christian practices Flashcards
what is worship?
acts of religious praise, honour or devotion
what is liturgical worship?
a church service that follows a set structure or ritual
what is non-liturgical worship?
a service that does not follow a set text or ritual
what is informal worship?
a type of non-liturgical worship that is spontaneous and charismatic
explain the importance of liturgical worship for christians
- christians believe they receive forgiveness from god through actions of the priest or vicar
- the service is understood worldwide and is familiar to everyone, strengthening belonging in the christian community
- the liturgy has been passed down over hundreds of years, giving a sense of tradition
- christians believe they receive the living presence of Jesus in holy communion
- bible readings follow the christian calendar and teach christian history and faith
explain the importance of non-liturgical and informal worship for christians
- people believe they are actually able to have a revelation and express their own belief in god, the service may have an emotional impact
- christians can express their own personal interpretation of the bible
- this style of worship is believed to be the worship of the first christians, follows that of some early christians who met to hear about Jesus in the joy of the spirit after Pentecost
- people can take active part in church by praying aloud or speaking without formal training
what is private worship?
allows individuals to spend time with God, either alone or with close friends and family
why do christians worship?
- allows christians to praise and thank god for his blessings
- to ask for forgiveness of sin or to seek god’s help for themselves or others who may be suffering
- worship helps deepen a christian’s relationship with God and gives them comfort and strength to live a more truly christian life
what is prayer?
communicating with God, either silently or through words of praise, thanksgiving or confession, or requests for God’s help or guidance
explain why the Lord’s Prayer is important to christians
- it reminds Christians that god is the father of the whole christian community, and it can create a sense of unity when everyone in the congregation says it together
- Christians see it as a model of good prayer, as it combines praise to god with asking for one’s needs
- it reminds christians to forgive others in order to be forgiven, since prayer is only effective if people’s relationships with others are right
- the Lord’s Prayer is often used in worship and is nearly always said at holy communion, baptisms, marriages and funerals
what are sacraments?
rites and rituals through which the believer receives a special gift of grace, ‘outward signs’ of ‘inward grace’
how do sacraments help christians?
many Christians believe that sacraments are special rituals which help strengthen their relationship with God by making him part of their life
what are the two types of baptism?
believer’s baptism and infant baptism
what is believer’s baptism?
Initiation into the church, by immersion in water, of people old enough to understand the ceremony/rite and willing to live a Christian life
what is infant baptism?
the ritual through which babies and young children become members of the church
give two reasons why the Lord’s Prayer is important to christians
- christians see it as a model of good prayer, as it combines praise to god with asking for one’s needs
- the Lord’s Prayer is often used in worship and is nearly always said at holy communion, baptisms, marriages and funerals
- it reminds christians to forgive others in order to be forgiven, since prayer is only effective if people’s relationship with others are right
- it reminds christians that god is the father of the whole christian community, and it can create a sense of unity when everyone in the congregation says it together
who practices believers’ baptism?
baptists and pentecostalists
who practices infant baptism?
- catholics
- orthodox Christians
- anglicans
- united reformed christians
why is prayer important to christians?
- gives strength in times of trouble
- helps christians to keep a close relationship with god
- helps christians to accept god’s will even if it means suffering
- gives a sense of peace
- enables christians to talk and listen to god
- encourages reflection in the middle of a busy life
why do christians pray?
- confession, to ask for god’s forgiveness
- thanksgiving, to thank god for all they have
- supplication, to ask god for help
- praise, to tell god how wonderful he is
- intercession, to ask god to help others who are suffering
what are set prayers?
prayers that have been written down and said more than once by more than one person e.g. the Lord’s Prayer
what are informal prayers?
prayers made up by an individual using his own her own words
explain the importance of infant baptism
- believed to remove original sin (catholic and orthodox belief)
- allows the child to be welcomed into the church as soon as possible
- the parents can thank god for their new baby and celebrate with family and friends
explain the importance of believer’s baptism
- adult baptism is seen as a gift of grace from god to wash away sins
- demonstrates a believer’s dedication to the faith and acceptance of Jesus
- people are old enough to consciously make a mature decision about their faith
- rite of initiation into the church, baptism confers membership of the christian community
what are some quotes for baptism?
