Religion And Equality (E) Flashcards
What’s the ecumenical movement?
The movement of people who work to improve understanding between Christian groups
What’s equality?
Treating people as equals regardless of their race, gender or religious beliefs
What’s a Eucharist?
A Christian ceremony commemorating the ‘last supper’ in which bread and wine are usually consecrated and consumed
What’s evangelism?
Persuading others to share your faith
What’s Fitrah?
The teaching that Islam is the only true religion and that all people are born to be Muslims.
What is ordination?
The process by which individuals are consecrated or set apart as clergy to perform various religious rites and ceremonies
What’s prejudice?
Making judgements not based on reason or actual experience
What’s proselytising?
Trying to convert people to ones own religion
What’s racism?
Prejudice, discrimination or ill treatment against someone because of their race
What is reconciliation?
The restoration of friendly relations.
An example is that Jesus is the reconciler of God and people, bringing them together.
What’s repentance?
Sincere regret or remorse for ones actions
What’s sexism?
Prejudice, stereotyping or discrimination typically against women on the basis of sex
What are Varnas?
Hindu social classes believe to have existed since the beginning of the world.
What are examples of religious teachings about equality?
Christian, Islamic, Buddhist and Sikh
Christianity - the bible teaches that everyone is equal in sight of God.
God loves all humanity, ‘made in the image of God’, and all humans have a soul.
Islam - believe Allah created all people equal
Buddhism - believe everyone possesses the Buddha nature therefore all are worthy of respect
Sikhism - all equal, their God is neither male nor female. Langar - equal gathering of people who all sit on the floor and eat together.
An example of inequality was WW2 because of how Hitler targeted people for their beliefs and religion.
What are examples of religious teachings on discrimination about race and gender?
(Christian, Islamic, Buddhist)
Christianity - believe racial or gender discrimination is always wrong
Islam - Muhammed taught that there should be no discrimination on the grounds of race or colour
Buddhism - believe discrimination of any kind is not compatible with living in accordance with dharma
What are examples religious teachings about the role of women?
(Islamic, Buddhist, Sikh)
Islam - teaches that men and women are equal but have different rights or duties
Buddhism - men and women are spiritually equal and both may be monks or nuns
Sikhism - follow the teachings of guru Nanak Devi Ji who emphasised the equality of men and women
What are examples of religious teachings about other religions?
(Sikh, Hindu, Jewish)
Sikhism - believe people should have freedom to practise their religion
Hinduism - believe that different religions should respect each other
Judaism - believe everyone should follow their own religions according to the Noachide code (7 commandments given to Noah by God after the flood). They do not encourage to convert to Judaism.
What are examples of religious teachings about forgiveness?
Christian, Sikh, Islamic
Christianity - follow the teachings of Jesus in Lord’s Prayer that they should forgive others.
Sikhism - respect others, teach tolerance and seek justice.
Islam - believe that Allah forgives people who admit wrong doing and Muslims must follow this example.
What are the Christian views on equality?
All humans are made ‘in the image of God’ and he cares for all despite gender, wealth, ability or race.
You should treat others as you would like to be treated.
What are Christian views on prejudice and discrimination?
They should follow the example which Jesus set, meaning all people should be treated the same.
What’s the parable of the Good Samaritan?
A parable about how a man is walking when he gets robbed and is injured.
People walk past him and ignore him but a man, whose backgroud/race/area was said to be against him, helped him which follows the Christian belief of equality - treat others as you’d like to be treated.
What are the Christian views on racism?
They believe we should live as Jesus did and treat everyone equally ; as you’d like to be treated.
However they aren’t the best example as, many years ago, there had been many Christian slave owners.
The tale of the Good Samaritan however shows how race doesn’t matter.
What are the Islamic views in racism?
Due to teachings in the Quran and the many multicultural followers, racism isn’t tolerated or acceptable
What are the Hindu views on racism?
Believe all individuals are from one being, called ‘The Purusha Sukta’.
Their society has been based around Varnas meaning caste or social groups and within this are castes which show high high or low you are in society.
Some if not most people believe that all people and gender are equal.
What are the humanist views on racism?
They believe we can live without religion or superstition.
We are all equal and happiness is the only good.
We are all human and they promote human rights.
How is racial harmony demonstrated in Islam?
There’s Hajj - the pilgrimage - which shows racial harmony as, when Muslims pray, they all face Mecca and all Muslims internationally are equal, shown on the pilgrimage e.g. They all wear the same, plain, white clothes.
What are the Church of England responses to racism?
They say they must challenge racism.
They say everyone is made in gods image of worth.
They say it’s society and various ethnic groups which allow difference
What are the Methodist Christian responses to racism?
They believe everyone is equal and racism opposes their messages as it can lead to discrimination and relates to violence.
A variety of people with different ethnic backgrounds is beneficial and allows us to develop.
How do Christians generally respond to racism?
They report behaviour, support anti racism, campaign for equality, educate children, share beliefs, create an atmosphere of equal respect etc.
What are the Roman Catholic responses to racism?
They’re strongly against racism and recognise diversity to lead to respect, charity and justice so everyone has living conditions and solidarity between races
What religious acts oppose racial harmony?
Christian slave traders
Hindu caste system
What are bible quotes on sexism?
“Every husband must love his wife as himself and every wife must respect her husband”
“I do not allow them to teach or have authority over men”
What are bible quotes on equality?
“Made in the image of God”
“Treat others as you would like to be treated”
“Love your neighbour”
“There is neither male nor female, you are all one in Christ Jesus”
What are the Roman Catholic views on the roles of men and women?
