Religion And Science (P) Flashcards
What’s science?
The logical theories for everything based on evidence and experiments.
It is the attempt to study everything through observations and experiments.
What are the 5 different views on science and religion?
1) Religion is always correct and so science must agree with it.
2) Science is always correct and so religion must agree with it.
3) Science and religion are not interested in the same knowledge so shouldn’t disagree.
4) Science and religion don’t disagree, we are being tricked into believing that they do.
5) Science and religion work together when viewed properly.
What’s the Big Bang theory?
The theory that there was a massive rapid expansion. 18 billion years ago leading to the creation of the whole world.
Gases and matter then cooled forming planets and galaxies.
What are the scientific explanations to the creation of the world?
- the Big Bang theory
- 1740 - a paper published about preformationism arguing that aphids carried future generations inside them (plant eating insects). Others looked to find how animals evolved.
- 1830 - Darwin left England on a 2 yr expedition and published a book in 1859, suggesting single celled organisms evolved and developed the variety of plants and animals and natural selection
- a new theory is intelligent design that God must have created the world and all living things but there’s no evidence.
Being a scientist doesn’t mean you’re atheist. Many believe God created everything but that science is a sophisticated way to explain it.
What’s the creation story?
Day 1: “let there be light” - God separated light and dark and called it day and night
Day 2: He created the sky and formed a ‘vault’ or atmosphere
Day 3: God created the land, seas, plants and trees
Day 4: God created the sun, moon and stars
Day 5: God created fish of the sea, birds of the sky and animals on land
Day 6: God created human life - they were told to go on and multiply
Day 7: Rest
What are the different interpretations of the creation story?
Literal - creation literally happened in 7 days (no science)
Symbolic - the days are more symbolic of a period of time e.g. A day is a million years (science can fit in - it may suggest that over the period of time, we evolved)
Mythical - someone who doesn’t believe that creation happened like the Genesis but the story is a myth and a celebration of God’s power (science can fit in - god still started creation but evolution and the Big Bang could have existed)
What are problems with the environment and solutions?
Problems: Greenhouse effect Eutrophication (water pollution by nitrates) Deforestation Fossil fuels Landfill Radioactive waste
Solutions: Renewable alternative energy sources Don't use fertilisers Don't cut trees Use nuclear fusion Use less/no nitrates and pesticides
What’s a steward?
Like a caretaker who looks after the world
What’s stewardship?
A God given responsibility to manage or control the Earth. To carefully look after something for the real owner.
What does dominion mean?
We are in charge. It doesn’t mean we do what we want, it means ‘kingship’ suggesting we should rule wisely.
Why is stewardship important to Christians?
They believe God left the Earth in good faith that we would take care of his creation for him.
They feel we had this responsibility since the day God made us.
Christians can fulfil their stewardship by being environmentally friendly and recycling. They may also choose to vote for a political party which shows concern for the environment or take part in conservation projects.
What is the Islamic view to stewardship?
They accept stewardship is essential and that they all must play a leading part in protecting the environment.
Allah made things in nature for use of man.
What are bible quotes on stewardship?
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth” - he created the world for us to look after
To be aware, take action and ensure others accept responsibility is important to Christians.
“God said, ‘let us make man in our image…and let rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air….over all the Earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground”.
What is religion?
A person’s belief in the creation of the Earth and a spiritual God or leader.
It’s the attempt to understand the world through faith and a belief in something.
What’s the Muslim view on science?
Muslims would argue that science does not affect their belief in Allah’s (God’s) creation of the world, instead it explains what the Qur’an does not say. An important part of being a Muslim is to strive for clear understanding, therefore scientific explanations are welcomed as they help Muslims to have a greater understanding of Allah.
What’s the Christian view on science?
For many Christians there isn’t a conflict between the religious ideas about creation expressed in Genesis and the findings of science.
Professor John Polkinghorne is both a scientist and a priest in the Church of England; he says:
“Genesis is not there to give short, technical answers about how the universe began. It gives us the big answer that things exist because of God’s will. One can perfectly well believe in the Big Bang, but believe in it as the will of God the creator.”
What’s the cosmological argument?
The theory that something must’ve caused the universe to exist in this first cause must’ve been God.
What’s intelligent design?
The theory that certain features of the universe are best explained by the existence of an intelligent cause
What’s the teleological argument?
The theory that the presence of order and design in the universe proves the existence of a designer which is God.
What are the scientific arguments for the creation of the world?
Cosmological theories such as the big bang theory
Evolutionary theories such as the most well-known theory by Charles Darwin that things slowly changed from simple cells into a variety of complex lifeforms.
What are the religious arguments for the creation of the world?
Based on the Bible that in six days of creation a one day of rest the world was created.
Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden - Adam is created from dust and clay. The garden of Eden is created around him with rivers and all the plants and flowers.
He is told he is able to eat from any seed or fruit producing plant except for the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Adam needed to help us so God created animals. Adam names of the animals thus gaining power over animals.
Adam was still only so good takes a rib and creates a woman Eve to help Adam in the garden.
What is cosmology?
The science which deals with the origin and structure of the universe.
It doesn’t except the idea that God created the universe but supports ideas such as the big bang theory which are based on scientific evidence.
The science of cosmology appears to challenge religious views of the creation.
Many people now believe science answers the question of how whereas religion answers the question of why. In 1996 the Roman Catholic Church excepted that scientific theories of creation and evolution are correct
What are religious views on evolution?
Some believe that evolution has occurred due to the work of God.
Others however challenge these ideas saying they are on true because they do not agree with the creation story is found in the Bible or other holy books.
What is a miracle?
A miracle is an extraordinary event which defies the laws of science and nature and is attributed to was a god or higher power.
What is the quote on religion and the environment from the bible?
“We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty maker of heaven and earth”
“let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air”
“The earth and all life on it is a gift from God given to us to share” (Catholic)
The Jews were told to rest the land once every 50 years so that it would produce more in the future and what all did not destroy trees when they attacked the city
Religion and science quotes:
God created the heavens and the Earth.
God created man in his own image.
Lord formed man from the dust of the ground.
What are the Bible quotes on creation?
“God created the heavens and the Earth”
“God made the wild animals… And saw that it was good”
“God created man in his own image”
“From one man who made every nation”
“Lord formed man from the dust of the ground and drift into his nostrils the breath of life”