Relationships And Families Flashcards
Define the term human sexuality:
Refers to how people express themselves as sexual beings. The age of consent in the UK is 16.
What is the difference between heterosexuality and homosexuality?
Heterosexual: Relationships between members of the opposite sex. Christians and Muslims regard this as natural and part of Gods plan.
Homosexual: relationships between members of the same sex. Some Christians and most Muslims believe this is against Gods will.
Christian view on heterosexual relationships:
-marriage is the only valid place for heterosexual relationships because it’s part of God’s plan for humans.
-Christian views about sex before marriage vary but all are against unfaithfulness.
“a man… is united to his wife, and they become one in flesh.”
Muslim view on heterosexual relationships:
-heterosexuality is normal behaviour; Muslims are expected to marry and have a family.
-the only permitted form of a sexual relationship is between a husband and wife.
“Marry those who are single among you God will develop their moral traits through marriage.”
Christian view on homosexual relationships:
- some oppose homosexuality because the the religious books says “men who have sex with men will not inherit the kingdom of God.”
- the Catholic Church teaches that homosexuals are not sinful but should not have sex o avoid sinful acts.
- more liberal chieftains except homosexual relationships that are loving and committed.
Islamic view on homosexual relationships:
-the Qur’an and Hadith teach that homosexuality is against God’s will and is forbidden.
“Must you…lust after males and abandon the wives that God created for you? You are exceeding all bounds.” Qur’an.
-they believe homosexual relationships are against the natural law as they cannot prince children, therefore are not what God intended.
-some Muslims are more accepting and agree with liberal Christians.
Christian views on sex before marriage:
-for many Christians sex expresses a deep life long union that requires the commitment of marriage.
“…whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you know your bodies of the Holy Spirit…”
-some liberal Christians think sex before marriage can be a valid expression of love for each other. Marriage not necessary needed.
Islamic views on sex before marriage:
-Muslims believe sex is a gift from God that must be managed responsibly with marriage. The Qur’an forbids sex before marriage under the Shari’ah law sex before marriage is considered a serious sin, like adulatory or rape.
“…only a man and his wife share the act of sex.”
Christin views on sex outside of marriage:
-adultery breaks vows Christian couples make before God.
-it is against one of the Ten Commandments:
“You shall not commit adultery.”
-it is against Jesus’ teaching that lust, which could lead to adultery is wrong. “Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully had already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Jesus forgave a woman caught in adulatory but ordered her to leave her life of sin.
Muslim views on sex outside of marriage:
-Muslims should avoid situations that could lead to sexual sins.
“A man should not stay with a woman in seclusion.”
-the Qur’an forbids adultery.
“And do not go anywhere near adultery: it is an outrage, and an evil path.”
What is contraception?
A method used to prevent pregnancy. There are 3 types:
- artificial (e.g condoms, the pill).
- natural (e.g the rhythm method).
- permanent (e.g sterilisation).
Christian attitudes for contraception and family planning:
Anglican and non-conformists.
-people should have as many children as they want.
-allow contraception to enable couples to develop their relationship first. Space out pregnancies to avoid harming mothers health.
Thus prefer non-abortive forms of contraception.
Christian attitudes against contraception and family planning:
Catholic and orthodox.
-artificial contraception goes against natural laws. The purpose of sex (having children and expressing love) should not be separated.
“Every sexual act should have the possibility of creating new life.”
They favour the rhythm method of contraception. (Avoiding sex at fertile times of the month).
Islamic view for contraception and family planning:
-no direct teaching in the Qur’an but they believe God does not want to make life difficult for people so would accept contraception:
“God wishes to lighten your burden; man was created weak.”
Muslims accept birth control in appropriate circumstances, if wife can’t handle pregnancy as long as it does not cause an abortion.
Islamic view against the use of contraception:
-some Muslims think contraception goes against Gods will. God gives people strength to cope with children.
“Do not kill your children for fear of poverty - we shall provide for them and for you - killing them is a great sin.” Qur’an. Some Muslims believe this applies to contraception too.