Relationships (cultural variations) Flashcards
Culture variations
In our experiences of relationships attempting to the whole process from the perspective of our own culture. That shapes our expectations and how we act. however not all cultures are the same that we might expect differences in how relationships are viewed.
Stated that we should take in account the people being researched other cultures researcher.
Individualistic and collectivist cultures. Hofstede
Found individual countries emphasise self interest whereas collectivist countries emphasise loyalty to the group and believe that the group decision is more important. In individualistic cultures relationships are based on freedom of choice whereas collectivism is more to do with the concerns of the family or group.
Compatible partners
Although we expect relationships based on love to produce more compatible partners this might not be the case because parents maybe in a better position to judge compatibility.
Also found in collectivist cultures they have fewer but closer friends.
Voluntary and in voluntary
In Western society as it is mostly the case that the choice of partner is based on romantic love. In non West because of the lack of social mobility and interaction relationships are tided to other factors such as family and economic resources. Hsu found an American would ask how does my heart feel that a Chinese person would ask what other people say, so west stressed personality whereas East favour arranged marriages.
found +0.5 correlation between individualism and love, more individual more you value love. Athappily compared voluntary and in voluntary marriages and found no difference. Gupta and singa found over 10 years Love increased in arranged marriage and decreasing voluntary. But this is subjective how to apologise the word love. Also under pressure to answer.
Found between cultures divorce could be shameful in China the rate is 4% compared to the USA which is 40 percent. Divorce is higher in the west because they constantly seek out the ideal partner.
Physical attractiveness buss
Found Between cultures all men had high preference for attractiveness so its universal. Anderson carried out research into the preferred body shape and found it depends on how reliable food is.
This was 20 years ago things could’ve changed globalisation era dependent. Is a correlation no cause and effect.
Buss found Women look for older man and men for Younger Women in all cultures, he argues that it is biological why women are attracted to older men. But Gross pointed out they can’t explain why kindness and intelligence rated. They found that women want to marry older men to gain social status.
While about our differences between cultures that is also differences within cultures so we need to look individual differences. Is also reductionist as not all practice cultures have arranged marriages and some West countries people have strong influences.