Islamic beliefs and teachings Flashcards
What is Tawhid?
Muslims believe that there is one God, Allah, and that this oneness is central to their spirituality.
“Say, ‘He is Allah (who is) one.’”
What is Risalah?
The belief that prophets are an important channel of communication between God and humans.
What are the 2 holy books?
Quran and the Tawrat
What is predestination
The idea that God Knows or determines everything that will happen in the universe.
Sunnis Muslims believe about predestination:
Allah knows everything that is going to happen. He is above normal laws of time so knows what humans will choose.
“Say never will be struck except by what Allah has decreed for us.”
What is prophethood?
When God appoints someone a prophet to communicate his message to the people.
What is prophet?
Someone who speaks on behalf of God.
Shia Muslims believe about predestination:
Allah makes it impossible for humans to choose anything other than what he has determines. Once the human acts on the decision the can be judged on it.
“God does not change the conditioning of people unless they change what is in themselves. (Surah 9:51)
What does Transcendent?
God is beyond and outside life on earth and the universe.
What is Immanent?
God is present in and involved with life on earth and in the universe.
What are the difference between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims?
Shi’a believe that the next caliph should have been Ali after Muhammad died.
Sunni belief the next caliph should have been Abu Bakr.
What are the six articles of faith Sunni Muslims believe in?
1) belief Allah is the one and only God (Tawhid)
2) belief in Angels (Malaikah)
3) belief in the holy books
4) belief in Allahs prophets (Nubuwwah)
5) belief in the day of judgement
6) belief that Allah knows and decides everything that’s going to happen (predestination).
What are the 5 roots (articles) of faith that Shi’a Muslims believe in? Also known as Usul-ad-Din.
1) belief Allah is the one and only God (Tawhid)
2) belief in divine justice (Adalat)
3) belief in prophethood (Nubuwwah)
4) belief in the authority of the imamas (Imamah)
5) belief in the day if resurrection (Ma’ad)
What do all Muslims believe in?
- Allah
- The holy books
- prophets
- day of judgement/resurrection
Key Sunni beliefs:
- no one after Muhammad recurved knowledge from Allah. Muslims should focus on Muhammad and his way of life more than Ali and his sons.
- Muslims should be guided by the consensus of the community.