Christain Practises Flashcards
Define the term liturgical:
Means that services follow a set pattern written out by the church.
Why do Christians worship?
This is a way of expressing their love of, respect for and devotion to God.
what normally happens on a Sunday in Christianity?
This is the ‘Lords Day’ when they celebrate the Sabbath (the holy day of rest). Most church have their main services on a Sunday morning.
What does worship often involve during a service?
Prayers and readings from the Bible (etc).
What similarities do catholic and Anglican Eucharist services share?
(Liturgical service)
- confession of sin and a request for Gods mercy is said by everyone.
- readings (e.g gospel readings).
- priest says prayers over bread and wine “liturgy of the Eucharist”
- the congregation says the Lord’s Prayer and then receive bread and wine. ‘Rite of communion’.
How are orthodox services different from that of a Catholic service?
- services are longer and people stand for majority of the time.
- they include ‘litany’ where the priest says prayers and the congregation respond with ‘lord please have mercy’.
- they sing and chant for most of service.
Why is Public worship important in the Christian community?
Makes them feel involved in the wider Christian community. Also helps them feel closer to Jesus as they believe he is there with them.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them” Mathew 18:20
What are some forms of Non-Liturgical worship?
- worship of the society of friends. Worshipers sit together in silence, but are free to pray or speak out loud.
- private prayer between you and God. E.g saying Grace before a meal, reading bible or singing worship songs. They decide how to worship god so feel better connected. More freedom, privacy.
What is a sacrament?
A ceremony usually carried out by minister or priest through which chieftains believe they revive Gods grace.
Why is baptism viewed as a sacrament?
Because Jesus was baptised. After his resurrection he told his disciples to go out and baptise people.
“…go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the farther and of the son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew.
“No one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the spirit.”
What is the sacrament of Eucharist?
Where Christians remember the last supper with bread and wine.
What are the 7 sacraments?
Baptism Confirmation Reconciliation Anointing the sick Matrimony Holy orders Eucharist
What is the sacrament of baptism?
This marks a persons official entry into church.
What is the sacrament of confirmation?
A Christian (often a teenager) renews the vows made on their behalf’s baptism. Confirmation is believed to strengthen the ties between them and the church and to God.
What is the sacrament of reconciliation?
This involved confession of a sin, following by contrition, penance and absolution. This how catholic’s seek to obtain forgiveness for their sins. They tell the priest about their sins and he will forgive them.
What is the sacrament of matrimony?
Jesus preformed his first miracle at a wedding. They believe God is present at the ceremony and promises are made before him. As it’s a sacrament the union is a way God blesses the couple and blesses them though each other.