“no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit”
“go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
“Jesus came to Galilee to the Jordan to be baptised by John”
what christian denomination rejects all sacraments?
what is holy communion?
also known as the Eucharist, the sacrament that uses bread and wine to celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and his resurrection
what is the catholic interpretation of the Eucharist?
- catholics, orthodox Christians and some anglicans believe in transubstantiation, the bread and wine become the body and blood of christ, this means Jesus is fully present in the bread and wine
- “I am the living bread” - Jesus
- this is a divine muster that helps believer’s share in the living sacrifice of Jesus’ death and resurrection
what is the protestant interpretation of the eucharist?
- protestant christians celebrate holy communion as a reminder of the last supper
- they do not believe the bread and wine become the body and blood of christ
- instead, the bread and wine remain symbols of Jesus’ sacrifice, which helps believers to reflect on its meaning today
why do christians celebrate holy communion?
- when christians celebrate they give thanks to god for his great love in sending Jesus to save people from sin and enable them to experience god’s love for eternity
- many Christians see holy communion both as an act of fellowship with other christians and as communion with god
what is the impact of holy communion for christians?
- Christians receive god’s grace by joining in the sacrifice of Jesus, this helps strengthen their faith and they become closer to god
- brings the community of believers together in unity by sharing the bread and wine, this can provide support and encouragement for those going through a difficult time
- calls christians to put the love they have experienced from god into practice by loving others, it encourages christians to work for equality and justice for all
- many churches collect money during the service to help support those in need, such as the poor or homeless
explain two contrasting ways in which holy communion is celebrated in christianity
what are the two key places of christian pilgrimage?
Lourdes and Iona
why do christians go on a pilgrimage?
- thank god for a blessing
- strengthen faith in god
- be forgiven for sin
- reflect on one’s life
- seek cure for illness
- experience a holy place
- meet others who share the same faith
- pray for something special
- grow closer to god
- help other pilgrims who are disabled or ill
how can a pilgrimage impact a Christian’s life?
- help them to feel cleansed from sin
- give them a better understanding of their faith
- renew their enthusiasm for living a Christian life
- help them to feel more connected to the christian community
what is the significance of Lourdes to christians?
- where Mary is said to have appeared in a number of visions to a young girl called Bernadette
- Mary told Bernadette to dig in the ground, and when she did a spring of water appeared
- the water is believed to have healing properties, and a number of healing miracles are claimed to have taken place there
what do christians do at Lourdes?
- pilgrims go to Lourdes to bathe in the waters of the spring, or to help other pilgrims who are ill or disabled to bathe in the waters
- pilgrims also pray for healing or forgiveness
- they may recite the rosary together
what is the significance of Iona to christians?
- where St Columba established a monastic community in the 6th century AD
- the community now has an ecumenical centre where pilgrims can stay
- where saints are believed to have lived and prayers have been answered
- some christians believe Iona is a place where the veil between the spiritual world and the physical world is thin
- many pilgrims feel that it is a place where nature reveals God’s infinite power and presence
explain two contrasting examples of christian pilgrimage
One example of christian pilgrimage is Lourdes. Pilgrims go there to seek healing, both spiritual and physical by bathing in the in the waters of the spring. They may also help the sick or disabled bathe in the waters.
Another example of christian pilgrimage is Iona. Pilgrims wish to spend there time in quiet prayer, reading the Bible or meditating. They also go to enjoy the natural beauty of the place so they feel closer to God.
why is Christmas celebrated?
commemorates the incarnation and the birth of Jesus, when God came to earth in human from
why is easter celebrated?
celebrates the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus
explain the importance of Christmas for christians
- Jesus is the central figure in christianity
- celebrating his birth is important: without Jesus there is no salvation and God has become incarnate in the world
- it marks the start of the christian religion
- a special time to focus on God and be thankful
- Christmas brings people together, reminder of what is important in life
explain the importance of easter for christians
- Jesus is the central figure in christianity
- on good Friday, Jesus dies as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity (atonement)
- without easter there is no salvation
- on Easter Sunday, Jesus rises from the dead, conquering death, sin and giving people eternal life
- easter gives hope of redemption and an afterlife
- easter allows you to focus on god and be thankful
- easter brings people together
give two ways in which christians celebrate the festival of easter
On Easter Sunday, churches are filled with flowers and special hams are sung to rejoice Jesus’ resurrection.
