Human Rights And Social Justice Flashcards
What is prejudice?
A biased belief about someone or a group of people
What is discrimination?
Treating someone differently or unfairly because of prejudice
What are some ways in which women are treated differently in Christianity?
Some Christians believe that wives should be submissive to their husbands
Some church’s WONT ordain women
Some Christians have seen a woman’s role as a wife and mother
Why do Catholics believe women should not be ordained?
Jesus and his 12 disciples were all men and the tradition in the church is to have male priests
Why do some Christians believe that women should be submissive to men?
Became it was eve who caused Adam to sin
Why do Christians emphasise the importance of women being mothers?
Because many important women in the bible were mothers I.e. Mary (Jesus’ mother)
What do Catholics believe about treating women differently?
They believe that not letting women be priests isn’t making them any lower/worse then men, it’s just their being treated differently
God views all equally but he has different roles for men and women.
What do other Christians or Quakers/Anglican Church believe?
Believe women should not be treated differently as the New Testament shows Jesus treated women well and had women followers.
Quakers and Anglican Church have allowed women to b ordained
What is a quote related to this?
‘There is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.’ Galatians 3:28
What do Muslims believe about men and women?
The Qur’an shows that all men and women have an equal status before Allah
However, why is this sometimes controversial?
Men are allowed up to 4 wives, whereas a women is only allowed one husband.
Men inherit twice as much as women
In some Muslim cultures, women are expected to remain inside their house whereas men do not have these restrictions.
However, how is this contrasted?
Qur’an states that a man must treat all his wives equally
Differences in inheritance made sense in a time when it made sense for a man to inherit more so her could provide for his wife and family
What quote supports that homosexuality/homosexual acts is wrong?
‘You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination’
- Leviticus 18:22
How are homosexuals discriminated against in Christianity?
Verbal or physical abuse
Some churches won’t marry a homosexual couple because they believe marriage should only be within a man and woman
Sex should only be for procreation (Catholics)
Believe that families with heterosexual parents is the basis of society
What is equality?
Being equal or being treated equally
What is Freedom of Religion/Belief?
Means everyone is free to believe in whatever religion they want or have no religious beliefs.
Why do some people disagree against Freedom of religion?
Some religious people believe that only their religious views are correct and other religious views shouldn’t be tolerated(to an extent)
Some believe that certain practises which are allowed under freedom of religious practises shouldn’t be allowed
What is an example of Freedom of religious expression?
Through clothing or symbols e.g. hijab
Why do some people disagree against this?
Some disagree that people are promoting their religion is certain places like school and work
Unfair for certain people to be able to wear symbols where others cannot
Impractical at times
What do Christians believe about Religious freedom/expression?
Most accept it because Jesus taught to love others and to treat them how you would want to be treated.
What is a quote for this?
‘Love thy neighbour.’
‘In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.’
- Matthew 7:12
However, why do some Christians disagree?
Some Christians believe that worshipping God is the only correct way and that you can only go to heaven or know God because Jesus taught that people could only know God through him
What is a quote for this?
“I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
What do Muslims believe about Freedom of Religion (expression)?
Many Muslims feel that they should not force Islam on people of other religions and that people of other religions should be allowed to practise in peace.
However, Muslims believe that someone shouldn’t be allowed to leave Islam and practise a different or no faith. Therefore, they believe that there is no freedom of religious expression for Muslims who no longer wish to be Muslims anymore.
What about in Islamic Countries?
Traditionally, non-Muslims were allowed to practise their religion.
However, nowadays, some Islamic countries can persecute members of certain religions if they practise or express it.
This is due to their believe in Shirk - only Allah and worshipping anything other is the only unforgivable sin
Some may only why people go worship Islam
What are Human rights?
Rights that many people have that normally prevent discrimination
Give some examples of human rights
The right to life The right not to be a slave The right to fair treatment; no torture and fair trial The right to an education The right to freedom from discrimination
How do human rights enforce responsibility?
If everyone has the right to life, all have the responsibility not to kills others.
If everyone has the right to freedom, all have the responsibility not to enslave others