
What does post modernism believe about family diversity?
It is good
People can create their identities from various cultures, sub cultures, sexualises and social movements
What does Stacy believe about family diversity?
It is good
Expectations and Barrie’s are no longer in the way for women
What is Giddens pure relationships idea?
The minute the relationship doesn’t benefit you you can leave
What is Becks negotiated couples?
People can negotiate this roles in relationships, they are not confined by patriarchal gender roles
Social policy
A generic term for policies made by political parties when they are in government
What is the functionalist view on social policy and families?
They help families to perform their functions more effectively and make life better for their members
What does Almond (new right theorist) argue about social policy and families?
Laws making divorce easier undermined the idea of marriage as a lifelong commitment
The intro of civil partnerships sends out the message that the state no longer sees heterosexual marriage as superior
When were the divorce acts?
1969 and 1984
When was the civil partnerships and gay marriage act?
Divorce frate
The number of people getting a divorce per 1000 married people per year
What is Murray’s (new right theorists) view on the rising divorce rate?
It’s negative
It eliminates the building blocks in society
Causes more welfare dependency for single mothers
What is Beck and Beck-Gernsheims (post modernist theorists) view in the rising divorce rate?
It’s good
There is more freedom of choice and greater diversity in families and society
What is Rodger’s and Pryor (new right theorists) view on the rising divorce rate?
Children of divorce experience more poverty, poor housing, behavioural problems, teenage pregnancy, and educational underachievement
What is Fletcher (functionalist theorists) view in the rising divorce rate?
Argued that people nowadays have very high expectations of marriage and when these expectations are not met they file for a divorce
What is Duncombe and Marsden (feminist theorists) view in the rising divorce rate?
Men are less capable of dealing with emotions and leave the emotional aspects of the family life to their wives
Women can now break free from the oppression of marriage
What is Baumans liquid love?
Our relationships are made yo if fragile bonds. Hence the liquidness, malleability, the ease which which elements in their liquid state can be divided