On Good Friday, there are special services and processions led by a person carrying a cross
what are some of the quotes about easter?
“If Christ has not been raised, our faith is useless”
what are some quotes about Christmas?
“the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means God with us”
give two meanings of the word church
The Church is the holy people of God, also called the body of Christ, among whom Christ is present and active. A church is a building in which Christians worship.
how do individual churches help the local community?
- educate people about christianity e.g. bible study groups
- are meeting places for payer and worship
- provide activities for younger people e.g. youth clubs
- are places where christians can socialise and obtain spiritual guidance
how does the church help the local community?
- supports local projects such as food banks
- provides social services such as schooling and medical care
- helps those in need
- campaigns for justice
give two examples of the church helping the local community
One example of the Church helping the local community is the Trussell Trust. This is a charity running over 400 food banks in the UK. Non-perishable food is donated by churches and other organisations, providing emergency food for people in crisis.
Another example is the Oasis Project which is a community hub that gives spiritual and practical help to those in need because of ill health, learning disabilities etc.
explain the importance of helping in the local community
- Jesus taught that christians should help others by showing agape love towards them
- for example, in the parable of the sheep and the goats, Jesus teaches christians they should give practical help to people in need
- “faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead”
explain two contrasting ways that christians can support food banks in the local community
some christians donate money to local charities who organise food banks so that food stocks can be maintained for those who need them
christians in their local areas can collect, sort and distribute food donated though churches, schools, businesses and individual donors. some may even work as volunteers in the food banks.
explain ways in which street pastors carry out their christian duty
- patrol streets in urban areas to support vulnerable people
- challenge gang and knife crime
- listen to people’s problems
- discourage anti-social behaviour
- help young people who have had too much to drink and may end up in the trouble
explain ways in which the parish nursing ministries carry out their christian duty
- support whole-person healthcare through the local church
- encourage people toe exercise and have a good diet
- give additional help to the NHS
- nurses help to provide early diagnosis of health problems
- train and coordinate volunteers to help combat loneliness or provide support during times of crisis
what is a mission?
a vocation or calling to spread the faith, the church has a mission to tell non-believers that Jesus Christ, the son of god, came into the world as its saviour
what is the great commission?
Jesus’ instruction to his followers that they should spread his teachings to all the nations of the world
“therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”
what influence does the great commission have on christians today?
- Christians have a responsibility, according to the great commission, to tell others of their faith
- all Christians have a duty to spread the gospel and tell others of their faith, but some become missionaries or evangelists
what is evangelism?
preaching the gospel to convert people to the christian faith
what is ecumenism?
promoting unity among the world’s christian churches
describe the works of the alpha course
- alpha is an example of evangelism in Britain
- started with the aim of helping church members understand the basics of the christian faith
- this course is now used as an introduction for those interested in learning about christianity
- organises describe it as ‘an opportunity to explore the meaning of life’
what is reconciliation?
making up and rebuilding relationships between two groups or sides after disagreement
describe ways in which christian churches respond to persecution
- praying for the persecuted
- helping the persecuted e.g. to escape from where they are being persecuted
- giving practical help through charities
- educating others about persecution
- raising awareness about persecution
- campaigning for an end of persecution
- putting pressure on authorities/government to help
explain how christian churches respond to persecution
- whether faced with verbal or physical abuse, Christians are still encouraged to show love: “do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good”
- the church campaigns on behalf of persecuted christians and supports them where possible: “if one part suffers, every part suffers with it”
explain two ways in which the worldwide church works for reconciliation
- the world council of churches works for reconciliation between different christian denominations and members of other faiths e.g. the pilgrimage of justice and peace initiative supports inter-religious dialogue and cooperation
- the Irish churches peace project brings catholics and Protestants together in northern Ireland, the project aims to develop peace and understanding between these two denominations