islam beliefs Flashcards
What is Tawhid?
The oneness and unity of God
Quotes that express the belief in Tawhid
- “He is God the One, God the eternal”
- “No one is comparable to him”
- Repeated daily in the Shahadah: “There is no God but Allah”
How does the belief in Tawhid influence Muslims?
- Muslims believe that God is an undivided entity, Islam is a monotheistic religion
- This means that God is not made up of different persons, no one else and no other object has God’s attributes or qualities
- Muslims believe that the only sin that God will not forgive is attributing God-like qualities to any other being or thing
- God is unique, there is nothing like God
Explain how the belief of the supremacy of God’s will might affect a Muslim’s attitude to life
- Muslims believe that they should accept whatever happens as the will of God, even the bad things in life, trusting in God’s good intentions for people
- This idea also leads some Muslims to believe that God controls everything human beings do and that humans do not have freewill (predestination)
- “Misfortunes can only happen with God’s permission”
What are the six articles of faith in Sunni Islam?
- Angels
- Tawhid
- Authority of the holy books
- The prophets of God
- The supremacy of God’s will
- Day of Judgement
What is the Sunnah?
The teachings and deeds of Muhammed
What is the meaning of ‘immanent’?
The idea that God is present in and involved with life on Earth and in the universe
What is the meaning of ‘transcendent’?
The idea that God is beyond and outside life on Earth and the universe
What is the meaning of ‘omnipotent’?
Almighty, having unlimited power; a quality of God
What is the meaning of ‘omnibenevolent’?
All-loving, all-good; a quality of God
What is the meaning of ‘merciful’?
The quality of God that shows compassion or forgiveness to humans, even though he has the power to punish them
What is the meaning of ‘fairness’?
The idea that God treats people fairly and impartially without favour or discrimination
What is the meaning of ‘justice’?
Adalat in Shi’a Islam, the idea that God is just and fair and judges human actions, rewarding the good and punishing the bad
What is the quote that supports God as immanent?
“He is with you wherever you are”
What is the quote that supports God as omnipotent?
“there is no God but Him, the Creator of all things”
What are angels?
Spiritual beings believed to act as messengers of God
What do angels do?
- Muslims believe that angels are able to receive God’s words directly from him and pass them on to the prophets of God because they are pure and sinless. Angels have no freewill so they cannot do anything to displease God
- For Muslims, angels are involved in the lives of human beings from soon after conception until the moment of death
Explain the importance of Jibril for Muslims
Jibril was the angel who relayed the Qur’an to Muhammed from God which is the main source of authority for muslims, he played an important role in communicating the final version of Islam to humanity
What is predestination?
The idea that God knows or determines everything that will happen in the universe
What is the quote that supports the belief of predestination?
“Only what God has decreed will happen to us”
Who believes in predestination?
Sunni Muslims
Who believes in freewill?
Shi’a Muslims
What is the quote that supports the belief of freewill?
“God does not change the condition of a people unless they change what is in themselves”
Explain the Muslim idea of predestination
- Some Sunni Muslims believe that God has already determined everything that will happen in the universe. God creates all things, including the actions of his creatures, so they must act according to his will
- “Only what God has decreed will happen to us”
- This is linked to the Sunni belief in the supremacy of God’s will, they believe that God’s will is so powerful, he can determine everything that is going to happen
- This view places emphasis on God’s omniscience
Explain the Muslim idea of freewill
- Many Shi’a Muslims believe that God knows everything that is going to happen, but this does not mean that he decides what is going to happen
- This means that people still have freewill, so they can make their own choices
- “God does not change the condition of a people unless they change what is in themselves”
What is the Day of Judgement?
Muslims believe that on the Day of Judgement, God will judge humans according to everything they have done throughout their lives
What is meant by ‘akhirah’?
everlasting life after death
what is resurrection?
rising from the dead or returning to life
what is heaven?
a state of eternal happiness in the presence of God; also called paradise
what is hell?
a state of total separation from God
describe what happens after a person’s deaths according to Muslims
- Many muslims believe that after death that person still has a conscious existence in the grave, they will enter a state of waiting called ‘barzakh’ where they await the Day of Judgement
- Muslims believe that as they lie in the grave, God sends two angels to question them about their faith. If people answer correctly, they will see the rewards to come, but if they deny God, they will see the punishments they will have to endure
how does the muslim believe in life after death impact/influence their lives
- It encourages human responsibility and accountability, the idea that people must be responsible for their own actions as they will be held accountable for them by God
- Urges people to avoid sin and do the right thing
- satisfies a deep human need for justice; the belief in God’s judgement means that one day they will be held accountable and punished for their wrongdoing
- provides comfort; for those good people who have suffered in life, there is something better to look forward to
what do muslims believe about heaven?
