relationships and families Flashcards
Someone who has or is involved with many sexual partners
The use of artificial methods to prevent pregnancy and STIs
Refraining from all sex (or just sexual acts considered immoral)
- Living together and having a sexual relationship without being married
- There is no marriage licence and the couple do not have the same legal rights as married couples
Refraining from marriage and sexual relationships
Sexual relations between people who are not married to each other
What do Roman Catholics believe about premarital sex?
- Roman Catholics and Traditional Evangelicals are against all sex outside of marriage
- They believe it is important to be sexually pure (chaste) before marriage because having sex is part of the loving, trusting relationship that should be developed within a marriage
- They also believe in the teaching of ‘one-flesh’ that suggests that there is a bonding that takes place in sexual union which is permanent and should only occur in a committed, life-long exclusive relationship
- “and the two shall become one flesh”
What do Anglicans believe about premarital sex?
- Anglicans will allow sex within a responsible relationship, if the relationship is leading to marriage
- Some Christians accept that for some people sex before marriage is a valid expression of their love for each other
What do protestants believe about premarital sex?
Extreme liberal protestants will allow sex tithing a responsible relationship. However, they would not approve of promiscuity
What do Muslims believe about premarital sex?
- Muslims believe sex to be a gift from God and it should therefore be treated carefully and managed responsibly
- Muslims believe that casual sex is wrong and detracts from the dignity of those involved
- Children have a right to be born into a loving family, and to know their mother and father
- They also believe premarital sex leads to promiscuity and other evils such as rape
- The Qur’an expressly forbids premarital sex and under islamic law sex before marriage is considered, like adultery and rape, to be a sexual offence
Heterosexuality is the preferred or normal mode of sexual orientation
One flesh
- The teaching that when a man and woman come together sexually they become ‘one flesh’
- This is the idea that there is a bonding that takes place in sexual union which is permanent and benefits both parties and which is designed to only occur in a committed, life-long, and exclusive relationship
- This has usually been associated with married couples
- “And the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh” Mark 10:8
Natural methods of contraception
- Rhythm method
- Withdrawal method
- Abstinence
Artificial methods of contraception
- Condom
- The Pill
- Injection
Artificial and semi-permanent methods of contraception
Christian view on contraception
- For some Christians (e.g. Roman Catholics), what they think about contraception depends on whether they class the type of contraception as a natural or artificial method
- All denominations agree with natural methods
What is the Roman Catholic view on contraception?
- The Catholic and Orthodox Church teaches that artificial contraception goes against natural law
- Catholics believe that God’s purpose for marriage is to have a family and that every sexual act should be done with the possibility of pregnancy
- The Catholic Church teaches that using artificial contraception is sinful because the couple are not being open to new life and so are preventing God’s plan, its use could encourage selfishness and infidelity
- They only allow natural methods of contraception e.g. the rhythm method
- “Be fruitful and multiply”
What is the Anglican view on contraception?
- Anglicans and Nonconformist Christians accept that people should only have as many children as they are able to care for
- They allow contraception to enable couples to develop their relationship before having children, or to regulate the size and spacing of their family
- The Church of England approved the use of artificial contraception in 1930
What is the Protestant view on contraception?
Liberal Protestant churches often teach that it is acceptable to use birth control, as long as it is not used to encourage or permit promiscuous behaviour
Explain why some Muslims oppose the use of contraceptives
- Some Muslims argue that contraception interferes with God’s plans, and that God gives people the strength and means to cope with children
- “Do not kill your children for fear of poverty”
- Muslims believe that contraception methods that cause abortion e.g. the morning after pill are wrong
Explain why some Muslims support the use of contraceptives
- For Muslims, contraception is only considered in the context of marriage, and not for unmarried people
- Children are considered a gift from God, there is an expectation that Muslim couples will have children
- Most Muslims accept the use of contraception for family planning as long as it is not used to prevent having children altogether
- The Qur’an contains no direct teaching about contraception, but some scholars use the following text to argue that Islam does not want to impose hardship on people and so would be sympathetic to family planning: “God wishes to lighten your burden”
What are other Christian views on contraception?
- Many Christians do agree that some forms of contraception should not be used because the egg may already be fertilised and therefore conception has taken place
- The coil and the morning after pill prevent the egg from developing, which some people see as causing an abortion
- Christians who believe in the protection of human life from the moment of conception are opposed to these methods
Why do people get married?
- Love
- Legal rights
- Emotional security + stability
- To show commitment
- A sacrament
- Spiritual union blessed by God
- To have children
- Illegal in the UK
- It is where a man has several wives
Extended family
Nuclear family, plus relatives
Single-parent family
It is where a lone parent raises children
Civil marriage
Secular ceremony for any couple, who receive the same rights as all married couple. Promises are made
Civil partnership
- The legal registration of a same-sex couple
- Entitles couples to many of the legal protections of marriage
Nuclear family
The typical family unit, compromising of 2 parents and children
Marriage - a sacrament
- A sacrament is a sign that God is present
- Thus as sacrament brings us closer to God
7 Sacraments
- Baptism
- Confession (penance)
- Communion (Eucharist)
- Confirmation
- Marriage
- Holy Orders
- Extreme Union (Last Rites)
How is marriage different to the other sacraments?
The main aim of the other sacraments is to bring a person closer to God. The aim in marriage is to bring two people together, and closer to God in their union
The purposes of Christian marriage
- For a man and woman (two people) to share love in a monogamous relationship
- For a man and woman to enjoy sex in the way God intended
- To bring children into the world
- To bring children up as Christians
Main features of a Christian marriage
- Rings symbolise unending nature of marriage
- Exchange of vows show partners should be committed to each other
- The vows indicate sex should only only take place between husband and wife