Reliability and Validity Flashcards
What is reliability
Refers to consistency
What is internal reliability?
The study is consistent within itself e.g is it constantly measuring behaviour in the same way
How can we ensure internal reliability?
Using the half split method, study is split into half, if each half’s results math then it’s reliable
What is external reliability?
The results are consistent over time
How can we ensure external reliability?
Test re-test method, after some time the same ppts are tested again if the results are similar its reliable
What is inter-observer reliabilty?
Consistency between researchers
How can we ensure inter-observer reliabilty?
Two or more researches observe the same thing, they discuss the data and calculate a correlation from the data, a score of 0.8 or higher is reliable
What is validity?
Refers to legitimacy or accuracy
What is internal validity?
Does the test measure what it claims to?
What is external validity?
Can the study be generalised?
What is ecological validity?
Generalised to real-life
What is population validity?
Generalised to our target population
What is temporal validity?
Generalised to other time periods