Religion And Life Flashcards
What is the Cosmological theory? -how the universe began.
The most popular one of these is the Big Bang Theory. The universe began in an explosion which eventually formed stars, planets and everything else. Universe is still expanding.
What is the Evolutionary theory? - how living things changed.
Charles Darwin argued that life on Earth originated from simple cells. Life evolved over millions of years into a huge variety of forms and those best footed survived. People evolved from Apes, not Adam and Eve.
What are the 2 scientific arguments?
- cosmological
- evolutionary
Some religious people believe God triggered the Big Bang and this caused humans.
How do Christians believe the Earth and universe came into existence?
- Genesis chapter 1 says God created everything over 6 days. One the 7 day he rested. Then it described how God created people in his image.
- no proof. Some Christians view the story as literal while others view it as symbolic/metaphoric.
Quotes about the Christian idea of creation?
“God created man kind in his own image”
“Let there be light”
“Collaboration between religion and science is mutually beneficial…” Church of England, 2010
What is the Islamic idea about the creation
1) ”It is Allah who created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in six days.”
2) then Allah “began the creation of man from clay” breathed life and soul into the first man Adam.
Why do religious people care about the destruction of the environment?
The world is Gods creation. They feel that he reveals himself constantly through experiences e.g a beautiful sunset (etc). Revelations.
How has global warming, caused by humans destroying our environment?
-Green house gases keep the Earth warm. The increases in these gases are causing the earth to warm too much, killing animals and rising sea levels. Caused by burning of fossil fuels.
How are natural resources, used by humans destroying our environment?
- this is anything found naturally that’s useful to humans.
- Earths population increasing and people use more raw materials and more energy every year. If people carry on they will eventually run out.
How has pollution, caused by humans destroying our environment?
Sewage and chemicals pollute lakes, rivers and seas. This harms the plants and animals that live there.
They also bury nuclear waste underground and and dump household and industrial waste in landfill sites.
This kills organisms and causes cancer in humans. Alsodamages the ozone layer.
What ways are their to tackle environmental problems?
They help the environment for future generations, they believe it is their duty to. God gave them the Earth but expected humans to look after it.
People recycle, use public transport and and walk to reduce pollution. Some campaign to ensure people and better informed while another’s look for sustainable alternatives.
What is stewardship?
God gave humans the Earth but expected them to care for it.
Quotes about stewardship?
“humanity’s dominion cannot be understood as licence to abuse, spoil, squander or destroy what God made…” Christian declaration of nature 1986
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Genesis
What Christian organisations work to reduce harm to the environment?
Christian Aid
They put pressure on governments and industry to think more about how people are abusing the environment.
Why do some Christians believe they don’t need to look after the environment?
In the Genesis God says “rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals…” This is known as dominion.
What does Khalifah mean?
Trustees of the Earth. They should take responsibility for the Earth and make it the place Allah would want it to be. They have an obligation to protect the environment.
Why do Muslims feel the need to look after the Earth?
The Earth is seen as the product of the love of Allah so Muslims treat it with love. They believe they have been appointed Khalifah.
Considered a charitable deed.
“Regraded as a charitable gift for him.”