Provide for the family
Can be priests only
Women: Stay home and look after children Under no social stress Family is very important Women help men They visit the sick
What are the Church of England views on men and women?
Men and women are equal
Men should be involved in family life
Both can be vicars but not bishops
How is Britain multiethnic?
Multi faith societies Religious freedom Religious pluralism (equal rights to coexist)
What are the benefits of a multiethnic society?
Food People Culture Less racism Jobs Music Philosophy Fashion
What’s a proselytising religion?
One which believes it’s their duty to convert people despite others having the right to practise what they believe
What’s missionary work?
When Christians go to other countries to help people and spread religion.
They believe everyone deserves to hear the word of Christ and work through ‘witnessing’, running hospitals and providing homeless shelters
What are the views on Jesus and reconciliation?
Christians believe Jesus allowed reconciliation between God and humans, forgiving sins.
Another view of forgiveness is that you need two people, one of which should apologise.
What are exclusivists, pluralists and inclusivists?
Exclusivists e.g. Christianity - believe there is only one way to God
Pluralists e.g. Hindus - believe all religions are paths to God
Inclusivists - anyone can be led to God if they follow their conscience and do good.
What’s a Baha’i?
Part E
Anyone who believes the glory of The Lord is the manifestation of God for our current day.
They believe there’s one God, that all of humanity are family and there is a fundamental underlying religion.
It’s a pluralist view.
God is the creator, ultimate reality and is beyond the human kind.
We learn about him through messengers.
Men and women are not equal - discuss
- Roman Catholics agree. They believe women should stay home while men provide for the family
- CofE disagree. Men and women are equal
- Islam disagree. During the pilgrimage everyone is equal and individual wealth or societal standing isn’t shown. However women cover skin and hair. Driving in Saudi Arabia?
Religion helps promote racial harmony - discuss
- Christianity promote, “you are all one in Christ Jesus”.
They treat others as the want to be treated
However there were many Christian slave traders.
R.C. Strongly oppose racism - Islam promote. During Hajj, all Muslims wear the same clothes showing equality.
- Hinduism doesn’t promote. Caste system separates society e.g. There are untouchables and people you shouldn’t associate yourself with. Suggests some people are better than others.
What’s discrimination?
Unjust or prejudicial treatment because of age, race or gender
Equality quote
Galatians 3:28
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
What are the Christian attitudes towards other religions?
What’s the pluralist view?
All religions are equally important and valid (different paths are equal)
What’s the inclusivist view?
Anyone is included in Gods kingdom if they follow their conscience and do good.
(Could perhaps include other religions but is mainly Christian)
What’s the exclusivist view?
If you don’t believe in Jesus as The Lord saviour of the Earth then you cannot get to God or heaven.
There is only one saving truth, namely the gospel of Jesus Christ.
What’s Taizé?
A Christian community/movement where Christians of all denominations can come and worship together.
What’s ecumenism?
The belief that it is right to encourage different faiths to work together without requiring anyone to convert.
What are some Christian responses to social injustice and racism?
Martin Luther King - achieved equality and civil rights between black and white people against prejudice. He had wanted to stop discrimination and racial abuse.
Mother Teresa - “by feeding and helping people, I am feeding and helping Jesus” fought for rights and well-being of the poor, help others, taught children in poverty who couldn’t go to school etc. “if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten we belong to each other”.
Desmond Tutu - devoted his life to others, spreading word against injustice and cruelty towards races, reduced conflict. “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor” - stand for what’s right.
Trevor Huddleston - setting up support groups, homeless shelters, feeding and schooling programmes and raised money towards swimming pools. Didn’t believe in violence. All races are equal. “Guide her [Africa] people…And give her peace.” Encouraged boycotts and promoted racial harmony.
Florence Nightingale - despite her wealth, she devoted her time to others and becoming a nurse and changed the way hospitals worked - she educated doctors, improved hygiene and reduced number of deaths.
Gandhi - “an eye from an eye will make the whole world blind” wanted justice, peace and no violence. Tried to make India more independent (from UK). Peaceful resistance e.g. Hunger strikes and peaceful protests.
Bible quote on race:
“From one man he made every nation of men”
Bible quote on men and women:
“Wives, submit to your husbands to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church”
What’s the Roman Catholic view on women in the ministry?
Only men are allowed to become priests because:
- Christ and his apostles were all men
- the Priest represents Christ during mass
- St Paul said women should remain silent in church
What’s the Protestant view on women in the ministry?
Most allow female priests because:
- Christ had many active female followers
- a woman was the first to see him resurrected
- those who remained faithful at his trial were all women
- God has no gender
Bible quote on women in the ministry:
“Their is neither… male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus”
“Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted to them to speak”
“Let the women learn in silence”
What do evangelical and ecumenical Christians believe?
- Christianity is the only religion that has the truth about God
- People should be encouraged to convert
- They have the duty to spread the word of God
- There’d be no point in Jesus’ death and resurrection if there were many ways to achieve salvation
- Everyone trying to follow God is on the right path
- All Christians should talk and celebrate Jesus together
- A loving and just God will recognise sincere belief regardless of being Christian or not
Bible quote on relations with other religions:
“Jesus answered: I am the way, the truth and the life. No-one comes to the father except through me”
What is forgiveness?
Not holding grudges or dragging up old arguments and differences
Christian views on forgiveness:
Any sinner who truly repents can be forgiven by God
The crucifixion of Jesus is an example of forgiveness which Christians should try to follow
Death and resurrection of Christ are believed to redeem us of our sins if we accept the sacrifice of Jesus can be forgiven.
Bible quotes on forgiveness and reconciliation:
“forgive us of our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”
“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”
“If someone strikes you on your right cheek turn to him the other also”