- heaven is described in the Qur’an as gardens of happiness, it is rewarded for faith and good deeds
- “a reward for what they used to do”
- this influences them to live righteously and free of sin
what do muslims believe about hell?
- the Qur’an describes hell as a place of fire and great torment, it is the punishment for those who reject God and do evil
- “they will dwell amid scorching wind and scalding water”
- “garments of fire will be tailored for those who disbelieve”
what is a prophet?
a person who proclaims the message of God
what is risalah?
the belief that prophets are an important channel of communication between God and humans
what is prophethood?
when God makes someone a prophet to communicate his message to people
explain the importance of prophet Adam for muslims
- god gave Adam understanding and Adam in turn passed on his knowledge to the rest of the human race through his descendants
- “he taught Adam all the names of things”
explain how the muslim belief of prophets influences them today
- muslims believe that the prophets and messengers are important role models to follow, as they were good people who lived according to God’s will
- they are important because they provide communication between God and humans, prophets convey instructions on how to live in the way God desires
explain the importance of Ibrahim for muslims
- the Qur’an presents Ibrahim as a role model because of his obedience to God, his kidness and compassion, and his refusal to worship idols
- muslims believe that he was promised to be the father of all nations after he fulfilled all tests and commands given to him by God
- muslims believe that Ibrahim rebuilt the Kaaba which is considered to be the house of God and the holiest place in Islam
explain why Muhammed is important to all muslims
- muslims believe that Muhammed received the final revelation of Islam from god
- “he is god’s messenger and the seal of the prophets”
- the Qur’an was also revealed to Muhammed, the Muslim’s most important holy book and main source of authority
explain two ways in which the belief in angels influences muslims today
- it influences them to prepare for death and live faithfully, as the angels Kiraman and Katibeen will present their good and bad deeds to God on the day of judgement
- It influences them to follow God’s message, muslims believe that angels act as messengers of God and some take human form to reveal messages e.g. Jibril and the revelation of the Qur’an
explain ways in which belief in predestination influences muslims today
- They will take comfort in the fact that all good and bad comes from Allah and it gives them hope knowing that the outcome of any action (good or bad) happens only by the will of God: “only what god has decreed will happen to us”
- Muslims believe they will be compensated for the hardships that they endure and as such this life is a test
- muslims may not be afraid of death as they believe that the outcome is already determined
- it makes muslims more god-conscious and they will try their best to live good lives
explain two muslims teaching about predestination
One teaching about predestination is that God has already determined everything that will happen in the universe. Sunni Muslims believe that God has already written down everything that will happen in a ‘book of decrees’, and people have limited freedom to change their future - “only what god has decreed will happen to us”
Another teaching about predestination is that although God knows everything that will happen, he does not decide what will happen. Therefore, humans still have freewill and are responsible for their own actions - “god does not change the condition of a people unless they change what is in themselves”
what are the five roots of ‘usul ad-Din in shi’a islam?
- tawhid, belief that there is only one god
- prophethood, respect for the prophets and particularly Muhammed, who received the final revelation of islam from god
- the justice of god (adalat), belief that god will judge everyone on the day of judgement in a fair and just way, and hold them to account for their actions
- the Imamate, respect for the twelve imams, who were chosen by god to lead islam after Muhammed died
- resurrection, belief that after death, muslims will be resurrected and judged by god
what is the importance and influence of the six articles?
- to unite sunni muslims
- to help sunni muslims understand their religion
- to support sunni muslims in how the should live their lives
- to inspire sunni muslims to follow god’s rules and teachings, with an awareness they will be judged and held to account
quotes about the nature of god
“He is God the One, God the eternal. No one is comparable to him” - tawhid
“God rewards good deeds, and knows everything” - omniscience
“God is with you wherever you are” “He is closer to you than your jugular vein”- immanence
“The Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy” - merciful
“All power belongs to God” - omnipotence
explain the importance of belief in tawhid
- tawhid is the most fundamental belief in islam, and all other principles relate to it
- it underpins all other key principles, it is part of the six articles of faith in sunni islam and the five roots of Usul ad-Din in shi’a islam
- it is the central belief contained in the shahadah, the first of the five pillars
how does knowing about the nature of god influence muslims?
- helps muslims understand god better
- muslims can follow the way god wants them to live their lives
- helps strengthen muslims relationship with god
give two of the holy books, other than the Qur’an
- the Torah
- the Psalms
- the Gospel
- the Scrolls of Abraham
explain two ways in which a belief in life after death influences muslims today
- those who fear punishment in hell are motivated to avoid doing evil, for example, they will not drink alcohol. similarly, those who are wronged have confidence in god’s judgement that will see evil punished
- some welcome death because they are expecting a favourable punishment and reward, that includes some who are prepared to die as a martyrs for their beliefs