Relationships And Families Flashcards
Why do Christians approve of Heterosexual relationships?
Jesus emphasised heterosexual relationships
Way to have children
Part of God’s plan
Why are Christians strongly against Heterosexual relationships?
Genesis says that a man and a woman should be united together and ‘increase in number’.
How do some Christians argue against this?
Believe the most loving thing to do would be to adapt their teachings to fit a changing world.
What do the Catholic Church believe?
Homosexual people are not sinful because of their sexuality BUT it is sinful to do homosexual acts e.g. sleep with each other
What do the Church of England argue?
Welcome homosexual Christians who live in a faithful, committed relationship but they aren’t allowed to marry within church.
What do Quakers believe?
Consider loving, faithful homosexual relationships to be just as holy as heterosexual relationships.
What is a quote against homosexuality?
‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.’
What is another argument against homosexuality?
That all sexual activity should have the possibility of creating new life and that isn’t possible in a homosexual relationship
What do Muslims argue about homosexual relationships?
Homosexual relationships are not permitted and in most Muslim countries it is against the law and the punishments are severe.
What is Sex before marriage?
Sex between two single unmarried people.
What is sex outside of marriage?
Sex between two people when one is already married (in a relationship) I.e having an affair.
Why do some Christians disapprove of sex before marriage?
They believe sex expresses a deep, loving union so it is important to only be sexually pure as having sex is part of a loving relationship that should only be developed in marriage.
Wrong to use people for sex and be irresponsibly or casual with it outside of marriage.
Why else do Christians promote sex within marriage?
Sex is a gift from god and should be used in procreation and the on,y place to raise children is in marriage.
“God wants you to be holy and completely free from sexual immortality”
What do the Catholics and Anglicans teach about sex before marriage?
They believe unmarried people shouldn’t have sex
How do some Christians oppose this?
Believe and accept that a couple may live together and have sex if it’s in a committed relationship (not marriage) and it is a valid expression of love
But NO CHRISTIANS accost casual relationships e.g. one night stands
What do Catholics believe about sex before marriage?
- Argue that sex is the bodies language as it is a way to express love
- Also teach that every time the act of sex occurs, there should be the possibility of new life
Believe God gave humans the gift of sex to reproduce and populate the earth
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit?”
What do the Church of England Christians believe?
Teach that the proper place for sex is in marriage as the vows reflect love and commitment
Some believe that sex before marriage falls short of Gods purpose, others have been prompted to accept that more couples are in cohabitation as a step towards marriage.
What is the silver ring?
Evangelical based movement which promotes abstinence (no sex) until marriage
Young people wear a silver ring that is only to be replace by their wedding ring
A symbol of commitment to remain pure until marriage
What do Christians believe on adultery?
All religions place a high value of faithfulness within marriage.
Disapprove of auditory as it is a high act of betrayal
Jesus taught that lust (which can lead to adultery) is wrong
Adultery breaks the bond of marriage
What do Muslims believe?
Adultery is seen as a very serious crime and is punished harshly
Most Muslims believe sex before marriage is not allowed as sex is seen as a gift from Allah.
Many meetings between an unmarried couple are chaperoned
What is family planning?
Controlling how many kids a couple want and when.
In modern Britain, why is contraception accepted?
It is more responsible to prevent unwanted pregnancies
What is artificial and natural contraception?
Artificial - condom e.t.c
Natural - tracking woman’s menstrual cycle then having sex e.t.c
What do Catholics (and orthodox) believe about contraception?
Artificial contraception (sinful to Catholics) is against Gods will and purpose for marriage which is to procreate when having sex. Not against family planning - but others disagree as it’s very unreliable and doesn’t prevent STIs.
What do Muslims believe?
Accepting of contraception as they believe Allah gave the gift of sex to procreate, but don’t want every sexual act to result in a child
What do Anglican’s and Non-conformist Christians believe?
Accept contraception as children should only be had if you can care for them as it’s not fair for a baby to be born into deprivation.
Believe using contraception allows a couple to strengthen their relationship before having children or to space our pregnancies regarding mother’s health