Crime And Punishment Flashcards
What is the Golden Rule?
An important rule in Christianity from Jesus’ teachings that you should treat others how you would liked to be treated
Why do Christians give money to the poor?
If they were in need, they would want others to help them.
Hope their action will have positive consequences
Helping those less fortunate
What is an example of good intentions, but an evil act?
Wanting to provide for you family but you steal in order to do this
Why would they argue that stealing is wrong?
It is forbidden in the Ten Commandments
Others say it is an evil action regardless of the intention
However, others say they should argue for a lesser punishment if the crime was due to the intention
Why do Christians think they have a duty to God?
Christians want to please God and believe that God will judge them based on whether they follow his teachings
What do Christians believe is the thing that Jesus taught is the most important?
Love - they should always try to follow a more loving course of action e.g. allow homosexuality although the bible forbids it, as it prevents discrimination against them.
What do non-religious people believe about consequences?
Believe rules should not be followed if they produce evil consequences
What do Utilitarians believe?
Judge people (and their actions) and whether the consequences are good or bad rather than their intentions.
What do most Christians believe about acting evilly?
Believe it is wrong and sinful as it produces consequences which others wouldn’t desire e.g. murder
Some would break rules against God - Ten Commandments
What do Christians believe on self Defense?
Although it’s never good to cause suffering, it is acceptable to defend yourselves as if you didn’t you could be harmed or exploited.
But others believe, that Christians shouldn’t fight back as Jesus taught:
‘But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also.’
What do Christians believe about causing suffering that would save someone else from suffering (I.e. allowing a woman to have an abortion but it saves the woman from mental and physical hardship)?
Some think it’s acceptable as it saves others from suffering
But others believe that inflicting suffering is still wrong because it is a sin to carry out harm/painful experiments on humans or abortion
How does Poverty influence someone to commit a crime?
If someone is poor, they have more motivation to steal as they are in need for clothing and food e,t.c
Also may have less respect for the government and they should be helping people like them out more.
How does upbringing influences someone’s reasons to commit a crime?
If someone is brought up thinking crime is acceptable, e.g. parents drive over limit, see people stealing or doing drugs e.t.c, this may encourage them to commit crime
How does Mental Health influence a person to commit a crime?
Illnesses like Kleptomania is a compulsive disorder which makes people steal things
Others may hear voices or suffer from hallucinations
Feel like an outcast from society
How can addiction influence a person to commit a crime?
They may steal to pay for the addiction - buy more drinks and drugs
Carry out crimes within a drug gang
Some drugs can affect a persons mind and personality over time.
Many drugs themselves are illegal.
How can greed cause someone to commit a crime?
Rich could want more
It can lead to stealing or tax fraud so people can make a profit
Even human trafficking and making money from it
How does hate cause someone to commit a crime?
May attack someone who’s hurt you or insulted you.
Hate crimes based on race, sexuality e.t.c
How can unjust laws cause someone to commit a crime?
Some break laws because living how they want to live breaks the law e.g. when it is illegal to practise homosexuality
Some people break laws to protest against laws that are unfair e.g. Nelson Mandela broke many laws as he tried to fight for equal rights amongst white and black people
What do Christians view on people who break the law due to poverty?
Feel they may have good reasons for committing crimes I.e. to provide for their family
Feel someone is less morally responsible if they’ve been brought up thinking that crime isn’t wrong.
What do Christians do to help those lawbreakers?
May work to help reduce poverty and improve education
Offer rehabilitation instead of a harsher punishment
What do Muslims believe about lawbreakers due to poverty?
Believe that if so,some is stealing to provide for their family, then it is the Islamic community who have failed them by not looking after them.
This is because the community have a duty to provide for the poor of people e.g. zakah
What do Christians use against lawbreakers who commit due to poverty?
Do not See poverty and upbringing as an excuse for crime - believe that all people still have a responsibility to follow the rules and learn right from wrong.
Believe the poor should be able to help themselves out of poverty
What is a Christians view on lawbreakers due to mental health?
The deserve treatment rather than punishment
Believe if they’ve tried to seek medical help but it has been refused he’ll then their crimes aren’t their fault as they are more open to crime
Others believe people should still take measures to make sure they stay out of crime.
What is a for view for Christians about lawbreakers due to addiction?
Believe if they fall to addiction due to poverty/upbringing, they cannot be held completely responsible since their addiction can take over and make them do things they don’t wanna do.
What is an opposition to this?
Others believe it is a choice to use drugs and becoming addicted so they should be completely responsible for their consequences.
Why are people less sympathetic to lawbreakers due to greed?
Most Christians believe it is sinful to act out of greed and even worse to commit a crime due to greed, rather than poverty or mental health.
Jesus taught people shouldn’t be greedy as owning possessions is not what’s important in life.