religion final Flashcards
What percentage of indigenous peoples now identify with a colonial religion?
Original to the land
A God who assumes a human-like form and comes down to Earth. The word avatar has sanskrit origins. An example of an avatar is when Jesus is on Earth–in Christianity he is considered God in human form
Indigenous population of Australia
Due to colonialism, much aborigine culture and history is lost
There used to be 300+ aborigine languages and now there are only 20
Religious studies vs theology
Religious studies is the study of religions from an academic standpoint–historical and institutional. Religious studies does not assume that religions are sacred or holy. Theology is the study of God–it presumes God exists and it assumes the divinity of a religious tradition.
Population of Jews today
14 million
Another name for the Torah
What does the Tanakh include
Torah, Nevi’im, Ketuvim
First of the 10 commandments
You shall have no other god to set against me
“Lawgiver” in Jewish traditions
Documentary Hypothesis
Hypothesis that states there are at least 4 authors of the Torah
Holiday that commemorates the return of the temple to the Jewish peoples in 164 BCE by Judah the Maccabee
Monastic Jewish community from the second and first centuries CE, believed to have authored the dead sea scrolls
Holocaust in Hebrew
food that is acceptable to consume according to Jewish law
branch of modern day Judaism is the middle ground between Orthodox and Reform
Moses Maimonides
One of the most famous Jewish philosophers and legal scholars around the 1100s from Spain. He wrote the Mishneh Torah (14 volume code of Jewish law) and the Guide of the Perplexed: helped Jews cope with the temptations of living in a metropolitan environment while also helping them maintain Jewish practices. Connected knowledge and faith
- Jewish mysticism that likely was created during the Spanish inquisition as a way for Jews to practice their religion secretly.
- Focuses on prayer and meditation to form a relationship with God, instead of relying heavily on scripture and temple.
- Realigning the 10 sefirot that were misaligned with the sin of Adam and Eve through good works and behavior is the focus.
Different ways to identify as Jewish
Ethnically Jewish: have Jewish heritage yet choose not to practice the religion
Culturally Jewish: ethnically Jewish and decide to partake in cultural Jewish practices through food and celebrations
Religiously Jewish: practice Judaism
Significance of the Babylonian Exile for understanding Jewish history
- -Beginning of the Jewish Diaspora (dispersal of Jews away from the homeland of Israel)
- -Significant to understand Jewish migratory patterns and how that affects the rest of Jewish history
- -For example, Jews that stayed in Babylon created the Babylonian Talmud, an important religious text today
Dreyfus Affair (and significance)
1894 Jewish Army officer Alfred Dreyfus was falsely accused of spying for Germany. Found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. He was later pardoned after they realized that it was based on a military cover up.
It is significant because it was an early instance of anti-semitism or discrimination against Jews.
Main sources of information about the historical Jesus
Hebrew scripture as well as Christian scripture
Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
Pauline Epistles
Constantine and his importance to Christian history
- -Roman Emperor (~late 300s, early 400s) who envisioned a cross before going into a successful battle, and then converted to Christianity
- -after converting, he began bestowing favors upon Christian Churches (ie, tax breaks)
- -Greatly expanded Christian sphere of influence in his empire
- -Importance: his rule is the main reason why Chrsitianity moved away from being a religion for poor and became an upper class, elite religion
What is the Nicene creed?
Product of the council of Nicea (around 4th-5th century)
In it lays the foundations for many important Christian theological ideas
Answered the question regarding the nature of Jesus: if he was of like or the same nature of God. It states that Jesus is of the same substance of God
Sacraments of Chrsitianity and 2 examples
- -Ritual actions signifying divine grace in Christianity performed throughout most sects
- -Each has a special meaning and a re performed by those practicing the religion
- -Baptism: initiation of members into the Church and the symbolic cleansing of sins by either immersion or exposure to holy water
- -Eucharist: consumption of bread and wine, meant to be the body and blood of Jesus, often during church rituals. The Eucharist is a symbolic reenactment of the last supper between Jesus and the apostles.
- -Catholic and Anglican sects recognize 5 other sacraments
Differences that seperated the Orthodox and Roman traditions in Christianity
Christianity was separated into 5 different sees of influence, 4 in the East and 1 in Rome. The orthodox sees in the East were geographically very seperated from the Roman sees. Orthodox sees had high interaction between Church and state, whereas romans separated Church and state. Romans valued and created a papacy, whereas orthodox churches didn’t value or recognize papal authority.
Martin Luther and importance
- -German friar and known as the father of the Protestant reformation
- -In response to Christian churches selling indulgences (passes out of purgatory for money) he posted his 95 theses on the Wittenberg church
- -Argued in favor of self worship and forgiveness of sins by doing good acts and living a faithful life
- -His ideas were the foundations of Lutheranism and the catalyst of the creation of various other protestant religions to be created
Vatican II and its impact
Pope John 23rd convoked second Vatican council
Changed church stuff: Latin was replaced by the vernacular language
Priest faces congregation
Caused tensions with the more conservative-traditionalist catholics